Thursday, November 22, 2007


November 22 I am sitting at home in my husband's comfy chair, using his comfy computer, and I have much to be thankful for. First on the list is the awesome Savior and Creator that we serve. He has truly poured His blessings out upon this year, and I have been able to see His hand on every area of our life. It's not been what I'd call an "easy year", we definitely have had some high stress points, but we're ending that time now, and I thank God for His faithfulness! Todd had surgery two weeks ago today, and is doing amazing. I am trusting God completely that the tumor will not come back. God has provided for us financially, physically, emotionally, in every way possible. We serve an amazing God!

I am thankful for our health, the boys' health, all the times we know of that God protects us, and the times we don't know what He's protected us from. I am thankful that we've been humbled, and that we've had to be on the receiving end of help. Both financially, and otherwise. We will be stronger in our faith when all this is over with, and that is why we were allowed to go through this hardship. I am thankful for a lesson learned.

I praise God for the family He's blessed us with, and the many things they do for us! I am thankful for great friends, a church to belong to, a warm home, clothes on our backs, food on our tables, but mostly I am thankful that God saved us...mere sinners saved by His amazing grace! Hallelujah and glory be to God!

fall things I want to do

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some things I want to do before this magical season is over; before we know it, it...