Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Favorites

Good Friday morning!  I am so happy it's the weekend.  :)  Hopefully my house will be full of kids again soon.  I am linking up with Momfessionals for this post.

My first favorite from the week came from my Timehop app on my phone.  (I love this app!  It's a "this day in history" on my phone, and it includes texts and posts from social media and pictures that I took.)  I love this bible verse and quote it all the time to my kids.

It's so true!  There's another verse that says "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks".  I love that one as well, and remind my boys of this all the time.

Another favorite of mine from the week, as strange as it may sound, was attending the funeral of my uncle.  It was a beautiful and touching service, and I was glad my boys were able to see what a military funeral was like.

This is a beautiful cemetery.  It gets me every single time we drive past, and I get a little emotional.

On a lighter note, on Tuesday morning, I woke up to this notification on my phone.  I had a moment of being a fan girl, so it was a definite favorite moment of the week.

How cool is that?  My kids were all pretty impressed.  Then they probably went to check their phones to see if he'd asked to follow them.

He had not.

Wednesday was spent hanging around home and cleaning and organizing, then we had church that night.  A favorite thing we do there at this time every year is a fall vision dinner.  We eat dinner and all the departments give schedules of their plans  for the school year.  I don't have a picture.  After this dinner, I went to choir practice, which is another favorite.  I have SO missed being in a choir!

Yesterday, our homeschool group started back, and I made my kids pose.  That was NOT their favorite, but look how handsome!

And where we meet is one of my favorite places, because it's beautiful.

After our homeschool group, we came home to change and grab Crash, and headed to my in-love's house for dinner.  Todd's cousin Denise and two of her kids are here for a few days, so we had fun visiting with them and catching up.  One of my favorites from the night was when we played cards.  We played Shanghai and though I won the first round, I lost by the most in the second.

Some of my favorite moments have been around the table as we played games.  I told Todd last night that we needed to start doing this more often.  We always laugh and laugh when we're together, and last night was no exception.  While we played this, the kids played Uno.  My mom-in-love was in rare form last night and had us all cracking up.  She acted like a blonde a couple of times, and we couldn't stop laughing.

Those are my favorite moments.

It's been a great week.  I hope yours has too!  Thanks for reading and love to all.


  1. Stopping by from the Friday Favorites linkup! I love that quote from Matthew and how cool that David Crowder followed you! I'm so sorry for the loss of your uncle. Prayers going your way. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Thanks for stopping by with a comment! And thank you for the condolences. We are confident we will see him again someday. God bless and have a great weekend!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...