Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday Favorites {edition nine}

Happy Friday, friends!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post. 

For every post I've written this week, I wrote it the day before, and I don't know why I don't do this more often.  I feel like I've never thought of it before until recently.  Almost every afternoon from about four-five, I have time that I waste.  I usually will just sit and have the news on in the background and I'll scroll on my phone, but this week, I've been using that time to write on this blog.  Also, I keep saying this, but yes, I am eighty-three and sit each afternoon with the news turned on.  Who am I?!

Also, and I have to mention this now before I forget, but as I write this, I'm listening to one of my very favorite podcasts.  (Which isn't saying much, because I don't listen to that many.)  But it's The Big Boo Cast with Melanie Shankle, who is one of my favorite authors AND whom I have had the privilege of meeting, and Sophie Hudson, who is another favorite author of mine, and whom I have also met.

I am also a professional stalker, apparently.  An eighty-three year old professional social media stalker who likes the news and who sits with the heater turned on with a crocheted blanket in my lap.  Not even kidding.

I've been on launch teams for both of them, and Melanie is the one who invited me to Dallas for a meet and greet and I drug my best friend there with me.  Though, she did not take much convincing.

Anyway, here is a link for this hilarious podcast.  That link takes you to Melanie's blog and you can click on play.  She had TWO books launch this week, one called The Bright Side (this link takes you to Amazon), and one called Piper and Mabel, that is "written" by her dogs.  I will DEFINITELY be buying that one and sending it to my niece so she can read it to her children. 

Moving on now, with my weekly installment of my favorites.

Mom and I went to one of my favorite stores last Saturday, The Container Store. 

I bought four tiny things.

After we went there, we went to Trader Joe's and then to Newk's, where we ate our favorite soup that they have every Saturday: chicken and sausage gumbo. 

I said goodbye to my husband and oldest son, and they've been in New Mexico all week.  Neither of them ever post anything on social media, though, but I saw this that Todd's friend and co-worker Chris posted.

This is an area about an hour away from where they've been staying all week, called the Very Large Array.  I don't really know anything about the place, but Google it.  It's so cool!

This one above is the one Todd took with his awesome phone, though, and it is stunning.  I always love seeing where they are when they're not with me.

On Tuesday, I spent the afternoon with these cuties.

I wish I'd gotten a picture with their mommy, but I didn't.  This is Everly and Asher, my friend Abbey's kids.  Aren't they adorable?!

I wrote a post about random things like this topknot that I sleep in, and pet peeves and such, and there was one image I shared that is a favorite of some of those who read it.

And I shared how there have never been truer words written than these above.

This is my newest favorite thing in my house.  It came today, and I love how it turned out.  I had a beautiful wreath on my front door that my mom made, but it was getting crushed by the storm door, so I moved it to the dining room and needed something flat for the front door.  And my sweet husband ordered this for me two weeks ago!  I love a thoughtful gift.

I spent some time in this room last night going over music for our women's conference this weekend, and the sweet ladies who came here and met me to rehearse are some of my very favorite people on earth. 

I'm really excited about our women's conference this year, it's going to be different and so so good.  I cannot wait!  I'm always a little nervous about this, but that's just normal.

Other things and favorite moments for the week:

The Good Doctor!  I love that show.  I am all caught up now.  Also, This Is Us.  I sobbed at last week's episode.  I know there other things, but I can't think of them.  And Jonah just got home, so I'll wrap this up.  Y'all have a great day and weekend, and thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

a little Thursday version of a lot of random

Catchy title, right?  Don't let it fool you, I am currently out of blogging ideas and my brain is slightly fried because I'm trying to remember a whole of things right now.

Anyone else?  

Also, and this sort of goes along with what this says, I am the queen of talking myself out of doing things.  I am really bad about it, actually, and sometimes I have to give myself a pep talk to not cancel my plans.  This makes me sound like a terrible person, but a lot of people don't realize how much of an introvert I am.  I can fake being the opposite, though, and God has given me the ability of being able to carry on a conversation with a brick wall, and I am really good at getting people to open up.  

Someone asked me recently about my hair and how I style it and what products I use, and so I took this the other night to show you, and I thought I'd share the life-changing secret I learned from another blogger.  

First, every single night, I sleep with my hair up in a pony tail when it's long enough.  I cannot stand for hair to be in my face in the middle of the night, so that helps, and a scrunchy doesn't leave weird bumps and lumps.  And other elastics make my hair hurt.  Todd swears that's not a thing, but it is.  My hair hurts all the time.

Here's the life-changing secret that's good if you have longer hair: I only wash my hair at night.  I towel dry it, put the product in it, and twist it all up on top of my head like this.

I lean over, gather it on the crown of my head, and pull it through the scrunchy, and one more half time, to make a version of a top knot.  Google it, it's a thing.  When I wake up the next morning, I immediately take it down and rub the hair at the roots pretty vigorously, and by the time I need to leave, it's mostly dry.  Sometimes I give it a quick blast with the hairdryer, but usually I don't have to do that.  This would work well if you like your hair messy, or with beach waves, or if you need volume.  This morning my hair had way too much volume and I had to blow it dry on hot for a couple of minutes to flatten it a little.  I had some serious eighties wings going on.  As for products, I use drug store things.  I use mousse for curly hair by Tresemme, and my shampoo and conditioner are also that brand right now.  I switch it up occasionally, but I buy cheap.

This is an old picture of a little area outside of my town's library, and I have to tell you that I'm so excited that now they automatically renew your library book when you go past the date.  (And Todd said, "Amen.")  This is revolutionary.  And welcome to the future.

Speaking of the future and online things, one of my biggest pet peeves is an outdated website.  It makes whatever the place is look old and the opposite of tech savvy.  Other pet peeves include, but are not limited to, grammatical errors, misspelled words, and bad writing.  Every website needs a proof reader, and guess what?  I am a good one.  I am FOREVER finding errors in printed things and on websites.  I am also very particular about pictures and the quality of them.  

Confession: sometimes I'll be about to take a picture of something to post to Instagram, and when I'm trying to move it around to get the best angle or light, I make myself stop.  Overthinking it makes it fake, and usually it's when I'm trying too hard.  I always want to make sure that I come across as genuine on social media, and just about every picture I have on Instagram is not staged at all.  That being said, I pay attention to things like colors, lighting, and a good contrast.  And if I have to rely on a filter, it's not a great picture.  

Ever since I was a very young girl, I have loved to take pictures.  I think God gives to us gifts and talents, and He gave me an eye for certain things, and it's things like that that make people a good photographer or videographer.  I am NOT AT ALL proclaiming to be a photographer, but I do love to capture moments and pretty things.  Instagram and social media has made everyone a self-claimed photographer.  I'm not, but I enjoy taking and looking at pictures.

My dad used to give me his nice camera on vacations, and let me be responsible for all the pictures.  He was good at it too, though, and in his hallway at his house, the walls are lined mostly with pictures he took, including one of took of me sleeping when I was young.  It woke me up, though, and I remember him making me pretend I was still asleep.  

I have a new coffee maker I love!  It was a Christmas gift, and it has given me back a little of my counter space.

It's a combination coffee pot/Keurig.  It is very minimal, and there is not a button to make it brew that you can push the night before.  I just come down every morning, make my cup in the Keurig side, then I turn it on to brew the rest of their coffee.  I prefer mine from the Keurig, so this works perfectly for us.  

Welp.  That's about all I've got.  I am writing this on Wednesday night, and Missy is about to come get me, so I need to end it here.  I hope your Thursday is great!  Thanks for reading, friends, and love to all.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday, friends!  I'm linking up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama and her friend Sheaffer from Sheaffer Told Me To for this blog post.  (I'm so proud of myself for writing this on  Tuesday-I never remember to participate in these!)

I'm just going to jump right in.

What we're eating this week: Todd and Graham are out of town this week, and I don't know why that makes it easier for dinner ideas, but it does.  It's not like they're complicated, or maybe it's just that when I shopped for the week, I had a plan.  That being said, on Monday night, two of them had French dip sandwiches.  (I was gone and Jonah ate later on after his basketball game.)  Tonight we're having crock-pot chicken and rice with taco fixings.  Tomorrow night I'm not cooking, and Thursday night we're eating breakfast casserole with pancakes for dessert.

What I'm reminiscing about:

This was three years ago, and our very last Friday at the zoo.  When all my sons were younger, we did this every Friday almost.  (For anyone who doesn't know, we are a homeschooling family.)  This was the day Drew leaned over to me and said, "Mom, this isn't nearly as exciting as it used to be."  I had to take a moment to regain my composure before I could answer him, but I said back, "It is, but you're growing up."  And then I cried silently in the flamingo and hippo exhibit.

What I'm loving:

The Bible I won at a fun kick off event last Tuesday night.  This is my second She Reads Truth Bible.  My other one was looking pretty rough and the cover was about to start coming apart.  (It was the hard back version.)  This one is leather touch and a shimmery rose gold color.  I love it and started using it the very next morning!  I was shocked I won this, it's a very nice give away prize, and I know that because I bought this for someone as a gift one time.

What we've been up to:

Well, my husband and oldest son are out of town all week, and this is for something with the sheriff's department.  Drew is working from 7:15-9:15 in the morning from Monday-Thursday and every afternoon from 3:15-6:15 Monday-Friday.  He has evening classes every Monday and Wednesday, and on Friday he has one class from 8-11 in the morning.  He also coaches basketball and has a tiny bit of a social life.  He's the busiest person I know.  Jonah and Noah are both up to school work, and they both work part time.  Jonah babysits the elementary aged boy across the street and Noah works at Papa John's.  I am working on some writing projects and helping out with the women's conference taking place at our church this weekend.

What I'm dreading:

March 6, but I'll tell you why later.

What I'm working on:

Writing!  I have actual guidelines and real things to follow.  That's about all I can share for now.

What I'm excited about:

This weekend!  I always love our women's conference each year, they get better and better, and I pray that God fills the room with women who are hungry for Him and His word.

What I'm watching/reading:

I keep having to catch up on shows, but my favorites are The Good Doctor, This Is Us, New Amsterdam, and The Pioneer Woman.  (I'm caught up on The Pioneer Woman and will be caught up by tonight on The Good Doctor.)  I'm reading a Debbie Macomber book right now, called Window on the Bay.  I'm only on chapter two, but I love her books and writing style, and this one will be a quick read.  I am also looking forward to reading The Bright Side by Melanie Shankle.  It's out today and I pre-ordered it a few weeks ago, but I don't know when it will ship.  I'm probably going to cancel the Amazon order and just go buy it at Barnes and Noble.

What I'm listening to:

New choir music.  We have the song list for our next night of worship and Resurrection Sunday, and that'll be on repeat until I learn it all.  I love to sing in the choir, but I do not read music.  I can follow along and I know when a note goes up or down, but that's about all I can do.  I sing like I play the piano~by ear.  I basically just memorize the songs.

What I'm wearing:

Currently, pajamas, but I always have on repeat jeans and a cute shirt.  I'm boring and bland, pretty much and stick to neutral colors and solid patterns.

I do always like to wear big or flashy statement earrings, and though these aren't big, they make a statement.  I love them and got them for Christmas.  They're the multi-color Kate Spade earrings.  And this was me being all boring in my outfit Monday night, but the earrings spiced it up a little.

What I'm doing this weekend:

I'll be at church all weekend, pretty much.  The women's conference is Friday night and Saturday until one, and I'll be reunited with my hubby and son, and then we'll be back at church on Sunday.

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Birthday season is upon us almost!  On the tenth of March Jonah and Noah will turn 17, Graham will turn 21 on March eleventh, and on April 3, Drew will be 20.  Also, March is when I'll get my hair highlighted again.  I try to stretch this out to three times a year, and do this every March, July, and November.

What else is new:

I think I've covered everything.  When the warmer weather comes, we will work on finishing our house, and add back the porch railing and deck, and hopefully, the flower beds out front.  We're currently on a break with spending money on our house.

Thanks for reading!  These are always fun to me...I don't know if they are for you, but if so, thanks for sticking it out to the end.  Love to all!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Simply Tuesday

I've been looking forward to this day since Friday night.  My dear friend and I made plans for me to go to her house today and to have lunch together.  Such are her days, for now, because she has two little ones.  I remember those days like they were yesterday!  I know how hard they are, and honestly, I think that's why I don't remember much about them.

That got me to thinking about my niece, as well, who has the twin daughters and who is pregnant with her second set of twins--and I ended up calling her yesterday and we talked for a solid hour.  It felt good to do that, to laugh and to encourage her a bit as she thinks about the days to come when she'll have four under the age of four. 

Doesn't that make you think of how sweet it is to encourage one another?  Whether me with my friend, or with my niece, we should all do this for each other, as often as we can.  It's good to do this, and it's biblical! 

And let us watch out for one another to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.  (Hebrews 10:24-25)

I think it's so important to uplift one another and to meet and have fellowship.  A phone is great and all, and social media has it's place in all of it, but neither of those things can replace the importance of a phone call or a get-together.  And I think that as our seasons in life change, how we use our time should change, as well.

I am an introvert down to the very inner part of me, and sometimes I have to force myself to get out and extrovert with people.  This is not easy, it's not natural, but such is how it needs to be from time to time.  Because my husband is gone all week, and when he's gone I'm sorely tempted to never set foot outside of my house, I made myself have plans for most of this week.  Today is one day--I made plans with my friend.

Even if it is for just part of a day, it's very important for me to invest in these friendships that God has given me.  It also feels good to be able to be this for someone, because all my friends have done the same thing for me.  I always appreciated a quick visit, a text, or a phone call from those I love most.  Quality time is my top love language, so it all makes sense that I'm like this. 

So that's my day.  I have dinner planned and will put it into the Crock Pot before I leave home to run a quick errand or two around ten thirty this morning, then I'll come home and make my lunch to take to my friend's house and spend the afternoon with her.  What are your plans for this day?  I'd love to hear!  Thanks for reading, friends.  Love to all. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

weekending/Hello Monday

Happy Monday, friends!  I'm linking up with Tanya at The Other Side of the Road, and her blog friends, for this post.

(Also, and this is very random, but so many blogging "friends" I have made in the twelve years I've written on this blog, are all from the same area, and this is why, when two or three years ago while I was in Dallas for an author meet and greet, my best friend and I made the drive to a cute neighboring town called McKinney.  I'd heard so much about it over the years that I wanted to see it for myself.)

Moving on now.

We got our weekend kicked off with a Costco date night.  That makes me laugh.  It was not at all a date and just a trip to Costco.  I get so tickled when people call nights like that date nights.  When you're married and have no kids in the house, every night is date night.  We were out of some necessities, and we took the opportunity to eat dinner there when we finished shopping.  After that, we came home, got comfy and watched tv together.  I love watching Live PD with Toddley, and we also love the show See No Evil, a crime investigation show.

On Saturday morning, everyone slept late, and I enjoyed a quiet morning while they snoozed.  I have this strange routine with tv in the mornings.  During the week, I watch my local news until seven, and then I watch a few minutes of The Today Show, when I can stomach it...sometimes, all the political junk gets to me and I have to mute it or turn it off.  But on Saturdays, I wake up early, make my coffee, and watch either a Hallmark movie or several episodes of a cooking show like The Pioneer Woman (my favorite) or Giada.  These are both on Hulu under The Food Network channel.

I did that, and then I went out with my mom for a bit.  I needed to run to a couple of places, and then we went to this amazing place...

...The Container Store.  I love this place!  I will say a few things about it, though.  For one thing, I know I can get better deals anywhere else.  Some of the things they have are very reasonably priced, though, like the four things I bought, and I spent about $5.  (I bought two little glass bottles and two metal tins for my purse.)  But their actual storage things like these baskets and other organization things are pretty pricey.  Even knowing all that, it sure is fun to go in there and look and dream.

After this we went to Trader Joe's, which was right next door, and I bought a few things there, as well.  (Things I needed and would have bought at Kroger.)  We went to Newk's for lunch, which has become a new Saturday thing because on that day every week, they have the best gumbo I have ever eaten.  It's chicken and sausage, and we always pair it with a Caesar salad.  Then we went to Rack Room for me, and Pier 1.  I also had to drop off a book at the library.  It was a fun morning out, and when I came home, I helped my hubby get all his clothes ready for a trip he left for on Sunday morning.  He gave himself a fresh buzz with the clippers, I trimmed it up for him, and then I laid on the bed and watched him pack.  We had Costco chicken wings that night for dinner, and they were delicious, as usual.

After dinner, I finally finished this book.

It was  really good, and loosely based upon the WASP's during WWII.  I've never read anything by this author, but I really liked her writing style and will be looking for some more books by her.

On Sunday, I didn't go to church that morning because of taking Todd and Graham to the airport.  I dropped them off, then went and got gas from Costco on my way home, and at the last minute, I decided to stop and grocery shop for the week.  I was fully dressed, so why not?  I'm glad I did this, because it's raining here today and I am staying home.  I was home in time to watch the service on live stream, and man!  It was so good!

Hearing this young man's testimony was something else, and I was boohooing over his transformation that they spoke of.

I ate lunch, took a quick nap, then was at church by three for choir practice.  I left early, though, because I didn't feel great.  I think I had sinus pressure in my head, and all the singing was making me dizzy.  We ordered some pizza for dinner, and I watched several more episodes of The Good Doctor.  I love that show!  Drew, Jonah, and Noah were in and out all night, and then were back home by ten thirty.  I went to bed shortly after that.

It was a great weekend, though, and I'm thankful my people made it safely to New Mexico, where they'll be until Thursday and Friday night.

Today I will be right here at home all day long, and I am excited about it.  I have several projects I'll be working on today, but maybe I'll share about those another day.  In the meantime, my coffee just ran out, and I need a new cup.  I hope your day is great!  Thanks for reading, and love to all.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday Favorites {Edition Eight}

Happy Friday, friends.  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals and her friends for this blog post. 

Speaking of favorites, I don't just link up with her on Fridays--her blog is one of my favorite blogs that I read everyday.  I love it because she posts great ideas for meal inspiration, and she always shares about things she loves to buy from Trader Joe's or Amazon.  I'm a sucker for all of those.  If you haven't already, check her out, and even more so if you have kids that are young.

On the topic of my favorite blogs, if you're on your phone and scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post, you should see a 'view web version', and if you click on that, you'll see the list of blogs I read everyday on the right side of the screen.  Those are all great reads, and they're there for a reason.

Moving right along now, I'll start with the post.

One reason I love Fridays so much is because it's the day my dad comes over.  This was me, all ready for him last week.  I pulled out a glass for his water and cups for the both of us to drink our afternoon coffee from.  I always take him home on Fridays, and I sneaked a couple of pictures of my favorite parts of my childhood home.

I have always loved that blue tile floor that's his entry way.  I spent many a day roller skating over that thing!  I'm shocked it's held up so well in the fifty years he's lived at this address.

I also love the fireplace--this and that pretty tile on the floor always remind me a little of pictures I've seen of homes with a Spanish flair.  Their house is always so neat and orderly, and that makes my heart so happy.  It's also simple and clean and just overall appealing to my senses.

This wreath is my newest and favorite thing hanging on my walls.  I love to re-purpose things in my house, and I can't quite get things right at the moment, with things I have on my walls.  I loved this wreath at the front door, but I had to move it because the flowers were getting squished.  I ended up putting it in the dining room and I love it there, and moved what was there to above the couch in the living room, and I think I like that better in there, as well.  But now the rest of it seems off.  I don't know what's wrong.  I need to work on it some this week while my husband and oldest son are out of town.  I have some plans of things I'd love to get done while they're gone.

My awesomely talented mom made this wreath for me.  Isn't it beautiful?

I told Todd we needed this.  Never have truer words been spoken.  Written?

I'm hoping Toddley and I can make a Costco run together tonight.  I love doing that with him.  These are my favorite cookies right now, and you can only buy them at Costco.  They're soft with crunchy peanuts on top.  We need more of these, and several other necessities.

This little guy is obsessed with his latest toy.  Chip loves anything with a squeaker inside, and this cow is his current favorite.  I thought it was so cute that he brought it up to the couch with him one day while he took a nap.

And to prove my other dogs do exist, I took these of them.

Living their best life on the furniture.

Tuesday night I went to a women's event at a church in Memphis with a couple of my favorite people, and this is where we first stopped to eat dinner.  It was Missy's first time there. 

While at the event, I won a Bible!  Not only a Bible, but my favorite Bible, the She Reads Truth Bible, and I've already started using it.

It's hard to tell, but it's rose gold and shimmery.  It feels like leather, but it's not.  I love it, though, and it came at a good time because my other one similar to this with a hard cover was falling apart and looking pretty dingy (the cover).  I retired it that night and pulled this one out.

I was shocked that I won, and I definitely didn't expect the prize to be a Bible. 

This was one of my favorite days this week, the day I started working on a writing project.  The day flew by, and I spent six hours studying and writing. 

Well, laundry and other things are calling my name, so I'm going to wrap this up.  Thanks for reading!  Have a great weekend.  Love to all. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

simply Tuesday

This week is off to a great start!  Yesterday was so productive for me, and there is nothing quite like a productive day, in my humble opinion.  I'm hoping today will be more of the same.

I need to start this off by telling you that there is NO tired like D-Now tired.  Noah was asleep at nine fifteen Sunday night, Jonah was working on it at ten, and he slept until noon yesterday.  I found out that he survived the weekend on a combined total of four hours of sleep.  Noah was up at ten and at work by eleven, and as I'm writing, Drew is upstairs passed out (I'm writing this on Monday night).  I'm pretty sure he's been that way since four.  (He was leaving home at six ten this morning.)  Todd and Graham weren't home from tearing down the stage and lighting until close to midnight, but that was partly because they got something to eat after they were done.

Meanwhile, I was living my best life enjoying all the sleep this weekend.

If you aren't on social media, here is what I shared yesterday morning as I sat down at my table to start working on something.

I was starting something new, and I felt the need to document it for my #chatbooks later this year.  This was me with a blank screen, some writing guidelines, my Bible, and my palms open facing God, surrendering to Him and His will for what I'm doing next.  I know I'm being cryptic, but I can't share all the details at this time, but it does involve me writing and it's very scary/hard/intimidating/exciting.  Yes, all those adjectives are things I feel right now.  Today will be a little less hard, because I already sat down and started yesterday.  Each day it may get a tiny bit easier, but I prayed, started digging in and I started writing.  (And soon, I promise, I will share more.)

I am so thankful for several things, though.  One, that I serve a living God who hears when I call on Him and who helps me and guides me, giving me wisdom and knowledge.  Two, are my praying friends.  I called on two of them today, and I know they were praying.  (And if you would like to pray for me, I would appreciate that so much!)  Thirdly, I am so grateful for days at home with nothing on my agenda and dinner in the Crock-Pot.  It left me available and free all day to work.

Well, I'll move on, now.

I still love my bedroom.  I went up to wash my face, brush my teeth, fold clothes, and make my bed this morning, then I put on warmer pajamas and came back downstairs.  That is the best kind of day ever.  I bought the new lights right after Christmas, and hung them a couple of weeks ago.  My old ones went out a couple of months ago.

I didn't mention this in my weekending post, but on Saturday, Todd took down our tv and moved an electrical outlet, and then hung it again on new mount.  The mount extends and tilts, so the tv looks bigger and the speaker box now sits behind the screen instead of in front.  While he was in the midst of all that over the last week, the lights on my mantle also went out, and I replaced them with some new ones that I bought at Lowe's.

And look at Crash, sitting so pretty and modeling them for me.  I also rearranged the fireplace hearth a little. 

Other things I'll be doing today are the loads of laundry I neglected all day yesterday, reading, and doing Bible study homework.  And probably grocery shopping, at some point.  I'm going to an event tonight at a church in Memphis to kick off an event that is happening here over the summer, and I'm going with friends.  I'm excited about it, even though I don't know what it will be like, just because I'll get to catch up with my friends.

What's on your schedule for today?  I'd love to hear!  Thanks for reading.  Love to all!

Monday, February 17, 2020

weekending alone/Hello Monday

School is out for everyone in the area today, so I'm taking the day to reset everything in the house before the rest of the week hits.  I have mountains of laundry to do from the weekend and everyone being gone, and I feel like things need to be put back where they belong.  I have dinner already in the crock pot and I love that I don't have to think of it all day.

Here's a little bit of my weekend, starting with Friday.

It was so cold outside!  We went to McAlister's for lunch for the soup I knew Dad would want, and then we came back here and talked before we had our coffee for the afternoon.  Every Friday flies by.  The four-ish hours we spend together seems more like one.

I took him home and went to Missy's office to help her with something, and Jonah and Noah checked themselves in for the weekend D-Now event they had at our church.  I love having sons who drive, and I love their independence.  They were able to check themselves in because I'd already completed all the necessary paperwork for the weekend.

I came home, changed into comfy clothes, and watched The Good Doctor.

On Saturday, I went to exchange some jeans, and bought a cute t-shirt I found on clearance.  And then I went to Lowe's to buy some new decorative lights for my mantle, because my old ones went out last week, and it was looking dark and sad without them.  I love my new ones, but I'll have to get a picture another time. 

I came back home for a bit, then I went out to Mom's for dinner.  Graham was around later on in the evening, and he had been around a little on Friday night as well, but everyone else was gone.

Sunday morning found me at church by about eight fifteen that morning for praise team rehearsal and sound check.  I was glad to see my boys for just a moment, before they darted off to lunch with friends.  I came home and took a long nap because my head felt like it was going to explode, and then I just stayed put the rest of the night.  I missed choir because of my head, and the fact I haven't seen my family, and that I won't be at church next week.

Jonah and Noah weren't home long and they went to a friend's house, so I really didn't see anyone all that much.  I ate some leftovers for dinner again, and then I watched more of The Good Doctor.  I'm almost caught up to where we are right now.

This picture above are the junior guys at our church...I don't even know half of them, because they're always around the same small group of guys.

It was a good weekend.  It went by fast for me, but according to my youngest two, it was long.  Drew led a group of guys, and he was gone as well, and Todd was part of the tech team.  I haven't hardly seen him in a week.  He's been working at the church every night almost, so I am looking forward to being with him more this week, before he and Graham leave to go out of town next Sunday.

Thanks for reading!  I'm linking up with Tanya over at The Other Side of the Road, and her friends for this post.  Love to all.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday Favorites {Edition Seven}

Well, that week was a blur.  I didn't mean to be absent on here again, but my life is busy right now, and I've been writing a lot, but on other places and for other reasons.  I never mean to neglect this blog, though.  It's my favorite place to come and write, mostly because of all the memories it holds for me.

Happy Friday, friends.  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post.

Since I missed the whole week, I'll start back where I left off last Friday.

One of my favorite things is when my husband asks me what my plans are for the night, and if the answer is nothing, when he says, "Let's go eat dinner and go to Costco."  Sometimes we will eat at Costco, but last Friday I was so much hungrier than what Costco had to offer, and I wanted something good and not so much junk-food like.  So, we ended up at our local Chinese buffet at five-thirty.  I almost always start with egg drop soup and wantons, because theirs is the best.  And I always get sushi and a few other things I love, like chicken and broccoli, an egg roll, lo mein, and sweet and sour chicken.  I just wrote that and my stomach growled.  I'm hungry!  (I just had to stop writing to go and make breakfast for myself--who am I?  I never eat breakfast.  I made wheat toast and scrambled eggs.)

On Saturday, my mom and I got out for a bit.  I needed to go to Home Goods (my favorite store) for some hand soap for my side of our bathroom, and while I was there, I picked up a couple of other things that I found to use as storage solutions in spaces that were bothering me.

In this picture above, I bought the container you see on the right side of the bathroom sink.  This is the boys' bathroom, and what they had there was old and messy looking, and this was $7.

The pictures below show the box I bought to sit on my kitchen counter by the sink, to hide the vitamins and supplements we take, and the big bottle of Cosequin that Crash takes everyday.  It was also $7, or maybe $8, but either way, I love it and it hides all those bottles.

We had lunch while we were out, at Newk's for the second Saturday in a row, and then we were done for the day.

Sunday found us at church, and me back for choir practice later in the day, and then I came home.  Todd and Graham worked with the sheriff's department that night, so I watched several episodes of The Good Doctor, because I'm way behind.

On Monday, I met my best friend at the eye doctor to help her pick out some new frames.

I love doing that sort of thing, and we chose some that are very different for her and that are so cute!  I cannot wait to see them on her.

And then I grocery shopped, and came home to unload and inhale lunch, then was back out the door in ten minutes to go somewhere with these pretty ladies from church.

They did a radio interview for Bott Radio about our upcoming women's conference.  Speaking of, if you're local, we would love for you to come!  It's $25 for Friday night and Saturday until about one.  You can register at  The dates are February 28-29.

It was a fun afternoon.

I stayed home Tuesday to catch up on a few things, like laundry, Bible study homework and reading in my chronological Bible.

I will always be thankful for a day to stay home and do these types of things.  It's when I clean and straighten up the house, and do any other things that need to be done.

On Wednesday I ran around with my mom some, and this was a day we had planned the previous week.  It was raining and gross the whole time, but we're not bothered by any of that.  We did several things together that day, but this was one of them.

This was one of them--we got our nails done.  (Insert heart eyes emoji.)  I took this picture for my sister Debi.

I was at church Wednesday night for Bible study, which was so good this week, and then I came right home afterward.  I've not seen my husband much all week, because he's been working at our church to help set up for D-NOW that is this weekend.

Yesterday found me back at church at nine in the morning for an all-day thing I had planned, and then last night, that's all I could dream of.  (I'm smiling as I write that, because I'm pretty sure my brain was mush last night.)  We ate pizza for dinner, and Todd didn't have to work at the church, so we sat and watched Top Dog on Hulu, and I was walking upstairs by 8:50 to go to bed.  No joke.  The last time I looked at the clock was 9:33.

It was a great day, though, and we got so much done.  I can't wait to share a little more about it, but for now I have to keep it quiet.

We had gutters put back on our house this week!  We had some, and then we had the guys who did the siding take them off and throw them away, so we replaced them and they look great.  My mom made the prettiest wreath for my front door, and I love it.  I cooked several times this week, and both times, nobody was here to eat it.  (Hardly.)  I'm rolling my eyes.  I will be alone all weekend.  Graham may be around a little, but I don't think he will much.  Everyone else will be at D-NOW and either attending, leading, or helping with tech.  So that's weird.  I used to be the one who lead a group, but this is my second year to not be doing that anymore.  I used to love this weekend, and as fun as it was, it was also exhausting.  Our church sent out a prayer guide for all of us to pray for as the weekend goes on.  I know it'll be a great weekend, and I can't wait to hear all about it Sunday night, which is the next time I'll see my sons.

Have I mentioned how strange a phase of life I'm in now?

True story.

Well, thanks for reading!  I need to go and do a few things before Dad comes over today.  Love to all, and have a great weekend.

fall things I want to do

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some things I want to do before this magical season is over; before we know it, it...