Monday, August 31, 2015


In talking about some of my favorite recipes with some friends a few weeks ago, a couple of them asked me to share some of my favorites with them.  I forgot about that conversation until tonight.

So, this post is for them.  Or you, if you need a little dinner inspiration.

I made oven fried chicken tonight (baked in the oven with a panko bread crust on the outside, with some spices added in for more flavor), and these were my sides.

Green beans are my favorite veggie.  These are out of a can, with a little butter and salt added.  The thing that makes these so delicious is the fact that I cook them on medium high heat for almost an hour.  They're super tender and flavorful by the time they're done.  If you have a chicken boullion cube, they're really good with one of those thrown in.

My other favorite veggie that everyone loves are these oven roasted potatoes.

I dice potatoes and in a large bowl, I toss them with olive oil and any spice I happen to be in the mood for.  Tonight's spices were salt and Cavender's Greek spice mix.  After they're evenly coated, I bake them at four hundred degrees for at least one hour.  Sometimes, it takes an hour and fifteen minutes or so.  I think it depends on the pan I use.  You want them all sizzly and shrunken up like this, because that makes them crispy.

Another couple of things I love to make for my family are Italian roast beef and beer cheddar joes.  For the roast, I use my crock pot.  I put the roast in and cover it in beer.  I add a packet or two of Italian dressing spice mix and two jars of pepperoncini peppers with the juice.  I let it cook all day long, then serve it with bread and the above potatoes.  It would be amazing on a hoagie roll, too.

For beer cheddar joes, you brown a couple of pounds of ground beef.  When it's brown, stir in a couple tablespoons of flour and stir for two minutes to get the flour taste out.  Add a bottle of beer and a couple of huge handfuls of shredded cheese, and a few shakes of salt.  We eat it as an open faced sandwich, with no other sides.  It's that good.  I got the recipe from Mix and Match Mama.  Google her and then be further amazed and inspired.

(And if you ever come over and find beer in my fridge and are concerned, don't be.  I use the beer to cook.  Jonah's little friend was worried that we were closet drinkers.)

Happy cooking to you!  Love to all.

the weekend

This weekend flew by.  On Friday night, my mom, stepdad, sister and I went to dinner and then to see War Room.  If you haven't seen it yet, go see it while it's in the theater!  It was really, really good.  By the end of it, I was doing the ugly cry, but it doesn't take much to make me blubber.  I managed to snap a picture of Mom and Bill, while at dinner. 

While Todd worked on his truck Saturday, I went out with my mom.  We had lunch and did a bit of shopping and running around, and we had fun, like always.  When we were heading back home, my mom noticed this little church, and asked me to take a picture.  I have driven by this building no less than a few hundred times, and I have never noticed it before.

It turns out that it's the original Germantown Baptist Church, and the Methodist Hospital is in the process of renovating the historical building.  I love old churches.  My mom has plans for this picture, but I'll share about that later.  

For dinner we went to their house for the first time in a few weeks.  We had catfish.  Yum.  

Yesterday was church as usual, lunch afterward with friends and community groups and C.A.M.O. last night.  It was a great weekend, and so far, we've gotten our week off to a good start.  

Love to all.  

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  It's my favorite weekday.  I'm linking up with Momfessionals for this blog post.

This week has been great, and it has gone by really fast.  I've had some favorite moments sprinkled throughout the week that I thought I would share.

First is that for Drew's grade and ninth grade, we are now having community group at my house every Sunday night.  Because of that, last Sunday, my boys cleaned off the back deck.  Thanks be to God for the gloriously cooler weather this week, and because of that and the clean deck, we have enjoyed some moments outside.

On Monday night, we enjoyed dinner outside, thanks to Jonah.  (It was all his idea.)  I have enjoyed quiet time out there a few mornings this week, and on one of those days, Jonah and Noah did their math work out there.  The cooler weather is short lived, because it's supposed to get hotter again starting today.

Insert my sad face here.  I am so ready for fall!

I picked a fall color out of my giant box of nail polish and gave myself a manicure and pedicure this week.

This color is Skating on Thin Ice-Land.  My sister Trish bought me this back at the beginning of the year because I loved the color and because I've been to Iceland.  :)  Definitely one of my most favorite colors.

Today is my mom's birthday!  She sent me this picture in a text on Tuesday night.  Her friend had flowers sent to her while she was at work that day, and I thought this was the best picture.

I always tell her she's my favorite.  :)  Tonight, I am going to dinner and a movie with her and my sister.  I'm excited about both!

I hope you've had a great week.  Love to all.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What's Up Wednesday

Well, the theme around my house this week has been routine.  Last week I botched our attempt at getting back into a routine, so this week I started over.  (I accept defeat pretty well when I recognize it.)  I've been waking up earlier, and I've been waking the kids a little earlier as well.  My quiet time has been lacking lately, so I've been more intentional with it this week.

When I woke up today and let Crash out in the backyard while I got his food ready, I noticed how wonderful it felt outside.  So I poured my first cup of coffee, grabbed my Bible, journal and pen and headed to my back porch.  (The boys cleaned it on Sunday.)

I love being outdoors when the weather is cool.  In a short six days, September one will be here, and with that month comes from my favorite season of all.  I could hear the birds chirping around me this morning, and I could hear a squirrel rustling in the tree above me.  I spent some time in prayer and I read John 14 through 16.

One of my favorite verses is in the portion I read this morning, one that I need to reminded of sometimes.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  John 14:27

I just happened to turn to this part of the Bible this morning.  I don't have a formal reading plan right now when it comes to reading my Bible, but I always feel like God leads me where He wants me.  And the past few days, He has had me read about trust, or not being afraid.  I think that is something I have needed to hear.

I struggle with anxiety from time to time, and sometimes out of nowhere it seems, it will rear its ugly little head.  I try to pray through those times when it hits, but sometimes I feel like I just need to hear from God.  So when I need to hear Him, I read His word.

I am thankful that He cares for me to know where I need to read.  Sometimes He will recall a Scripture to my mind, and then I'll re-read the chapter or verse in context.  Other times, I will just turn somewhere in my Bible, and read right where I open.

He is so good to me, and He is faithful.   I often ask Him to guide my steps, to give me wisdom, and He always does.

The back porch has also been a theme at home this week.  On Monday when Todd got home from work, we took our dinner outside.  Jonah often wants to eat outside, or he will get the porch all ready for us and convince us to go along with his idea.  That is what happened on Monday night.

We had a yummy dinner (beer cheddar joes) and enjoyed the fellowship around our patio table.  The flies were a bit much for me, but I dealt with them and stayed put.  Sometimes a little of being uncomfortable goes a long way when it makes your kids happy.

And that's about what we've been up to so far this week.  I hope your week is going well!  Today is a great day~it's church day!  I love going to church, and I am already looking forward to tonight, when youth starts back after a couple of weeks off and then choir practice for me.  Love to all!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

when God fights for you

This morning I was reading in Exodus, chapter fourteen.  I was reminded of a passage in Scripture as I was praying this morning, and what was written on the tissue like pages of my Bible jumped out at me.  I wondered if it might jump out at someone else, so I decided to share it on this blog.

Before I begin, for context purposes, let me explain what was going on at this time.

At the time when this passage was written, Pharoah had finally let the Israelites go.  They had been slaves in Egypt for a sweet forever, and after all the plagues that God used to get the attention of Pharoah, the final plague worked-the plague of the death of all the firstborn males.  (That's a whole other blog post.)  Pharoah let them go, and as they were leaving Egypt, God hardened Pharoah's heart again and changed his mind.  God knew that Pharoah and his army would pursue the Israelites, so He directed them out of Egypt toward the Red Sea.

As the army was closing in on their heels, I can imagine Moses crying out to God.  Moses tells the people not to be afraid, to stand firm and they would see the deliverance the LORD would bring them that day.  And in verse fourteen, these words are written: "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."  In verse fifteen, God asks Moses why he's crying out to Him.  He tells Moses to tell the Israelites to move on, and He gave Moses instructions to stretch out his hand over the sea to divide the water so they could cross.

All of that happened.  God sent a strong wind to divide the water in the sea, and the Israelites crossed over on dry ground (verse sixteen).  God was with the Israelites when all of this happened.  He was with them as a pillar of cloud by day, and by night He was a pillar of fire.  When Moses and the Israelites crossed the sea, in verse nineteen, we are told that the angel of God who had been traveling in front of Israel's army and the pillar of cloud which had also been in front of the army, withdrew and went behind them in the sea.  This divided the two armies, and while they were crossing throughout the night, to one side the pillar of cloud brought darkness (for the Egyptian army) and to the other side it brought light (for Israel's army).

And He brought deliverance to His people.

How many of us try to handle all of life's problems on our own?  I am not suggesting that all of our problems have the same magnitude as what the Israelites faced that day, but we all have our stuff.  Whether it's fretting or worrying, whether it's a sickness we are facing or if one of our loved one's is suffering, whatever it is, God is in control.

He is fighting for us, and He hems us in.  In Psalm 139, those words are written: "He hems me in."  When we surrender to Him and place our trust in Him, we can rest assured that He is fighting our battles, and He is always with us.  I know that not everything will turn out the way we think it will, but we can trust that He will work out His will for our lives.  I don't know what His will looks like, but I know that it's far better than anything I could ever imagine.  He will do what is best for us, and He will get the glory for doing just that.

I pray this encourages someone today.  Love to all.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

when the parenting is hard

I love my kids so much, and I love being their mom.  But sometimes, parenting is hard.  When you see them hurting, it might as well be you hurting.  In fact, I would much rather it be me than any one of them.  This weekend has been one such time.  

I won't go into the how and why of it all, but wouldn't you know that God would use this situation to show ME something?
I love how He does that.  

It's hard to focus on doing what is right in God's eyes when your mama bear instincts jump out all over the place, but that is something God showed me tonight, and I had a talk with my boys about what we are supposed to do when someone wrongs us.  Instead of being easily offended, or overly sensitive, I encouraged them to just take it all to God.  He wants us to give Him all of our burdens and to cast our cares upon Him anyway, and since He knows our hearts, why not just lay it all out for Him?  

The cool thing is, is that when we do that, He immediately lightens our load.  I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me tonight as I talked with my boys, and then later as we prayed.  

The take away from this blog post is this: God knows.  Even though He knows, I believe that His desire is that we just confess it all to Him.  In our good times, we should pray.  In our bad times, we should pray.  And when people offend us or hurt our feelings, we should pray for them.  

I love it when God shows me things.  In being a parent during the hard times and in the good times, He provides for us exactly what we need and just when we need it.  

Love to all.  

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I have to admit that I am happy this day is here.  I will not pretend that my week has been anywhere near perfect.  Because, honestly, it's been rough.  Part of my struggle has been me and a grumpy attitude (keepin' it real) and part of it has been differing personalities between my kids and me.  I have struggled with having a good quiet time with God each morning, and I have struggled in praying.  I spent the first day of the week feeling totally overwhelmed by all that I had going on, and I couldn't seem to make good use of my time.


It got a little better each day, thanks to God and friends and to good fellowship with like-minded people yesterday.

We started school this week.  Even though I struggled throughout the week, they did not.  I felt like they made a really good transition back into the swing of things.  We did have a few talks about electronics, though, and how I didn't want them to be on them all the livelong day.  One of the ways they fill that time is by playing games.  On Monday we played Phase 10 together, and throughout the week they have played more card games and Monopoly.  I love hearing them play games together, it's one of my favorite sounds.

On Tuesday, a favorite moment was seeing Graham as he was about to leave for a meeting.

He was selected to be on the Shelby County Youth Mayor Council.  He found out that he could apply to be on this council, and when he applied, he was turned down because all the slots filled up really fast.  Then, a few weeks ago, he got an email asking him if he was still interesting in joining the council.  There were some openings, and he was one they contacted.  To be on this, you have to make a year long commitment and you have to have a GPA of 3.0 or above.  They do things once or twice a month, and the meetings and such take place downtown.  On Tuesday, they had a meeting with the Mayor.  Last month, they had a "get to know you" event take place at a rock climbing place downtown.

He looks so handsome!  He is really growing up.  Sometimes when I look at him, I still see him as a toddler, or as an eight year old.  Time flies.

On Wednesday, I went to the funeral of my friend's dad.  He had been suffering through Alzheimer's and we had been praying for him for quite some time.  I went and picked up this sweet girl (one of my favorites), because it was her best friend's granddad.

The funeral was a beautiful memorial to my friend's dad.  And there were so many people there!  I think all the seats were taken, and that says something about him.

After the funeral, I took Emma home to change and we picked up her brother, and they hung out with us all afternoon.  And then Drew drove us to church.

While wearing my sunglasses.  This kid.  His antics that keep are always a favorite of mine.

He surely keeps us laughing.

On Thursday night, after a long day, and after we got home from my in-love's house, I settled into my chair and started working on this study we are doing with our senior girls in community group.

And because it was good, I kept on working on it while the boys watched tv.  In this book, she is telling how all the stories in the bible are one seamless thread.

Well, now that it's Saturday, I am going to be done with this post.  Yesterday got away from me, and I totally forgot about finishing this post.  Love to all.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

the weekend and a few other things

There is a theme to this post.  See if you can catch on.

This was a great weekend, and though Thursday is technically not the weekend yet, it starts then.  We had family in town (Todd's side) from Chicago the whole weekend.  We haven't seen them in a few years, so I was glad they were here.  Todd's cousin Denise has three kids, but two of them came with her.  The boys and Katie are really close, thanks to social media, and by the time Sunday rolled around, they were every bit as close to Joe.

We had dinner at Todd's parents' house that night and then we did this.

This was a game called Shanghai.  It's similar to Phase 10, but way more difficult and more fun.  We laughed so hard during this game.  I love times like that.

On Friday, Jonah and I met them at the zoo.  The other boys spent Thursday night with Mimi and Papa and their cousins.  Friday was beautiful!

I think my favorite part of the day was watching everyone feed the giraffes.  I got really close to them and enjoyed watching the kids reaction to them.  And my mom in love.  She loves giraffes the most and had me take pictures of her being really close to them.

I went to dinner with a couple of friends Friday night to talk about our Sunday school class and then I met my family back at my in love's house.  Jonah and Noah spent the night at a friend's house and Graham and Drew stayed where they were again.

On Saturday, I went to breakfast with one of my community group girls, and when I got home, Graham and Drew were back.  We stayed close by the rest of the day and that afternoon, Denise, Katie and Joe came to our house.  Joe made hot wings as part of our dinner and then we played cards.

That picture of me is horrible, but we were cracking up.  It makes me laugh every time I look at it.

Sunday we were at church and that afternoon I had choir practice.

I enjoyed sitting next to some sweet girls that I love.  Even when it included me laughing during one part.  Yesterday was our first official day of school.  It was an okay day.  It was great for the boys, so so for me.  I don't know what was up with me, but I am thankful that today is a new day and for God's mercies that are new every morning.  I was at church again last night for a womens' event, and was blown away by our youth as they shared what all they did over the summer, as service to God.  It was a great night.

Well, I need to get started on this day.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Favorites

Good Friday morning!  I am so happy it's the weekend.  :)  Hopefully my house will be full of kids again soon.  I am linking up with Momfessionals for this post.

My first favorite from the week came from my Timehop app on my phone.  (I love this app!  It's a "this day in history" on my phone, and it includes texts and posts from social media and pictures that I took.)  I love this bible verse and quote it all the time to my kids.

It's so true!  There's another verse that says "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks".  I love that one as well, and remind my boys of this all the time.

Another favorite of mine from the week, as strange as it may sound, was attending the funeral of my uncle.  It was a beautiful and touching service, and I was glad my boys were able to see what a military funeral was like.

This is a beautiful cemetery.  It gets me every single time we drive past, and I get a little emotional.

On a lighter note, on Tuesday morning, I woke up to this notification on my phone.  I had a moment of being a fan girl, so it was a definite favorite moment of the week.

How cool is that?  My kids were all pretty impressed.  Then they probably went to check their phones to see if he'd asked to follow them.

He had not.

Wednesday was spent hanging around home and cleaning and organizing, then we had church that night.  A favorite thing we do there at this time every year is a fall vision dinner.  We eat dinner and all the departments give schedules of their plans  for the school year.  I don't have a picture.  After this dinner, I went to choir practice, which is another favorite.  I have SO missed being in a choir!

Yesterday, our homeschool group started back, and I made my kids pose.  That was NOT their favorite, but look how handsome!

And where we meet is one of my favorite places, because it's beautiful.

After our homeschool group, we came home to change and grab Crash, and headed to my in-love's house for dinner.  Todd's cousin Denise and two of her kids are here for a few days, so we had fun visiting with them and catching up.  One of my favorites from the night was when we played cards.  We played Shanghai and though I won the first round, I lost by the most in the second.

Some of my favorite moments have been around the table as we played games.  I told Todd last night that we needed to start doing this more often.  We always laugh and laugh when we're together, and last night was no exception.  While we played this, the kids played Uno.  My mom-in-love was in rare form last night and had us all cracking up.  She acted like a blonde a couple of times, and we couldn't stop laughing.

Those are my favorite moments.

It's been a great week.  I hope yours has too!  Thanks for reading and love to all.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Honoring A Life

Today we celebrated the life of my Uncle John.  He was also in the Army during the Korean War, and because of that, his funeral was held at the West Tennessee Veterans Cemetery.

It's a beautiful place, and it was a beautiful ceremony.

Every time I go to a funeral, I come away so thankful that I know that my life won't just stop the moment I breathe my last.  In contrast, it will just be beginning, as I enter into eternity with my sweet Jesus.

Today as we honored my uncle, I couldn't help but think of how much the life of an American soldier reminds me of Jesus.  Life in the physical is always a picture of life in the spiritual realm.

Just like a soldier is sent to do a job, Jesus was sent to earth.

Just like a soldier is willing to sacrifice his life for our freedom, God sent Jesus as a sacrifice for us to have eternal life.

Just as a soldier is often considered to be selfless, Jesus was the same way when He walked on earth.

Today as we celebrated my uncle's life, I was proud to be an American.  But even more than that, I am humbled and beyond thankful to be a daughter of the Most High King.

In honoring my uncle's life, it has reminded me to live a life that is honoring to God.  Not only in what I say, but also in my thoughts, my actions and in my relationships.  I pray that I always point others to Him.

Love to all.

Monday, August 10, 2015

the weekend

This weekend was so much fun!  I feel like we did things that we usually don't, hence the fun times had.  To start us off, Todd was gone until later Saturday night, and that is NOT one of the fun parts.  But he was in Little Rock, in the wedding party of a friend from the sheriff's department.  It was a fun couple of days/nights for him, and I was glad he was able to go and get away for a little bit of fun.  Usually it's just work that takes him away.  We were going to go with him originally, but then we got the opportunity to volunteer with Compassion International at an amazing concert called Outcry.  There were tons of great artists~Passion City Band, Lauren Daigle, some rappers that I don't know, Kari Jobe, and Hillsong.

It was a little different than I thought it would be, but I was grateful that we were able to work with this amazing organization and hand out packets for children in poverty to be sponsored.  I handed out a lot of my packets and at least three children that I know of were sponsored that night.  I took my boys and three extra's.

I would have gotten more pictures, but I will be honest here and say that a couple of things hindered that.  One, it was hotter than Hades, and I thought I might die.  Two, we literally stood on our feet and walked from 6:00 until 11:00.  I was B.E.A.T.  We were disappointed that because of lightning and thunder, we had to evacuate the amphitheater right before Hillsong was to come on.  I thought about staying for two seconds, but then my feet were killing me by this point, and I thought to myself, "Nope."

So instead, we went and got some food, because it's not normal to eat dinner at four thirty in the afternoon, and hello, walking?  We were so hungry!

I died when I hit my bed.  I might have read two sentences in my book and I was falling asleep.  The next morning Jonah and Noah went to my dad's house to cut his grass, and I went to my mom's for a haircut.  Afterward, we went to lunch and invited Graham and Drew.  Jonah and Noah were still gone.

Then, I came home and took a nap with my dog.  He might be a teensy bit crazy, but he takes really good naps with me.

Hashtag sleepy Saturday.  We did this for a good two solid hours.  I slept for a few minutes, then I woke up and watched a movie on the Hallmark channel that had me doing the ugly cry by the time it ended.  Seriously.  It was so good!  It was called The Lost Valentine.

That afternoon, while Todd was still gone, the boys went to my mom's and stepdad's for dinner.  This was me waving goodbye.

And then I got in my car and met some of my favorite people at our church, for a night out.  It was my last night of community group for this school year with these girls, and we had so much fun!  I love them all so much.

This was us at Jerry's.  They have the best food there, if you are ever in the mood for more than just a sno cone.  I had one of the best hamburgers I have ever eaten.

We got back to the church around eight, and my husband was there working on my vehicle.  I was glad to see him, and when he was finished with my car, I was thankful for his handy man capabilities and that my brake lights were working again.

Sunday morning was church, and I was excited to be in a new class this year.  I'm with the junior girls on Sunday mornings, and with the senior girls on Sunday nights at community group.  I sang in the choir standing next to my friend Abbey (!!!) and our pastor preached an amazing sermon on a passage of Scripture in Hebrews.

I got a text from one of the girls in an ongoing text we have going with the senior girls and about died laughing during the service.  I am the queen of inappropriate laughter, and yesterday was no exception.

I mean, seriously, I had to bite the insides of my cheeks to keep from laughing out loud.  She is so funny and is constantly saying random things like this.  Just one of the million reasons why I love being involved with an amazing group of teenagers.

Last night was a fun time at community group, listening to a young man share about his summer abroad as a missionary.  I took this picture while they prayed.

Such sweet times!  He was praying over their school year and he challenged them all to live intentionally this year and to make the most out of the opportunities given to them.

This brings me to today!  Graham and Drew had a couple of friends stay the night last night, and when they went home, we cleaned.  My morning looked a bit different than I thought it would, but I posted on Instagram that I was thankful for unexpected moments.  I am also choosing joy in all of my moments.

I was waiting on my sister in this picture, and I was so glad to spend even just a few moments with her today, thanks to a long line waiting to get her oil changed.  It's been a couple of weeks since we've seen each other.

After lunch and laundry and cleaning, I settled down at the kitchen table with my bible study homework.

In the midst of crazy and busy and chaos sometimes, Jesus alone brings me the peace that I need.  I am honored to be able to study His word.

How was your weekend?

Love to all.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Favorites

This week has flown by!  It was our last week of the summer break, and for school kids around these parts, it's back to school on Monday.  We'll be starting on Wednesday, and we will be easing back in to the swing of things.  I am so excited about our school year!  I love homeschooling the boys.  I love the curriculum we choose.  I love our routine, our schedule, and just the way our days go.  I am so thankful to God for calling me to this!  All of that is definitely on this day's 'favorite' list.

Speaking of that, I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this post.

I saw this on Facebook last weekend and loved it.  I saved it to my desktop so that I could share it on the blog.

I think this jumped out at me because this year, with homeschooling, we are going to be doing a lot of reading.  I feel like I slack on this every school year, and I'm changing that starting next week.  The words in this image are so true!  And we all know that reading is one of my favorite past times.

Speaking of favorite past times, another favorite of mine is singing.  The poor friends of my kids who are always here.  They are always subject to my loud singing in the kitchen, because of my awesome kitchen radio, and because of K-Love.  And speaking of my love of singing, I went to choir practice Wednesday night at church.  And I found this meme this morning and I literally laughed out loud.

A favorite thing of mine to do is organizing our homeschool book shelves.  I took a picture of them and posted it on Instagram this week.  This is my most favorite area in all of our home, because of the color and the content on the shelves.

These shelves will NOT stay this way for long.  But they look pretty in the meantime!  I have gotten our curriculum for the school year sorted and divided and ordered.  I am expecting one more thing to come in from Amazon, and after it arrives we will be all set.

A favorite picture I've seen all week is one that Drew took Wednesday night.  I love it so much that I took a screenshot and reposted it on Instagram.  Officer Sean Bolton was killed in the line of duty on the night of August 1st.  Anytime an officer is killed in the line of duty, police cars from around the country come to Memphis (or any other city) to be part of the sea of blue.  It's a long procession line that goes from one point to another, with blue lights flashing.

Todd was a part of this Wednesday night.  He had to dress in his Class A uniform and wear a black line over his badge.

Our country needs prayer, my friends.  These times are disturbing, and I often wonder how long the good Lord will tarry in His return.  Are you prepared for that return?

On a lighter note, yesterday was a luncheon for the new moms in my homeschool group.  I have so missed these godly women!  Our classes start back next week.

Yesterday afternoon when I got home, Drew, Jonah, Noah and Alex and I went to church to visit (them) and pray (me).  My weekly times of prayer with my sweet friend Abbey are one of my most favorite things of all time.  While we prayed (which is NEVER a short thing), Drew was playing with her phone.

And then I took a picture of us.

I love her!

Another favorite was texting my dad this morning.

Is this not the sweetest thing ever?  Eighty four years young and texting like a champ.  I love him so much and am so thankful for our Friday's.

Well, speaking of that, I need to get dressed!  Love to all.

fall things I want to do

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some things I want to do before this magical season is over; before we know it, it...