Saturday, August 22, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I have to admit that I am happy this day is here.  I will not pretend that my week has been anywhere near perfect.  Because, honestly, it's been rough.  Part of my struggle has been me and a grumpy attitude (keepin' it real) and part of it has been differing personalities between my kids and me.  I have struggled with having a good quiet time with God each morning, and I have struggled in praying.  I spent the first day of the week feeling totally overwhelmed by all that I had going on, and I couldn't seem to make good use of my time.


It got a little better each day, thanks to God and friends and to good fellowship with like-minded people yesterday.

We started school this week.  Even though I struggled throughout the week, they did not.  I felt like they made a really good transition back into the swing of things.  We did have a few talks about electronics, though, and how I didn't want them to be on them all the livelong day.  One of the ways they fill that time is by playing games.  On Monday we played Phase 10 together, and throughout the week they have played more card games and Monopoly.  I love hearing them play games together, it's one of my favorite sounds.

On Tuesday, a favorite moment was seeing Graham as he was about to leave for a meeting.

He was selected to be on the Shelby County Youth Mayor Council.  He found out that he could apply to be on this council, and when he applied, he was turned down because all the slots filled up really fast.  Then, a few weeks ago, he got an email asking him if he was still interesting in joining the council.  There were some openings, and he was one they contacted.  To be on this, you have to make a year long commitment and you have to have a GPA of 3.0 or above.  They do things once or twice a month, and the meetings and such take place downtown.  On Tuesday, they had a meeting with the Mayor.  Last month, they had a "get to know you" event take place at a rock climbing place downtown.

He looks so handsome!  He is really growing up.  Sometimes when I look at him, I still see him as a toddler, or as an eight year old.  Time flies.

On Wednesday, I went to the funeral of my friend's dad.  He had been suffering through Alzheimer's and we had been praying for him for quite some time.  I went and picked up this sweet girl (one of my favorites), because it was her best friend's granddad.

The funeral was a beautiful memorial to my friend's dad.  And there were so many people there!  I think all the seats were taken, and that says something about him.

After the funeral, I took Emma home to change and we picked up her brother, and they hung out with us all afternoon.  And then Drew drove us to church.

While wearing my sunglasses.  This kid.  His antics that keep are always a favorite of mine.

He surely keeps us laughing.

On Thursday night, after a long day, and after we got home from my in-love's house, I settled into my chair and started working on this study we are doing with our senior girls in community group.

And because it was good, I kept on working on it while the boys watched tv.  In this book, she is telling how all the stories in the bible are one seamless thread.

Well, now that it's Saturday, I am going to be done with this post.  Yesterday got away from me, and I totally forgot about finishing this post.  Love to all.

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