Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is It May 21st Yet?


Sense my frustration?  It's been a really long week.  And not a really great one.  I remember this time last year--I started hating my job.  And didn't think I would go back the following year. 

But then I forgot. 

And now, here I am again.  People [the shorter variety of them] go nuts this time of year.  The weather is warm, teachers let up on the homework, recess gets lengthened, the days get longer [sunshine, I mean], TCAP's are over, and the countdown is on.

Normally well-behaved kids start doing really weird, crazy, strange [rude, mean, and disrespectful is what I really mean] things. 


I seriously almost cried yesterday.  I wear my heart right on my sleeve, and when something bad happens, I take it personally. 

But then a really sweet friend of mine came up to me as she was finishing lunch with her daughter and said some really sweet words and gave me the most perfectly timed hug I have ever needed. 

It was so sweet that I almost cried.  Again. 

God's love is like that.  And sometimes when we really need to experience His love in a tangible way, He sends someone our way.  Just like yesterday.  I didn't really think that at the moment, it kinda hit me this morning.  But He's like that, ya know? 

Yesterday when we were having our devotion in the car, I talked about Matthew 6:26.  I'll write it out:

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?"

If He cares enough about the birds in the sky, how much more is His love for us???

I am praying for a better day.  My poor hubby and mom.  They both had to listen to me vent--but I'm glad they were there for me to let it all out on.  It helps getting to do just that.

Well, here's to a better day--it is Wednesday, after all, which means halfway to Friday!!  Love to all. 

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello Again!

Wow.  9 days?  Really?  I've been strangely silent.  It's sure not because I haven't had anything to say!  I think it's the busyness that is our life right now.  I love this time of year, but a couple weeks into it, I remember how crazy it is.  Lucky for me, my kids don't mind cereal for dinner.  Several times a week. 

We are almost done with school!  There are only 19 days left, and I [we, I should say] are ecstatic!!!  Jonah asked me last night, "Mom, are we done with school yet?"  I so wish I could have told him yes!  I'm always sad to leave their teachers behind...especially all the amazing ones we've had this year...but it's full steam ahead. 

Jonah and Noah are doing so great at coach pitch.  They both got in a couple hits last week, and by the look on their faces [especially Jonah's!], they were having a blast.  Graham and Drew are doing really good as well.  During practice, they've [not Graham and Drew, but the team as a whole] looked like the Bad News Bears, but during a scrimmage last week, they did really good.  Surprise!

I really do love this time of year.  Including the cereal for dinner!  Today I'm planning on actually cooking for my family--since I haven't in a while.  I mean, not in the 'real meal' kind of way.  Tonight, I'm going to do just that, though.  Especially since it looks like the game is going to be rained out tonight.  :(  Jonah's and Noah's game, I mean.  They better plan on scheduling some makeup games!

It was really nice to have an excuse to stay home and inside all day Saturday.  Except for the part when my cat, Sambo, woke me up crying.  Yes, I said 'crying'.  He is terrified of thunderstorms, and he was in the kitchen.  He hates to see the lightning--so I opened up the door to our tornado closet, and in he went!  And proceeded to stay there for the next hour and a half! 

It's really pitiful, I tell you.  And adorable. 

It was a really good weekend, though.  Friday night we stayed in because of the weather.  Graham had a friend come over and he stayed until lunchtime on Saturday.  The boys did get to play outside in between bouts of rain.  We went to my mom's for dinner, then came home and watched The Blind Side with the boys. 

Yesterday was church all day--Graham and Drew went home with a friend and Jonah and Noah had a friend over. 

Good times.  And now, here we are at Monday again!  That's okay, though, because I think after today there are 3 of these left.  Not that I'm really counting down.  Oh...but wait.  Yes, I am!! 

It's going to be another busy week--looks like tonight we'll be home, tomorrow night is open house at the middle school [YIKES!!!], Wednesday is church, Thursday night is practice and a scrimmage for Graham and Drew and then the weekend!! 

It's going to be a great week--I am claiming that now!  Last week was really good, as well. 

Well, I need to get off of here now--it's time to get everyone dressed and out the door.  I hope you all have a great day!  Love to all.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our Fun & Fabulous Friday Night

Todd and I had a very impromptu date night last night.  Impromptu is fine with both of us~so long as we have time alone. 

The church where the boys play baseball just down the street [Collierville First Baptist], once every three months or so, has this "Go Fish" night.  As in "go and be fishers of men...".  Anyway, it's a free event for kids in first through fifth grade.  From 6-9p.m.  And they all agreed that they wanted to go.

Jonah just barely went, though.  As of yesterday morning, he was not wanting to go, but I think his friend Ben talked him into it.  They have tons of friends at this church-because it's local, and most of their friends from school go there.  Fun was had by all.

Graham and Drew stayed together with the fifth graders, and for that age group, they take them upstairs to the youth room.  To do fun, big-kid things.

This event is really successful, there were literally hundreds of kids there.  There are parents that volunteer to supervise [which is a somewhat foreign thing to lots of people...I'll just stop there], but the youth group gets involved as well.  They are the actual ones that do activities with the kids.  And this too is a foreign idea...and again I'll stop right there. 

The kids' area is the old sanctuary at the church, so they have their own stage and everything.  It is way cool, according to my kids.  The huge sanctuary area has chairs set up in the front half, and in the back half it's like a restaurant with huge tables and chairs. 

So, all that to say...Todd and I went out last night.  I will admit, I am usually a cheap date.  I suggested fast food for dinner because we needed to eat fast, and we needed to go to Walmart. 

I know.  Exciting date night, isn't it? 

But you know what?  For us, it's never been where we go.  It's always been about the company we keep.  We are best friends, and we have always had so much fun together. 

Last night was no exception. 

We talked, we were serious, we were thankful, and we laughed our heads off. 

It was fun.  And that time will sustain us through to our next date night. 

Today it's just me and the little guys.  I am loving the time I get to have alone with them today.  They just got done "playing" a song for me and singing it to me.  :)  I love them. 

Todd is on the road to Tuscaloosa with Graham and Drew.  Drew might be awake by now, but at 7:30 he was passed out in the backseat.  They woke up at 6 and left at 6:45.  It's a three hour drive, so they should be getting close now. 

I packed them tons of food and snacks and drinks, and they'll be tailgating with Graham's teacher Mrs. Pittman and her hubby.  I think they're going to the Paul "Bear" Bryant museum, then the game, then after the game there's a team picnic they were told about.  Graham is hoping for some autographs. 

I'm thrilled they have this time together-it will be a day they never forget.  Their first Alabama game. 

My heart just got all happy. 

I love it when that happens. 

Well, I need to go finish getting dressed-we're going to the boardwalk in the Ville soon and we have baseball practice that I just remembered.  So, y'all enjoy your loved ones today.  I know I will!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Power of Prayer

Stormie O'Martian had it nailed when she wrote all those "The Power of a Praying _______" books.  There really is something HUGE in prayer. 

I've been extending that part of my life lately, and some of the things I'm seeing as a result are almost comical.  Like, "if I don't laugh at how CRAZY INSANE this is that God is doing this, I'd be on the floor bawling" kind of stuff.  And sometimes I do just that anyway.

It's just amazing.  Not only do I pray in the morning, and at bedtime and at meals {first of all, I need to back up and say that I usually forget to pray at bedtime, so I guess that statement is false}, but I've learned to just pray in the middle of whatever I'm doing. 

Having a bad day?  Prayer solves it.  It's hard to focus on the bad when you're communicating with the God of the universe.

Bored out of my mind {like in being a tcap proctor all week}?  Pray right through it.  God will give you attention, focus, and He will keep your mind centered on whatever task is at hand.

Worried?  Fearful {like of the volcano that just erupted in Iceland, ummmmm, hello????}  God takes our all anxiety away.  His Word says so.  1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."  Doesn't get much simpler than that, does it?  That's the NIV translation, by the way.

Having a moment when you're kind of {slightly, HUGELY} agitated at the kids?  Uttering a quick, heartfelt, "Lord, I need You.  I need You to guide me at this whole parenting thing.  I need You to lead me, and to tell me what to say and when to say it." will do wonders.  WONDERS, I tell you.  It is time tested {and kid approved} in my house, and let me just say that I utter that quite often.  Because you KNOW Daddy is never home when all the loveliness comes down. 

Having a complete, utterly helpless, "freak out moment"???  Read above verse.  1 Peter 5:7.  I'll write it out again, just in case you didn't catch it the first time.  "Cast ALL your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."

The end.  Period.  The train stops right there. 

God takes all our anxieties.  Every single one. 

But why is it that trusting God is so hard?  Because we don't see Him?  We're not sure that He's going to answer the way we want Him to? 

1 Peter 1:8 says this: "Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an expressible and glorious joy...."

2 Corinthians 4:18  "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."



Persistent prayer. 

Keep trying it.  God might not answer the way you want Him to answer, but He will hear your pleas.  He will answer...and He will show you that no matter which way He does answer, it will be far better than you could have ever dreamed or imagined.

One more and I'm done.

Isaiah 58:11  "The LORD will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun~scorched land and will strengthen your frame..."


Push through it.

P.U.S.H. through it.






Push through it.

P.U.S.H. through it. 

Love to all.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

TCAP's, Madea Fest & Other Odd Ramblings

Hello, bloggy world!  How I've missed you.  It's been a few days, hasn't it? 

This week is CrAzY busy.  If you're my friend on facebook, you already know that from my status this morning. 

I am a TCAP proctor all week.  :)  As much as I've been dreading it, today was wonderful.  Last year stunk, but this year will not be that way.  :)  I love my nice, lovely, wonderfully organized teacher I've been assigned to this year.  Her room is so organized that it makes my heart all happy. 

And yes, I told her just that.  

And I like the way she talks.  And the way she gets on her knees to talk to her students so they are looking her in the eye. 

It's the small things in life, peeps.

So yesterday on my status {on facebook, DUH}, I had a little Madea talk going on.  Something about Dear Friday, please hurry back, yada yada yada, and one of my friends commented, "halleluryah!".  And that got me to thinking about Madea, and how I feel a Madea night coming on. 

Let me rephrase that: I need a Madea night.  I am desperate for some girlfriend time {AHEM IF YOU'RE READING THIS~you know who you are ;)}, and I need to laugh during that time. 

And say "halleluryah" repeatedly! 


Tonight, it's just me and doodlebops.  Yes, I sometimes call them that.  Remember that show?  I do.  Anyway.

Todd is at his annual sheriff's department meeting, where he receives his yearly gold dollar.  I know, he is ROLLING in it, people. 

So, we had a deliciously simple dinner {chicken sandwiches because I made a ridiculous breakfast this morning} and we are now just hanging out counting down the seconds watching America's Funniest Videos. 

I know, I know.  This is crazy good, right?

What can I say?

I'm about to send numbers one and two to the shower {numbers three and four have already had theirs} and then it's off to the land of nod!


I'm telling you, it is the small things in life.  Some nights I live for bedtime, and tonight just so happens to be one of those nights.

Oh.  OH OH OH OH.  I almost forgot.

Today you will NEVER guess what came in the mail.  Guess.  Wanna try?







Give up? 

Graham's middle school registration packet. 


It's creeping up on me, and before you know it, I'm going to be writing some really emotional blog entry about my oldest son, and how the time has flown. 

We have 6th grade open house coming up in a couple weeks at 6:30 on April 27th, and the reason I write that date is because I'm hoping one of the awesome, amazing, wonderful sets of grands will offer to come hand out with the rest of our brood while we go with Graham. 

Pretty please???!!!

Okay, well, I'm off of here.  I'm going to watch Glee.  Never have before, but it sounds kinda interesting. 

Love to all. 

Friday, April 9, 2010

taken straight from the pages of my Bible...

Jesus, the True Vine

John 15:1~17

1  "I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener

2  He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn't produce fruit, and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.

3  You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you.

Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.

5  "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.  Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from me, you can do nothing

6  Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers.  Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned.

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!

When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples.  This brings great glory to my Father.

9  "I have loved you even as the Father has loved me.  Remain in my love

10  When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father's commandments and remain in his love.

11  I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy.  Yes, your joy will overflow!

12  This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.

13  There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.

14  You are my friends if you do what I command. 

15  I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn't confide in his slaves.  Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.

16  You didn't choose me.  I chose you.  I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for using my name. 

17  This is my command: Love each other.

Ah, the glories of Spring.  I was looking out our window one morning, and I noticed that our crepe myrtles need to be cut back.  Pruned.  The old branches from last year are still on the trees.  As long as those old, dead branches remain on those trees, no new life will grow. 

It's trying~but to no avail.

I love how God's word says that He's pruned us through His message~verse 3.  Those of us who know Him and have Him in our hearts are continually being pruned.

We have new life in Him. 

He did that for us when we asked Him into our hearts. 

We shouldn't want to keep doing the same old stuff.  Those branches are dead {like on my crepe myrtles} and are useless. 

But when we cut back those branches...even in just a matter of days, new life springs forth. 

Don't you love that mental picture? 

We begin to want to change.  Slowly and surely, God begins this refining process.  Are we ever done?  I hope not, because boy, did I get aggravated with my kids on Monday morning.  And Tuesday and last night.

But that's the thing about my God~He is constantly there to catch me when I fall or when I begin to slip. 

Reach out to Him...He's there with His pruning scissors in hand. 

And in the end, what a glorious sight. 

Love to all today.  May He richly bless you in all you do.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

spring has sprung

You know it's officially Spring in the South when a cold day sneaks up on you.  It is a cool 59 degrees as I write this.  AND, I might add, I am writing this from the comfort of my new chair. 

The furniture in our living room is finally complete. 

Sounds good, huh?  Too bad I'm not sure if I like the new chair. 

I'm praying it'll grow on me. 

And I'm sure I'll feel better when I get some things hung. 

Anyway...yes, I get distracted easily.

I am also writing this in utter silence.  Well, except for the tapping of these laptop keys and the birds singing outside my window, but's blessed silence.  Ahhhhhh.

I feel a little deceptive, though.  I had Bible study tonight, but I'm skipping.  Mainly because my sinus junk is making my stomach hurt really bad, but also because the above mentioned chair wasn't delivered until 6:00, then me and the man we bought it from stood and talked for a few minutes. 

Have I mentioned I've never met a stranger?

I also had the opportunity to take those few minutes to brag on my husband and his craftsmanship in our living room.  Yup.  I did.  Shamelessly. 

I'm still so proud of him over this whole redo, that I am beside myself. 

He is such a perfectionist, and though there are still a few touch ups to finish, it's just amazing to me. 

Anyway.  Wow.  I bragged on him lots today.  First to our delivery man, then to y'all. 

**Happy sigh.**

So where is my family, you wonder?  Tonight is Jonah's and Noah's first baseball practice of the season.  And I am so excited.  And Jonah is.  And his poor, sweet teacher tomorrow...God love her little heart...I'm thinking of texting her to apologize beforehand.  I'm sure he will be talking her ear off tomorrow about tonight.  He loves her.  And he loves to tell her lots and lots of things.

There is no telling what he goes to school talking about sometimes.  Y'all.  That boy never shuts his mouth. 


Get my point?

Not that I care, because I think he is ridiculously cute and adorable.  And oh, his sweet dimples.  I am pretty sure he gets most things in life just because of those sweet little things. 


**Another happy sigh.**

Remind me of this post in three years, okay? 

When he reaches 10 years of age and is not so cute anymore.

Not that Drew is there, because he is SO not.  Yet. 

Maybe it was just Graham that was like that.

Maybe not. 


Okay, well, before I bore you any longer with the conversations rattling around in my brain...I will say good night.  And I will be sitting her in my new, no~so~comfy~chair, watching a little television {who can resist Ty Pennington and Extreme Home Makeover?!?!}, maybe doing some reading {The Potluck Club}, enjoying the peace and quiet. 


a simple reminder

John 10:1~10

1  "I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.

2  The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep.

3  The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice.  He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

4  When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.

5  But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice."

6  Jesus used this figure of speech, but they did not understand what he was telling them.

7  Therefore, Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep.

8  All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.

9  I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.  He will come in and go out, and find pasture.

10  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

This passage is from this week's Bible study homework.  It also happens to be one of my favorite passages.  Here's a couple reasons why:

Verse 3 tells us that He calls us by name, and He leads us. 

Verse 4 tells us that we follow Him because we know His voice. 

Do we?  Do I?  Intimately?  I'm by day, He is teaching me to listen for His voice.  Not audibly, maybe, but in a quiet thought, or through His word.  I love the part that says He calls us by name.  That, my dear friends, is intimacy.  And He takes great delight not in just the "big things" in life, but in the small details of our daily lives. 

I love how we are to enter through Him...not in our 'beliefs' or by some other 'book', but by Him and Him alone.  We are not to take anything from or add anything to God's word...the living Bible is His book of instruction for us.  It stands alone.

I love God's promise to us~the fact that He sent His Son to give us LIFE.  Not only life, but life to the full.  Life in abundance.

Isn't my God something?

He's not just mine.

He can be yours.  He wants you, and He's drawing you through this today.

Love to all of you today~if I can pray for you, will you email me?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just Some Thoughts

I woke up with a nasty sinus thing.  Just thought I'd share.  I don't get sick often, and when I do, I can hardly stand it.  That explains why my head hurt all day Friday and Saturday.  Ohhhhhh.  Duh.

I'm going to Iceland with my husband in June.

I'm relieved that birthdays are over for a whole year.

I hate the Disney show I'm In The Band.

Mornings seem to come earlier and earlier everyday.  Even when I go to bed at 10:00. 

I am so in love with coffee. 

I'm going to Iceland with my husband in June.

I get to see my sweet Daddy today, after two and a half weeks of NOT seeing him. 

He came by yesterday on his way in, but we weren't here.  :( 

I really love my Daddy, can you tell?

Only 33 more days of school until SUMMER.

I'm going to Iceland with my husband in June.

Our lovely standardized testing is Tuesday~Friday next week. 

I'll be thrilled when it's over because then it seems like the rest of the time just flies by.

I am praying our Field Day at school doesn't get rained out like it did last year. 

As I sit here writing this, my neighbor is having her yard professionally done by a yard company.  And I'm wishing that it was me having my yard professionally done.  We have enough leaves to start two or three new tall oak trees laying in our backyard.

I'm going to Iceland with my husband in June.

Did you catch my subliminal message in this?

I'm going to Iceland with my husband in June.

Not just us~we're going with a team of people from our church.  There will be 2 teams~a construction team and a ministry team.  We'll be gone for 7 days start to finish. 

We're going to Iceland!  I've been wanting to go on a mission trip forever and I'm excited about this opportunity.  The fact that Todd and I are going together is just the icing on the cake.  We're leaving the first week of June. 

So that's my big news. 

Love to all!  And Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 5, 2010

HaPpY mOnDaY

What a great weekend!  Even though it was so good, I am ready to tackle these last few weeks of school.  I feel like if we can make it through these next 2, especially, that we'll be home free!  Next week is the lovely time of standardized testing.  For 4 glorious {or not so much} days of tension and dread.  But, hey, it's also a no homework week!  Woohoo!

I'm confident that we'll muddle our way through.

Yesterday was such a great day at church.  A friend of mine wrote that the worship was "indescribable" on facebook, and it was.  The minute the music started, it was like an explosion of praise.  Ahhhhmazing.  Praise God I didn't have to stay in my seat!  Never was I so happy to be in choir, clapping, worshiping, moving, at one point I almost started jumping. 

It was powerful.

Before the Easter festivities began, I enjoyed Friday off.  Todd and the boys went downtown to the river and had a picnic lunch.  They also went to the airport to watch planes take off and while they were there, they toured the 2 different airport fire stations. 

Jonah is still talking about it.

What did I do during this time, you wonder?  Since my husband told me I wasn't invited?  :)  I had a girl's day out with my mom and sisters.  We all ate lunch at the Mellow Mushroom, then we shopped.  I had my first experience in Charming Charlie.  That place was huge~I was thinking it was going to be some small shop, but when we walked in, I saw how huge it was.  Like Jun Lee on steroids.  And overwhelming.  Really overwhelming.  I almost bought a little flower clip to put in my hair~I kinda wished I had gotten it.  I might go back one day and get it.  It was turquoise and adorable. 

Friday night Drew had a couple friends over for his sleepover.  Saturday dawned bright and early for me since I had to be at church for choir practice at 8:45.  The Easter egg hunt was after that~not much fun in the sun with a blinding sinus headache~then it was finally time to come home. 

We dyed Easter eggs and celebrated Drew's birthday some more.  Yummy birthday cake, good family time, all evening outside~what more could I ask for?

You know about our Sunday, and now here we are.  Ready and willing to get this week started. 

I'm kinda excited about this week, actually.  Last week was rough, so I'm ready for the newness of this one! 

I hope you all have a blessed day!  Love to all. 

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Stay Tuned

For a big announcement.  To be continued...

I hope you're all having a fantabulous Easter Sunday.  I hope you spent time worshiping our Risen Savior, and I hope you had the chance to be around some family on this amazing day.

I hope you all got to eat some of your favorite foods and I hope your tummies are full.

Be blessed, my friends, be blessed. 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Birthday, Drew!

I thought I would share some fun things about my sweet Drew. 


He  loves to make us laugh~that is his goal and he strives to meet it daily.

He loves animals~especially Andy.

He has a really tender heart~I once heard him crying and when I came in to the living room to see why, I saw that animal cruelty commercial that has the song, "In the Arms of Angels". 

He is super smart~his brain for math is just like Todd's and it amazes me.

He hates to read fiction, but loves to read non~fiction.  His current favorite books are about Alcatraz, Al Capone and World War II. 

He hasn't gotten in trouble for talking at school when he wasn't supposed to since the first grade when he had the same teacher that Jonah now has.

He is super tough and doesn't cry often~when he does cry, you know he is seriously in pain. 

He once got burned by a sparkler~he stepped on it outside and had a second degree burn.

He once got electrocuted by sticking a Hershey's kiss wrapper into his Mimi's cigarette lighter in her car. 

He is hilarious without even trying.

He loves to sing and has a great voice, but you will NEVER catch him with a microphone in his hand.  Much unlike his older brother, who doesn't have a shy bone in his body. 

He loves to draw and do origami.  He once researched how to do origami, and he now has a box full of creations.  He did the same with the drawing~he has notebooks and journals full of drawings.

He can rock a baseball field. 

And a dance floor~although, again, you won't ever see it.  He knows how to shake what his mama gave him, ya know what I'm sayin'?  Our favorite thing to do is dance to movie credits.  Madagascar was the best.

He loves girls.  LOVES LOVES LOVES THEM.  He's never not liked them~in fact, none of them have, but Drew's the one who's girl crazy.  His current fave is Katie from American Idol, although he also loves Miranda Cosgrove.  He said she was "spicy".  Instead of "hot".  His best friend ever was a girl from first grade named Mary Kaitlyn.  He always wanted her to come spend the night.

He is a movie buff.  He loves them all, but he has never loved a movie more than The Incredibles. 

He's read all the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, at least twice each.

He's a joy to be around~I hope you all get to see these sides of him. 

Drew, if you're reading this, I love you and happy, happy, happy birthday!!!

fall things I want to do

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some things I want to do before this magical season is over; before we know it, it...