Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday Favorites, 10.4.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? Mine has been good, but today it's great! I have to say this before I start: I am SO GLAD today is finally here. I'm anticipating a fabulous weekend; and like one of you said in an email this week, the anticipation of today has been much worse that I am anticipating today to be. Does that make sense? I do expect to feel tinges of sadness some today, but I'm not going to dwell on any of that. I'm remembering the words of my counselor and I'm going to focus on who I want to become and what I want my life to look like in my future. 

I actually thought I'd share some of that here today, if you'll humor me for this kind of anti-anniversary post. I'll jump in!

And rather than some sappy old picture of the day I got married standing alone or with one of my parents, here's me living my best life Tuesday night of this week. I love this version of myself: doing something that is fun, dressing in a way that makes me feel good and like I look my best, and being with some of my favorite people on earth, also known as my friends. I was complimented on my hair, makeup, and outfit by several strangers on this night, which is why I took this picture to share today. It's better than the wedding day photo of myself that I had planned! Onward focus only from here on out for the rest of this post.

I want to be: 

  • someone who is more spontaneous
  • the one who is kind to everyone and who is known for loving people well
  • inclusive in my friendships and in the way I treat people
  • a fun friend
  • a great friend to everyone
  • humble
  • an encourager
  • busy all of the time
  • more extroverted
  • intentional about being at home and how I spend my time
  • someone who invites people over all of the time
  • someone with a normal amount of pets (I'm thinking a dog and maybe eventually another dog as a companion for Chloe) so that I can entertain more often
  • more witty
  • better with comebacks

When I think of my life in five years, I hope to be in a smaller home that has lots of charm and that is decorated to fit my taste: a little bit of shabby, a little bit of chic, and a lot of eclectic. I'm looking forward to purchasing a nicer couch sometime soon, one that is fabric and neutral, and I'd love to have two new chairs. I know that I'll get to all of this eventually, but I'll be slow and deliberate with my money. I'm looking forward to having less, and only things that I love. 

And now, for a few of my favorites from this week...

I saw this on Instagram Wednesday morning and almost spewed my coffee. I needed some of this patience with my ex this week and just about lost my marbles for two days in a row over stupid text messaging. And then I remembered to draw the line and set a firm boundary, and it's been smooth sailing ever since. 

Meeting Sophie Hudson was a favorite this week! And so is Novel Bookstore, where her event was located. 

Eating lunch at Local Lime with my friend Dedee was a favorite this week! It was last minute, and true to fashion, she and I sat and talked for over two hours. We have a way of going on and on all the time!

This pumpkin that my friend Michelle grew with her own two hands is my favorite! Isn't it beautiful?! Thirty minutes after I took this, Chloe the puppy was trying to eat it; and this is why I can't have nice things. 🤣

Did you happen to catch all of my blog posts this week? I'll link them below. 

Monday was my weekly weekending post. 

Tuesday was a post that I titled Tuesday Tidbits

Wednesday was the October edition of Currently.

Thursday was Share Your Shelf, where I talked about the books I read along with a life update. 

What was a favorite of yours from this week? I'd love to hear from you! I'll see you back here next week. Thanks for reading my blog today, sweet friends! Love to all. 

Jenn 🖤


  1. "Someone with a normal amount of pets," cracked me up! Enjoyed reading your post with your goals. I do want to add that some things about your personality are likely just how you were born and maybe aren't necessarily things that need to change. Being more extroverted jumped out at me because I had a friend growing up who was super outgoing and I remember thinking to myself that I was going to be just like her personality wise. I tried to be and realized that wasn't who I was. God made me quiet by nature and though that has some drawbacks, it has some good qualities about it- I have been told that I am a great listener. That's because I would rather listen to someone than talk myself most of the time. I hope this day goes well for you- I will be thinking of you and praying for you!

    1. I mean, going from five dogs down to three has been life changing. Normal is two, right? 🤣 I probably should have made that say "become more extroverted", because I don't know if I could ever be a fully extroverted person. I totally get being a great listener so you don't have to talk; the older I get, the more I realize I have to say. I may not be the most loud or "out there" type of person, but I'm not always quiet. You know those type people that everyone hears when they enter a room? I'd honestly love to be a little more like that, but I'm not at all right now. My sister Debi is like this; her personality is magnetic! Thank you for that, my friend.

  2. Can't wait to follow along on your transformation- you are exciting me!

    1. Thank you, friend! I know you're in my corner. ❤️

  3. Love that outfit and I love that you met Sophie. She seems like such a fun loving person. I may have to pick up that book to read. While I don't know you in real life, I love the thoughts that you share here and on Instagram. Please don't change too much. 😊😊

    1. Thank you! It was so much fun to see her a gain. She is every bit as full of life as you would imagine! I will basically be the same, but maybe more adventurous. 🤣

  4. I am glad today is going to be a great day for you and hope you have a wonderful weekend too!
    I love this new version of you! You are looking fabulous and are living your best life! I have only been a regular reader of your blog for a few months but I can see you are a kind and wonderful person.
    It sounds like you had a great time at the bookstore and lunch with your friend.

    1. Thank you! It was such a fun day, and I'm so glad to say that. I'm so glad we met on our blogs! That is so sweet of you to say!

  5. Love your outfit and hair...a wonderful new version of you! That's so funny about the dog comment. We had 2 dogs for so long, but then just 1 for the last 7 years. So now 2 feels like A LOT! Hope you find little ways to find beauty in the weekend.

    1. Thanks, friend! There was a time when two felt like a lot to me too! It's been a great weekend.

  6. That really is a fabulous photo of you! I love that you are looking onwards and focusing on the new you you want to become (though I loved old you too!!). I already think of you as very kind, uplifting, encouraging, and inclusive but I guess you can never have too much of that.

    1. Thank you! I won't change too much, except for maybe being more adventurous and saying yes more. I hope you're enjoying your weekend!

  7. Great picture, and you have a wonderful attitude. I'm sure there will be some ups and downs, but we all experience those on some level. You're facing forward and being yourself and that's a good thing. How fun to meet Sophie!

    1. Thank you! You're right, each week is filled with plenty of both. It was such a fun night!

  8. I always enjoy stopping by and, it sounds like you are headed in the right direction for your "new life" that you were never expecting. Bless you, the Lord is NOT finished with you, He's still writing your story. Happy everything!

  9. I suppose the silver lining is that you finally get to learn who YOU are as a whole person - not daughter or wife or mama or church member. And once you do, you will no longer tolerate anything that doesn't align! It's so liberating, even amidst the darkness and grief. I am so happy you feel called to move forward! PS - I eventually gave my perfectly preserved Dior silk wedding dress to an immigrant bride who didn't have one. I cannot tell you how good it felt.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly! Thank you for that! I bet that felt great. I've had thoughts about my own...but I'm not doing anything with it just yet.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...