Sunday, March 31, 2024

🍀 The Books I Read in March 🍀


Happy Resurrection (Easter) Sunday, friends! Regardless of the day that it falls on, each month on the last day of the month, I'm sharing about the books I read that month. Also, before I go on and because of the holiday that today is, I hope that you celebrate the significance of this day in a beautiful way today. It's not just another day to celebrate; it's a day that represents the day that Jesus rose from the grave and gave us new life in Him, once we believe in and place our faith in Him. As always, if you ever want to talk more about how you can have a relationship with Him, reach out to me! You can always comment here or email me at 

And now on another note...

I read some great books this month! Here's the one I started with. (Click on each picture to be taken to a separate Amazon link in a new window.)

This one didn't disappoint! The day I started reading it, I read through fifty percent of it in one sitting. I could have stayed up all night to finish it, but life has to happen, so I went to bed. Here's a little blurb of what it's about:

When Frankie McGrath hears the words "Women can be heroes", something lights up within her, and before long, she finds herself enlisting in the United States Army as a nurse to serve in Vietnam. Her brother is over there as well, and she has dreams of them doing something so significant together. Also, who wouldn't want their picture on the hero wall that resides in her dad's office? But when Frankie lands in a foreign country and is whisked away to her first assignment, she is shell-shocked. It's nothing at all like the media had portrayed in the days leading up to her departure; thankfully she finds fast friends in her bunk mates. Fast forward to the end of her tour, and she finds herself being cursed at and spit on when she lands back on American soil. How will she ever make it back at home after the horrors that she saw while in Vietnam? 

Friends, I have a love/hate relationship with this author's books; while they're always good, they're also always extremely heavy. I skipped her last book because of this, but for whatever reason, this one was one I knew I wanted to read and I loved every page. I also am not a fan of historical fiction, but this one was fascinating to me, probably because it's something I've heard about all of my life. I am shocked to think that Americans treated soldiers the way they did, and a lot of this book reminded me of what it's like to live in America right now. This was heavy, but not so much so that I felt weighed down for days after. This may be my favorite book of the whole year! 

Next up was one I'd been looking forward to...

...and then was disappointed by. Maybe I should have read her other one first, but even though I love Lauren Graham as a Gilmore Girls and Parenthood fan, this one just felt like one big book of gossip and her experiences as an actress. I thought I'd get to know her more in this book, but I didn't at all; I will always be impressed by her ability to speak in run-on sentences, though. 

Next up was an old favorite and a re-read:

These books are like coming home to me! I love Robin's writing and the friendships that she depicts so beautifully in this series. This one is about Hope and Laurie fulfilling a long time dream of traveling to Hawaii together; though the trip doesn't get started as they'd expected, they quickly fall into a beautiful rhythm together again while they're on this beautiful island. Hope has a moment of experiencing God throwing "garlands of hosannas" around her neck as she witness the balmy breezes and the amazing sunrises and sunsets. By the end of their journey, they both feel ready to walk the path that God has for them upon their return to their homes. 

I love these books about godly friendship!  

Next up was the first in a series of books by an author I've never read.

Finlay Donovan is at a crossroads in her life: she's low on money, her ex-husband is fighting her for custody of her kids, her agent is hassling her about the next book that she's working on being due soon, and did I mention she's low on money? One meeting with her agent at a public restaurant changes everything, when she finds a note in her bag that someone slipped into it while she wasn't looking. In talking with her agent about her new book, someone overheard and mistakes her for a hitman, offering her a huge amount of money if she can take care of someone for a disgruntled wife. What can it hurt to do a little investigating, right?

This was a very fast paced book that I could barely put down! When I got to the end of it, I couldn't stop reading it, because I had to know how it would all wrap up. I love books like that! 

Needless to say, my next book was the next one in the series. (You can read books 1 and 2 free right now through Kindle Unlimited!)

I don't want to tell you too much about this second book, because I want you to read them, except for that with each book in this series, Finlay, Vero, and Finlay's kids become more and more endearing. Have I convinced you to read these yet? They kind of remind me of the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Did you ever read those? 

Lastly, I read the third installment of this series...

Finlay and her sidekick Vero are up to their same sleuthing as in the first two books, and this third one is a continuation of book two. I will spare you the description, since it's a series, but expect to see book four in next month's review. I will say that the more I read these books, the better they get! I literally gasp out loud sometimes, like I did when I got close to the end of this one. 

What have you been reading this month? Anything new or noteworthy I need to know about? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Share 4 Somethings, the March edition


Happy Saturday, friends! Welcome to the Share 4 Somethings link party, where we'll share things we loved or dislikedaccomplishedimproved upon or something that needs improvement, and noticed this month. Thanks for joining in with me for this fun post! I look forward to reading all of yours. I'll jump right in!


I have loved the warmer sunshine-y days, and the beautiful flowers and trees that I've seen around town. Have you noticed that where you live? 

I have noticed lately that the azaleas in our area are starting to bloom. I took this picture as I was leaving Dad's house last night; they have a beautiful tree that looks like hydrangeas that is full of blooms right now, and I suspect their azaleas will be on fire with color soon. One thing I've disliked this month has been the pollen that started showing itself a week ago. It's everywhere! Our cars are tinted green and yellow when we go out in the mornings. Mine is desperate for a bath, but I haven't really had time to drive it through the wash. 


Why can I not think of one thing I've accomplished this month? I know there's been something, but I'm drawing a blank. Add to that the fact that it's almost eight thirty on Friday night and my brain is tired, and you see my problem. How about this? I've accomplished keeping everyone alive the last week! These dogs are about to make me lose my mind, so they're included in my statement.

Improved upon

I promise I won't keep talking about my husband's surgery forever, but one thing I've thought about this week is that my nursing skills have been improved upon since his last abdominal surgery seventeen years ago. He's not been a needy patient at all, but also with age comes wisdom and patience. He needed lots of help when he first came home from the hospital, but now he rarely needs anything. Bless him! We've laughed over his comments of, "This is what love looks like!" all week as I've done things like help him with his socks and by washing his hair his first day home. 

I couldn't resist one hospital selfie of us, even if he was unaware and would kill me if he saw this. 🤣

I feel like this was my half hearted attempt at my post this month, but it's okay. I'll leave the more interesting stuff up to you all when you link up today! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

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Friday, March 29, 2024

Good Friday Favorites, 3.29.2024.


Happy Good Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How has your week been? Mine has been really good, and I am excited for this weekend's festivities. I say festivities, because aside from today being Good Friday, it's also my dad's 93rd birthday! I'll see him at some point today, most likely later in the afternoon. There's a Good Friday service at our church tonight, as well, and as much as I'd love to go, I think it'll overlap seeing him. If it works out differently, then I'll be able to do both. Have you ever been to a Good Friday service? I would say that they're one of my favorite services. Easter services are my very favorite, though. 

This image that my Pastor shared on his social media this week was my favorite. I love a timeline, and this is a great reading guide, for anyone who's interested, even if those days are already past. I think it's important that we understand the correct order of the events that happened in the days when Jesus walked on earth before His crucifixion. 

Speaking of that word "crucifixion" and words like "blood of Jesus", and "resurrection", I was saddened to hear of a mega church in North Carolina that decided not to use "offensive" words like that in their Easter services this weekend. They wanted to make sure that nobody felt left out or uninformed in them deciding on whether or not to come, and I think that they basically decided not to use these "church words". (I've never used so many quotes in all of my life.) Friends, this is heartbreaking, and another way that a church and its members and staff are just blending in with the world. We are not called to blend in, but to stand out since the Bible tells us that we are set apart! (1 Peter 2:9—But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

I never take pleasure in hearing of yet another body of believers slipping down a slippery slope of blending in. The church I'm talking about is the one that Steven Furtick pastors, and where the group Elevation Worship was born. I hope I'm wrong about this, but the article that I read was from a reputable source. We must watch out for the wolves that are in sheep's clothing! 

On a much lighter note, here are some more of my favorites from the last week. 

My Easter tiered tray is my favorite! I love making this little area seasonal. 

The last time I ordered this Thayer's facial toner, I mistakenly ordered the cucumber scent, and guess what? It's my new favorite! I wash my face in coconut oil every afternoon or evening, then I use this to remove any that is left. You'd be surprised at how much comes off on my little cotton round! You can click the picture if you want to check it out for yourself on Amazon! 

My friend Amy Hale posted this on social media, and I've seen it floating around again this week. This is my favorite advice over what to do when someone offends me. One of my favorite verses from Proverbs talks about this: A person's insight gives him patience, and his virtue is to overlook an offense. (Proverbs 19:11)

It was such a treat to leave home on Tuesday afternoon to get my nails done! Todd can't really handle the dogs right now on his own, so when Graham came home early, I took off to do this. I got my favorite color again, Let's Be Friends by OPI. 

Both this outfit and my sling bag are among the list of favorites this week. Amy, the picture of me wearing my bag is for you! Once again, click on the picture and you'll be redirected to a separate Amazon link. I can't express in words how much I love wearing this around!

Last on my list are these gorgeous tulips my sister Trish brought to us yesterday! Tulips are my favorite! The bunch was so full that I split it up into two vases. 

Did you happen to catch my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below. 

Monday was Hello Monday.

Tuesday was a post that I titled "Spring Things".

Wednesday was What's Up Wednesday.

Thursday was Thankful Thursday

And now, for a little blog business before I go. I wanted to remind you that tomorrow is our monthly Share 4 Somethings link party, where we'll share things we loved or dislikedaccomplishedimproved upon or something that needs improvement, and noticed. Also on Wednesday April 3, it'll be time for the April edition of Currently. That month's topics are things we're currently loving, looking forward to, buying, planting, and cleaning. Both link parties will open up at midnight on the day of their posts. I'd love for you to join in with one or both of those this week! 

What was a favorite for you this week? I'd love to hear from you! 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. I hope you have a great weekend, and that you spend time with your family soaking in the meaning of it with your family, for those of you who are believers. I saw a post on social media this week that said "Jesus changes everything!", and I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. His death, burial, and resurrection are the reasons why we have new life in Him today. He paid the penalty for our sin so that we could have eternal life with Him! As always, if you would like to talk more about this and don't want to leave a comment, feel free to email me at I'd love to talk more about having faith in Jesus! 

Love to all!

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm so glad you're here today; thanks for joining in with me from time to time. If you're anything like me, you've seen the change in perspective and attitude that being thankful in all things can do in your life. Even if you never join me for a day of this here in the blog world, I hope that gratitude is something you practice daily. It really is something small that you can do to change your thinking! Here are just a few things I'm thankful for this week:

  • that Todd's recovery is going well and that it's been normal
  • for our sons who have been so helpful
  • for offers from people I love to help out, should the need arise
  • for the prayers of family and friends
  • for things to look forward to
  • getting out to get my nails done
  • the prospect of warmer weather and the possibility of sitting outside in the sunshine
  • great books that held my attention while Todd was in the hospital
  • finding the cafeteria in the basement of the hospital and walking there each day to move around
  • emotional support dogs (🤣)
  • afternoon showers on the long afternoons I've been at home
  • a home that I love being in
  • the kindness of people that come in and out of the bookstore that I don't even really know
  • being able to work some and alternate between that and spending more time at home

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

what's up Wednesday ~ the March edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Sheaffer and Shay for today's blog post. I'm going to jump right in!

What we're eating this week

On Monday night, I made smoked sausage in the air fryer with onions and bell peppers for the ones who wanted that to go along. It's like those sausage and peppers sandwiches you see at fairs, but without the bread. This is one of our favorite things to eat! Last night we had quiche, which I thought would be a better "lighter" meal for Todd, since the dinner Monday made him too full. 

Tomorrow night we'll have something easy or leftover, since I'll be going to church, and on Thursday night we'll have that delicious king ranch chicken from the Crock-Pot. (It's chicken with cream cheese, ranch seasoning, and bacon on top, served over rice.) Thursday is a doctor appointment day, followed by me going to work for a couple of hours again. 

What I'm reminiscing about

At this time of year two years ago, I attended a women's conference for two nights with ladies from our church. We had so much fun, and it was such a beautiful setting!

This was at a retreat center called The Country Place. 

And memories like this are what I'm reminiscing about. The boys and I always loved going to my dad's house for fishing in the spring. 

What I'm loving

I'm still loving this sling style bag that I ordered on Amazon

And I'm loving the gorgeous sunshine-y weather we're having all week! I plan on sitting outside to bask in it on Friday morning to get some more color on my legs in time for Easter. 

What we've been up to

Well, our life has stopped for the moment, and we're focused on getting Todd back to normal, post surgery. He's still doing great, and hasn't had any pain medicine since 5 a.m. Sunday morning; he's living on Tylenol when he gets a tiny fever (which is normal) and his anti-inflammatory. I'm going to work for about two hours each day this week, which is about all I can be gone before the dogs need to be dealt with, and I'm coming back home to sit with him and to keep him company. I'll play next week by ear, but for now I'm living on working a little, picking up groceries, cooking dinner, and driving him to his appointments. I'm glad to be able bodied enough to be able to handle this! 

What I'm dreading

I honestly can't think of anything I'm dreading at the moment, now that we've got his surgery behind us. That's what I was dreading the most in the last few months, and it was kind of hanging around at the back of my mind all the time. 

What I'm working on

At the moment, I'm working on some things from home, like placing orders for items to restock with and for things that people request. I'm also working on my blog posts for the future as Todd watches a show. And lastly, I'm working on an assignment I was given from a course I'm participating in online. All good things! 

What I'm excited about

Oh, lots of things...for Chloe to be out of a diaper, for warmer days and a suntan, for the pollen to disappear, my next pedicure, April and celebrating my Drewby's 24th birthday, seeing friends I haven't seen in ages...remember how I said I'm the type of person who gets excited about everything? It's true. 

What I'm watching/reading

We've been watching On Patrol Live and COPS a lot in the daytime; at night we love Big Bang Theory. On my own recently I've watched Gift Hands on Netflix, about Ben Carson, and I also recently watched the 80's classic, Bird on a Wire, also on Netflix. As for reading, here's a hint, but I'll tell you the rest of the books I read in March on Sunday. It'll be a double bonus post type of weekend since Share 4 Somethings also takes place on Saturday. 

What I'm listening to

On Patrol Live on in the background; the fan blowing on me because I just helped Todd take his first post-op shower and I started sweating; the dogs chewing on antlers. 

What I'm wearing

Leggings and a t-shirt, but at other times...

Button downs and spring colors!

I'm excited about dress weather! I've ordered three new dresses recently, and I can't wait to wear them. I'm wearing one on Easter, and from then on, when it's warm enough, you'll see me in dresses again. 

What I'm doing this weekend

I will be getting out with my mom and sister at some point this weekend! I'll also be seeing Dad on Friday for his 93rd birthday. He won't be here, but I plan on going to their house; Todd may join me, based on how he's feeling. Church on Sunday is going to be a long day! Our first service is at 8:30 in the morning, so I'll need to be there waiting and ready with coffee. I anticipate on having lots of people in the bookstore! 

What I'm looking forward to next month

I'm excited about going to Nashville with some blogging friends! You'll be hearing more about that trip afterward, so stay tuned! 

What have you been up to lately? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Spring Things


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd share some things about Spring that are my favorite, along with a few touches of spring decor that I have throughout the house. 

First off, does anyone else struggle with what to wear this time of year? Here near Memphis, it's cool in the mornings still and hotter when the sun rises and in the afternoon. For instance, yesterday the high reached 65, but inside it felt cooler than that, plus it was really windy. I wear comfy lounging clothes when I'm at home on days like that, so I wore my leggings that I use as my "pajama pants" and a hoodie, because while Todd was burning up, I was freezing. How's that for a role reversal??? I digress. 

At the risk of sounding redundant, I cannot tell you enough how much I love using little plants and artificial flowers throughout our house. Here are a few that I keep out the majority of the year that I have acquired over the years, mostly from stores like Home Goods.

I just think they add so much to our home, you know? And honestly, I am not a plant lady at all, though I wish that was true. Artificial is the way to go for me, since all of this is the case. I do have one plant that I've kept living for over a year now, and it's this one that sits on the hearth. 

I love this plant! It's low maintenance, which is something I definitely require. I just put a few ice cubes in this every week or so, and it healthy and thriving. It also loves being near the sunlight, which helps tremendously. 

I've mentioned before how stunning the tulips are around town; this is our town hall with tulips planted in front that was posted on our town's Facebook page. I love seeing these! 

Do you sign up for emails from your favorite magazines? Most of them allow you to get glimpses of their magazines online through an email subscription that costs nothing. Southern Living will always be one of my favorite magazines for inspiration, and honestly, their emails are far better than the ad laden magazines they now offer! Just thought I'd throw this out there for anyone who might be interested. I got an email from Southern Living on Monday, and they had some great links to offer up inspiration for freshening things up around the house! I love this article that talked about a spring welcome on your front porch.

I also loved reading this article about someone who owns a B&B and puts out certain things for Easter at this time of year. 

I don't really have dishes that are seasonal, except for ones that are for Christmas, but I do love all of the ones mentioned in this article. I use white dishes all year long and don't really change things up in my kitchen, with the exception of the tiered tray that I love. 

What about you? Do you like to do anything in your home for this season of Spring? I'd love to hear from you! I'd also love to see your posts, so let me know if you write one that shares about that this week. I'm linking up with Joanne today for Talk About It Tuesdays. Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all. 

fall things I want to do

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some things I want to do before this magical season is over; before we know it, it...