Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday Favorites {edition nine}

Happy Friday, friends!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post. 

For every post I've written this week, I wrote it the day before, and I don't know why I don't do this more often.  I feel like I've never thought of it before until recently.  Almost every afternoon from about four-five, I have time that I waste.  I usually will just sit and have the news on in the background and I'll scroll on my phone, but this week, I've been using that time to write on this blog.  Also, I keep saying this, but yes, I am eighty-three and sit each afternoon with the news turned on.  Who am I?!

Also, and I have to mention this now before I forget, but as I write this, I'm listening to one of my very favorite podcasts.  (Which isn't saying much, because I don't listen to that many.)  But it's The Big Boo Cast with Melanie Shankle, who is one of my favorite authors AND whom I have had the privilege of meeting, and Sophie Hudson, who is another favorite author of mine, and whom I have also met.

I am also a professional stalker, apparently.  An eighty-three year old professional social media stalker who likes the news and who sits with the heater turned on with a crocheted blanket in my lap.  Not even kidding.

I've been on launch teams for both of them, and Melanie is the one who invited me to Dallas for a meet and greet and I drug my best friend there with me.  Though, she did not take much convincing.

Anyway, here is a link for this hilarious podcast.  That link takes you to Melanie's blog and you can click on play.  She had TWO books launch this week, one called The Bright Side (this link takes you to Amazon), and one called Piper and Mabel, that is "written" by her dogs.  I will DEFINITELY be buying that one and sending it to my niece so she can read it to her children. 

Moving on now, with my weekly installment of my favorites.

Mom and I went to one of my favorite stores last Saturday, The Container Store. 

I bought four tiny things.

After we went there, we went to Trader Joe's and then to Newk's, where we ate our favorite soup that they have every Saturday: chicken and sausage gumbo. 

I said goodbye to my husband and oldest son, and they've been in New Mexico all week.  Neither of them ever post anything on social media, though, but I saw this that Todd's friend and co-worker Chris posted.

This is an area about an hour away from where they've been staying all week, called the Very Large Array.  I don't really know anything about the place, but Google it.  It's so cool!

This one above is the one Todd took with his awesome phone, though, and it is stunning.  I always love seeing where they are when they're not with me.

On Tuesday, I spent the afternoon with these cuties.

I wish I'd gotten a picture with their mommy, but I didn't.  This is Everly and Asher, my friend Abbey's kids.  Aren't they adorable?!

I wrote a post about random things like this topknot that I sleep in, and pet peeves and such, and there was one image I shared that is a favorite of some of those who read it.

And I shared how there have never been truer words written than these above.

This is my newest favorite thing in my house.  It came today, and I love how it turned out.  I had a beautiful wreath on my front door that my mom made, but it was getting crushed by the storm door, so I moved it to the dining room and needed something flat for the front door.  And my sweet husband ordered this for me two weeks ago!  I love a thoughtful gift.

I spent some time in this room last night going over music for our women's conference this weekend, and the sweet ladies who came here and met me to rehearse are some of my very favorite people on earth. 

I'm really excited about our women's conference this year, it's going to be different and so so good.  I cannot wait!  I'm always a little nervous about this, but that's just normal.

Other things and favorite moments for the week:

The Good Doctor!  I love that show.  I am all caught up now.  Also, This Is Us.  I sobbed at last week's episode.  I know there other things, but I can't think of them.  And Jonah just got home, so I'll wrap this up.  Y'all have a great day and weekend, and thanks for reading!  Love to all. 


  1. I also love the Big Boo never disappoints and always makes me laugh. Have a great weekend.

  2. Yes! They crack me up. I am looking forward to reading Melanie's new book. I ordered it from Amazon, but mine was one that they forgot about, so I had to cancel the order. I'm just going to get it from a nearby bookstore. Thanks, I hope you have a great one, too!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...