Monday, August 31, 2009

ThE eNd Of A gOoD tHiNg

I have mixed feelings about finishing Bible studies. Especially when it's one as good as the one I just finished. It's always bittersweet~I miss the lessons learned from a particular topic~this one was the fruits of the Spirit~but I am thankful for what God has shown me through it. I just finished my last day of homework before we meet tomorrow night. It was amazing! The last day was all about living the life of a victor~from the time we rise until the time we lay down at night. I thought I'd share some Scripture to tell you why this thrills me so~and why I love the idea of falling to sleep with Him every single night.

Psalm 63:1~8

1 O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. 2 I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. 3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. 4 I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. 5 My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. 6 On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. 7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. 8 My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.

Comfort is found in these words! I also love this verse:

Psalm 4:8 I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Well, I don't have time to expound much more on this~I have to get my lunch ready for work. I hope this soothes your weary soul today~I know it did mine. Love to all and be blessed!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cool Quote

I came across a neat quote this morning in my morning devotion and wanted to share it. I've been praying for a special lady in my life~if you're reading this, know that this is meant for you today.

"Jesus did not come to explain away or remove suffering. He came to fill His presence with it." This is by Paul Clidell, a French poet, and diplomat.

If all we can do is pray...then ALL we can do is pray. There is power in the name of Jesus. We sang a song at our choir concert this Sunday night that says this:

"Your Name is a strong and mighty tower
Your Name is a shelter like no other
Your Name~let the nations say it louder
Nothing has the power to save but Your Name!"

We sang this last night at choir practice, too. We were praying for some pretty big issues, and Music Man started singing this song. There is POWER in His name. Prayer is powerful, and if for now that is all you can do~then do it. He hears, listens, and comforts. He brings peace like no one else can. He restores minds, marriages, mends broken hearts and works all things out for the good of those who love Him. He NEVER does anything accidentally. If God has placed something so strongly on your heart that all you can do is think about it day and night, then PRAY. Keep on doing so until He reveals to you what else He wants you to do.

I hope this find its way to someone who needs it today. Love to all.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


It's funny how things hit you~and yesterday I kept thinking what it will be like next year when Graham isn't with me at the school anymore. I wish I could continue to move along with them, but I am pretty sure that will not happen. I like being a part of the school and knowing all of his friends. That won't be the case next year. I know, I know, it's a whole school year away. I was just thinking about it all day.

So was Noah, apparently. He came up to me last night and asked what Graham was going to do when he got out of school and none of us were home. I told him I guessed he'd stay by himself for a little bit until I was able to get home. Actually, I think it was Jonah that said that. I thought it was funny how we were both thinking about it on the same day.

Anyway. We had a great Monday~all the neighborhood kids were out all afternoon and evening. Graham and Drew went on a bike ride with the girl next door {doesn't that sound like a book or a movie?} while Todd stood outside talking to neighbors. I had already gotten all comfy for the night, so I sat inside and read. I know. I was exhausted. Mondays are rough for me, although I haven't figured out why yet. It was loverly. And peaceful. I don't get to read in those conditions very often.

This morning I am going to the chiropractor for my physical therapy evaluation. I will be curious to see what it involves. My back hasn't hurt in several weeks now, so I'm thrilled about that. I also have not been getting headaches~which I used to quite frequently, and I didn't even put those things together until just recently.

And speaking of that, I need to get off of here. I hope you all have a fantabulous Tuesday!!! Love to all!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Monday!

It was a great weekend, wasn't it? God blessed us with with gorgeous weather all weekend, and I officially have fall fever. I love this time of year~when the dog days of summer slowly give way to the upcoming cooler temperatures. I love cool mornings and evenings. So do the kids because they can actually play outside without even breaking a sweat. Same goes for my hubby when he cuts the grass~I love respites from all the heat we've had.

I love fresh starts, too. So I guess that means that I kinda like Mondays. It's a new week, and the possibilities are endless.

The reason I love all of this "freshness" so much is because it reminds me of God's love. We are not a perfect people~no matter how much we love the Lord. Adam and Eve are the ones that caused sin to happen, and even by breathing, we are all sinners. I confess that I am nowhere near perfect~ask my husband, ask my kids, and I'm sure they'd be quick to point out my faults. The point is, though, that in spite of that~Jesus loves me just as I am.

I love the book of John~in it we learn that in order for Christ to grow in us, we must become less and less. We have to allow Him that room to grow abundantly in us, and if our "selves" are in the way~then that will stunt His growth. MercyMe sings a great song about this~it's called So Long Self. I'm sure you can find it on YouTube.

I also love the story of the Samaritan woman~the woman that had been so shunned in her hometown that she had to get water in the hottest part of the day instead of the mornings or evenings like all the other women. They forced her to do this because they didn't want to be seen with her. But Jesus sat with her. He asked for a drink of her water, and when she refused to give it to Him, choosing instead to question Him, He told her all about the Living Water~the kind that when consumed, would quench all her thirsts.

John 4:14 But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.

Do you think she turned that Water away? Of course not! "Please, sir" the woman said, "give me this water! Then I'll never be thirsty again, and I won't have to come here to get water." John 4:15 states.

Just as she was~Jesus loved her enough to offer her eternal life in Him. What is He offering you today? Don't turn Him away. Just trust in Him~in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Little Scripture

Isaiah 50:4 The Sovereign LORD has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he awakens me and opens my understanding to his will.

I read that verse 3 times this morning~once in my morning devotion, once by accident when I flipped open my Bible to Isaiah, and once again in an email devotion that I get everyday called The Vine. You know that usually happens when God is trying to get your attention.

I am loving this day that I am about to start~I love Sundays!! Especially this one because tonight we're having a concert with Regi Stone. We practiced yesterday and had an amazing time of worship just in the practice. I'm excited about tonight! If you're reading this locally, come join us tonight at Memphis First Assembly of God at 6pm! You will be blessed, I promise!

Well. It's time for me to go wake up all my men for church. I'm going to attempt to get them to eat breakfast, but I just found out last week that they've been eating donuts at the church every Sunday~the ones that this sweet man brings to the people that help out in the Sunday School office. So. We'll see how this goes. Love to all, and be blessed today on this Lord's day!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Quick Note...

I'm about to be off to church! I am excited because the amazing Regi Stone will be with us all weekend. We're having a one day retreat at the church, and ending it with a concert tomorrow night. I'm really excited.

Can I just say how wrong it is that I was up at 6:30 on a Saturday morning slaving over a hot stove? Literally. I made a yummy breakfast casserole to take for our breakfast.

I hope you're all having an amazing weekend~we got ours off to a great start last night with some couple friends of ours. Fun times! If you don't mind~remember my sister Debi in your prayers today~she has been sick since we visited almost a month ago with what she thought was a sinus problem, then vertigo. Turns out she's having severe migraines. Dembra, if you're you and praying.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is There A Full Moon Tonight?

It's been a weird day. Not absolutely wonderful, although on my end, I can't complain. But it hasn't been bad either. Well, for me. Or my kids. I just felt sort of "out of it" all day. I really can't talk here. I'm just feeling the urge to write. I can't really say anything at all. Just because I don't know who reads this.

Weird. Anyway. I saw the cutest little boy EVER on the face of this earth today and no~GASP~it was not one of mine! There's this teacher~you can find her blog on the side of mine, it's called Tater Tales~whose cute little boy goes to our preschool. I could just suck on his little cheeks. He's so precious. He made me happy just by looking at him today. Which I needed to smile at that point just because.

I have been running ever since the second I woke up this morning. I had to go to the choirpractor {YUP}, then to the grocery store, then I RACED home to put them all up before jetting off to work. I bought chips and white bread. Lots of other stuff too, but my hubby was complaining {oh YES he was} about not having any "real" chips {not baked, he means} in the house and the wheat bread I'm trying to get us used to. The boys don't complain about the wheat bread, but he does. Humph. Oh YES I did, honey. Can you hear that little gravelly thing I do when I say that??? It was there.

Anyway. I'm home now. My beautiful, talented, loves to laugh friend, Christa is coming over tonight!! Todd the manly man is working for the sheriff's dept. tonight, and I decided it would be nice for some girl time. :) That makes me so happy. We're having grilled chicken ceasar salad, and bread. Yum. The kiddos are having Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets~~which my hubby picked out and bought from Costco. He and Graham loved them~they had samples of them last Saturday. It's gonna be fun. I might also have bought a huge bag of peanut m&m's and some cheese dip and salsa. :) I'm going to HIDE it from the kids. Or not. I haven't decided. I lurve pancho's cheese dip, people. I am that crazy about it.

Well. I gotta run. Again. For the last time today. I am picking up my gorgeous young men and coming home to get all comfy and cozy. I just might pull out the 'ole Tyler Perry, too. Hallelurrrrrjah!!!! Love to all.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Here lately, I've had several people in my life ask me to pray for them. I came across a sheet of paper that I'd written some Bible verses on this morning, and looked them up. For those of you reading this who've asked me to pray for you; consider these God's promise to you.

Deuteronomy 32:3 & 4 I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! 4 He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.

This is for any of you that think God does something for no reason~whether that be a new attitude you get over a much prayed for situation, or that hope that you are scared is false~ALL HIS WAYS ARE JUST. Every single one of them.

Psalm 56:3 & 4 When I am afraid, I will trust in you. 4 In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man to do me?

It is true that when God is for us~who can be against us? Whatever that may be~in the book of Daniel, I love the story about Hananiah, Azariah and Meshael getting thrown into the fiery furnace {or Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego}. They knew that one of three things would happen as King Nebuchadnezzar ordered they be thrown to their certain "death". They knew that God would either deliver them FROM that fiery death, THROUGH that fiery death, or He would take them straight into Heaven with Him. How awesome to have that same faith of those three!! But we should, because THAT is the same God whom we serve.

Psalm 111:7 & 8 The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy. 8 They are steadfast for ever and ever, done in faithfulness and uprightness.

Here is that word again~"just". One of the ways that the Webster's dictionary defines "just" is this~"acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright and good; righteous." Just stop there for a minute and drink that in. Don't you love His written word?? You can bet that you are facing what you are for a reason. He does NOTHING without a plan.

Lamentations 3:22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

He gets us through life! Whatever trial~He will get us through. He carries us when He needs to. Remember the story of Footprints? How during the hardest season in that man's life, there were not 2 but only 1 set of footprints. The man thought the Lord had desserted him, but it was during that time the Lord carried him through. He will do the same for you.

2 Corinthians 1:21 & 22 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, 22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guarateeing what is to come.

This life is only temporary. Whatever you're going through~it's only temporary. God is going to deliver us from this world one day and the things we thought were so important will seem trivial.

God tells us not to put our hope in this world, but to put our hope in Him. He is the one thing that is everlasting. Grab onto Him today, and vow never to let go.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Just Real Quick...

since I have to leave in five or eight minutes. I'm helping out in kindergarten this morning, directing kids where to sit in Mrs. Ledbetter's class and where to put their stuff. And help kick parents out. Ha. Not really on that last part. Well, kinda.

I was sucked into the Twilight books this weekend. And I do mean "sucked into", because from the first chapter, I could not put it down. I started it around 8 or 9 Saturday night, and as of yesterday afternoon, I was halfway through the 500 pages. Yikes. It's that good, people.

What is even better than this, though, were our church services yesterday. I have not been in church in like 2 weeks because of vacation, so it was so awesome to be back. And choir has not been in session since the first week of July. And we're back. It was amazing. I love me some singing, folks. My favorite thing to do is help lead worship. I had the privilege of doing so yesterday.

How was YOUR weekend? I heard a funny story on the KLove morning show with Lisa and Scott, about how we always start Monday conversations with that question. Ours was blessed. Friday night we spent home, but Saturday night we went to Nana's and Big Daddy's. And had a great time. We stayed extra late, it seemed like, because we were having too good a time to go.

Well, I have to run. Literally. Hmmm, I should do that for some exercise. Or NOT. I have six kids to get into my car and safely into the school building this morning. The couple extras are some friends of our family~their dad was called into work early all week this week, and their mom teaches high school. So. Love to all. Happy Monday!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Mrs. Goodwin"

I am still not used to this part of my job. When I hear "Mrs. Goodwin", I want to turn around and look for my mother~in~love. And then I remember, oh yeah. I'm Mrs. Goodwin. I went to the Wally Wurrrrld, as Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland calls it, for some more school supplies and some groceries so my dear sweet young men wouldn't starve next week. I kept on hearing kids say my name. I love that. I feel so loved. I also ran into my sweet friend, Kim~you can find her blog over on the right side of What I Love To Read...her's is called Twice Blessed. Love me some Kim, Weston and Gracie. It was a fun trip.

It's been a great Saturday. I tried to sleep late, but couldn't for a couple reasons. For one thing, I am now used to waking up at 5:30 or 6:00. And B, Drew just had to come wake me up by standing over me. I swear, one of these days, he's going to do that, and I am going to knock him into the next room. Not on purpose, of course, but hello. I HATE waking up with a kid staring over me. Ugh. For whatever crazy reason {that seemed to make sense at the time}, I told him to crawl into bed with us. Duh. This would be Drew, the cuddler. Not a good idea.

I had a long time by myself this morning so I spent it wisely and stalked people on facebook. :) Come on, you know that's all it is~a window into your friends' lives. Todd went and bought us donuts, yum!!!!!! Then he cut the grass {front yard} again and I went shopping. For clothes. Which you know I hate, but was forced to do because you know. I work. And I can't very well wear the same things over and over every day. Actually, the only reason I went was because I ripped my favorite pants. :( I had to replace them, but then they were having this sale, and before I knew, I'd been sucked in by all things cute and blingy. I know. Big shocker if ya know me at all. I woulda made Debi proud.

So now I'm listening to SpongeBob. Have I ever told you how much I despise SpongeBob SquarePants? I do. Detest, abhor, cannot stand, plain 'ol HATE him. It is the most annoying show I've ever seen. In my entire 32 years. Seriously. Ok, well, I'm going to run. Love to all and hope your weekend is blessed!!! I am ready to get my praise on in the mornin'!!! Are YOU??

Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Friday!

Well, kind of. Last night we were sitting in the living room, when Jonah looks at me and starts bawling. I asked him what was wrong and he said his throat hurt. He also had fever. So. Because of it being the weekend, Todd took him to the doctor this morning, and yup. It's strep.

We had to cancel our plans with the friends we had coming over. So sad. We did reschedule for the same thing, just next Friday night. So here we sit, watching the newest Suite Life On Deck, listening to Todd mow the jungle, I mean GRASS. And here I sit.

Don't get me wrong, I love you folks, but I'd much rather be sitting around a table, talking, laughing and playing cards with our friends. I guess this isn't too bad of a way to spend a Friday night, though. Just hangin' and relaxin'. After our first week back, I must admit, it is pretty nice.

So, I am in the mood to watch Madea. I am needing to laugh some, and who better to make you laugh than Madea? If you have never watched Tyler Perry, you might want to start. He is ahhhmazing!! Lurve me some Tyler Perry. I'm trying to talk Todd into watching it with me, but he's kinda busy right now.

So. I'm gonna go hang with the brothers. Have a happy, great, funtastic Friday night. Love to all.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Please Pray

for this sweet child. If you have never done anything I have asked, please do this one thing. This beautiful, God~loving family is facing the hardest thing they have ever had to face. I cannot imagine their frustration, the pain that they have to go through watching this sweet boy endure what he endures on a daily basis. Yet through it all, they still acknowledge that God is on His throne. This smile of his melts my little pea~pickin' heart. Please pray for them, if you would be so kind.

Finally, Some Quiet!

Well, almost. I don't quite have the house to myself, since my hubby is home this morning. He had a slow morning, so he is hanging around here until it's time for his next job.

I am quickly starting to love these quiet mornings, once again. I love the summer, but it is great to have the house silent for once. My favorite thing to do in this time is pray and read God's word. Ahhhhhhhh. I can just feel myself filling back up with Him. It's amazing what happens when you don't have that quiet time. Nothing bad, I mean, just...I don't know...tension, stress, aggravation at mundane things. I experienced all of those during our 2 months' vacation time. I love my young men {I have promised myself not to call them just 'boys' anymore, but that's a whole OTHER post on another day}, but I desperately need this time.

When I picked up my devotion book, I almost laughed at the title: Does It Really Matter? I say this phrase all the time. I love to look at life as the big picture. When you take the time to do that, you quickly realize than in the big 'ol grand scheme of things, certain things just DO NOT matter. Do you need a 'for instance'? I can give you several. How about that person that cuts you off in traffic? The author of my morning devo actually used this one. What about doing EVERY SINGLE LITTLE thing in your child's classroom at school? I am preaching to myself here. What about how clean your house is? Is that more important than spending a precious weekend with your family?

I am stepping back and doing a reevaluation of my life and schedule this year. I have already prayed over this school year, and I have promised to myself and to God that before I agreed to do anything at the school~ANYTHING~I would take time to pray and ask for guidance. I don't really want to do all the things I did last year. I want to cherish the time off that I have in the mornings and use those mornings growing in my relationship with my Creator. I don't want to fill them with a bunch of different morning activities. Of course it would also be nice if I could spend some of that time keeping house so I can more fully enjoy my weekends.

What about you? Is there something YOU want to change this school year? How about some new challenges or goals in your Spiritual walk? I encourage you to find something....whether it be a new Bible study {or your first!}, or reading the Bible everyday, or learning something new. Try it and see what God does through you. Ask Him to take what you're doing and use it to His glory! You will stand back and be amazed at the end, I promise.

I love the devotion I did with the kids this morning~it was all about making wise choices. Our verse of the day was from 2 Timothy 1:7 which says, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self~discipline." Why don't we make some wise choices today, step back and examine our lives, and see what needs to change. I know I am. Anyone care to join me? Comment on here if you do~I can't wait to rejoice with you when God does something amazing through you! Love to all!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

And 1 More Because I Lurve Me Some Travis...

Untitled from Kris Seidenkranz on Vimeo.

Fun! I will get to see him in 2 months at my 3rd Annual Beth Moore Event!!! Ahem, Christa! Can I get an AMEN?!?!?!

Day 2?

Wow. Surely I'm tired only because of the getting up earlier thing. I didn't actually do that much today~I did work all day~but really? This tired? I walked the building a few times and helped out in the front office, then I did my job, but seriously. I should NOT be this exhausted.

My husband is leaving me tonight. Not for good. Just a couple hours. Him and Travis are going to see GI Joe, and boy, are my kids ticked. He told them he's checking it out to see if it's suitable for them, since it's PG 13. I promptly went upstairs and put on the jammies. After waking up my 10 minute siesta. :) Back to the movie thing~~it's only fair that he enjoy his huge discount every once in a while. He usually gives it up for me and a girlfriend!

The kids and I are hanging out...watching a little tele before reading some of our book. I wonder why they're not as tired as I am....oh to be a kid again. Today was a great day, praise God! It wasn't even all that busy in the office, which is the whole reason why I went in to help all day. Tomorrow morning I am planning on staying home until I actually have to be there. Laundry, cleaning, vacuuming, and all that fun stuff. We have friends coming over Friday night, and I don't want to wait until the last minute to start on it all.

I love me some friends....I have missed them all while we were gone. I am not sure what we're eating yet~probably hamburgers and hot dogs~but I'm excited. Until then, I have to survive this first week back. I'll be fine, I'm sure. I guess this is what I deserve for not having any sort of schedule this summer. That's okay though, it was totally worth it!

The boys are loving their new teachers. I feel like they got the best ones, and I am very thankful. Jonah is proving to himself {and me!} that he is a big boy, and is holding his own amidst all of his classmates. I am loving being back, too {in spite of the tired thing}, and seeing all my sweet kiddos. I really do love seeing them. They're all so precious. Well, most of them, anyway.

Ok, well, my time is up. The boys are about to be out of the shower, and I need to go spend some quality time with them. Love to all!

My Praise Song

How many names can I use to explain the love of my Jesus,
the life that He gave and so many times will I praise You today.
I lift up my life 'cause You're always the same
And my offering to You I bring

Your Name is Jesus, Your Name is Jesus.
You're the Wonderful, Counselor, my Friend.
You're what I hold on to; I know that You brought me through
All the days of loss, to the cross You knew
I'd need a Savior.

How many songs can I sing to proclaim Your wondrous love and beauty so great?
What would I say if you brought down the rain and everyday
I walk through the pain my heart would still say...

Your Name is Jesus, Your Name is Jesus.
You're the Wonderful, Counselor, my Friend.
You're what I hold on to; I know that You brought me through
All the days of loss, to the cross You knew
I'd need a Savior.

You're what I hold on to; I know that you brought me through
All the days of loss, to the cross You knew
I'd need a Savior.
I'd need a Savior.
I need You, Savior.

~~Among The Thirsty~~

Sunday, August 9, 2009

It's That Time...

The backpacks are packed full and ready to go, the lunch boxes are out and cleaned, clothes are all laid out, kids are in bed, and I'm about to be. Tomorrow is back to reality. I have never enjoyed my summer as much as I did this one. Perhaps because I knew that in 2 short months I would be back to working every day. I relished in all the relaxed moments we shared. Shoot, I haven't even worn my watch all summer, if that tells you anything. The battery died back in May and I did not see the point in getting it replaced. Why? Time was all I had at that moment, and I did not care to know the time or the date.

Do you remember being a kid and laying in bed the night before school? I remember not being able to sleep. I never knew who was going to be in my class, and I am pretty sure I had some nervousness somewhere in there. I loved buying school supplies and picking out all my new stuff. This is so not the case for boys, by the way. They could care less. I still love to buy school supplies. I got so much joy out of labeling all their stuff today. Fresh paper and notebooks, new pencils, brand new erasers...I know, I know. I'm a nerd.

I started a new book with Jonah and Noah tonight...I am introducing them to the Junie B. Jones series, the same series of books that Graham and then Drew loved so much their first grade year. Jonah's eyes popped out when I read him the title: "Junie B. Jones and the Stupid, Smelly Bus". He said, "Mom, that is not nice." I know. But it's Junie B. I love me some Junie B. They get a kick out of the countrified accent I use when she speaks.

Speaking of Jonah, say a prayer for him, will ya? He cried tonight over first grade. He said he didn't want to go to first grade. :( That is what an amazing teacher does for you. I am really excited about the sweet lady he has this year~she was Drew's first grade teacher, and I dearly love her. She's a great Christian lady, with kids Graham's and Drew's age. She has tons and tons of sympathy. I hope she reaps it onto Jonah in the morning if he cries as I walk out. The fact that I will be there with him all day did help console him. I'll have to go and peak in on him when I get a chance!

God has blessed us with amazing teachers again this year. I've never had a less than wonderful teacher at this school, and I am extremely grateful to our principal, who takes the time to consider personalities when matching students to teachers. She is phenomenal, and I am so thankful. They are all super excited about their new teachers this year. Especially Graham, who told him when she called, "Roll Tide". I thought the kid {and his dad} was going to keel over.

Well, I need to wind down before I turn in for the night. And I need to get off of here. I will write again tomorrow and let you all know how our first day back went. Thanks for the prayers everyone! Love to all!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

HoMe SwEeT hOmE

I have never in my entire life been so glad to see our home. The boys were all excited to be here, too. We had the most amazing trip, but man is it good to be home!!!

We squeezed so much into one week. It was incredible. I feel like we've been gone for two weeks instead of just eight days. Amazing. I'll give you a rundown so you can see for yourself.

We left home on Friday July 31st and arrived in Tampa Saturday at 5:30 pm. Yes, we stopped halfway, in Dothan, AL. Sunday we spent all day at Anna Maria Island. This was one of my favorite things we did. Although I don't like to get in the ocean, I love to look at it and listen to it! Monday we spent 12 hours~~~12 HOURS~~~at Disney's Magic Kingdom. My feet have never been so happy to be propped up, as they were that night! Tuesday, Debi and I went to get pedicures and bummed around Valrico. She took me to her favorite bead shop and introduced me to her friends there. We jammed to Selah the whole way. And Rascal Flatts. Fun times, people, fun times. I love me some Debi. Wednesday we left Debi's and went to my brother Paul's house in Orlando. We left Debi home in bed, I might add. I hated it. I cried most of the way to Orlando, I hated it so bad. She was really sick with a sinus infection and migraine. Once we were at Paul's, we went to a wildlife conservation area near his house and just hung out the rest of the day. Thursday we woke up and went to Hollywood Studios. We liked it even better than the Magic Kingdom. We loved that it was smaller and less crowded, and we loved all the shows. Jonah's favorite was Indiana Jones, the rest of ours was an awesome show called Lights, Motor, Action! See my facebook pics if you're my friend. We spent all day there~YES I SAID ALL DAY, AS IN 12 HOURS AGAIN~and something hideous happened to my legs. Down by my ankles, this horrible rash thing popped up. It's either {because YES it is still there but a little better} severe heat rash or possibly sun poisoning. Hmmm. Either way, it sucks. Looks awful, but at least it doesn't hurt anymore. At first it itched and burned. Now it's just there. Anyway, that is the extent of our week away from home. We spent all yesterday and today traveling. Today we stopped at University of Alabama~ROLL TIDE~which was Todd's favorite part of the whole trip, I might add. We had a great time. The boys spent the rest of their money on Bama souvenirs. We drove straight to Mom's and Bill's and they fed us a delicious home cooked meal. And now we are happy to be back in our own home!!

We are staying home tomorrow, even though it's Sunday. GASP. I hate to miss church again, but we have to go buy school supplies and groceries. I have a small mountain of laundry and our bags and stuff has to be unpacked before Monday. Because THEN it is back to reality. :( I am so sad. But I am so happy that my boys will start school with some great stories of our incredible our summer was. It was perfect in every way. Love to all.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just Checking In...

to say Hi!!!!! I don't even know what day it is. Seriously. I had to ask Todd. He looked at me like I had grown a second head.

We're havin' so much fun, it should be illegal. Our plans have changed, and we're staying one extra day. Today we're doing Hollywood Studios, formerly Disney MGM. Fun times!!! Tower of Terror, anyone?? Rockin' Roll'R'Coaster???

Actually, we're about to leave right now, so I'm outta here. I miss you all!! Not really, but I felt I needed to say it. I will need a vacation from my vacation next week, but it's back to school/work. Blah.

Until then, our summer is good till the last drop! Love to all!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Heaven On Earth

Is this beautiful or what? I thought
this is a good visual of what Heaven
must look like. Right? Only better.
This, my friends, is Anna Maria Island, in all its glory. Mmmmmm. The boys had an amazing time today at the beach. However, after about 2 hours, Noah looked at me while he was sitting in the sand beside me and said, "Mom, can we go home? There's nothing to do here anymore." ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

So. We came to Debi's and they swam. And ate. And ate and ate and ate. Then swam some more, then bathed, then passed out.

I love this one of them all holding
hands. Cousins!

Well, I must go. We have a big day tomorrow. I know you all miss me, right? Just thought I'd check in and say that we're havin' a blast. Love to all. Goodnight!!

fall things I want to do

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some things I want to do before this magical season is over; before we know it, it...