Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Fun Day & Another TraditionIt

This has been a really fun day.  If you know me, you know I don't love to shop, but today was the exception.  I was very intentional.  I had my list and I had very specific things to buy.

(Because I don't like to shop, I never just go without a goal in mind.  I always have my day planned out in advance, with my list of stores to go to and a list of the things I need to buy.  I start with the furthest away and I slowly work my way back to home.  And yes, I do believe I have OCD tendencies.)

First on our stop was Costco for a few things and lunch, then Pet Smart.

Next on our list was the Carriage Crossing out here in The Ville.  (I never ever ever go shopping anywhere else because it makes me crazy.)  If you don't live locally to me, Carriage Crossing is an amazing outdoor mall.  We had to stop and have a little fun on our shopping spree.

Drew is such a kidder.  The kid loves to pose for my camera, even though you probably think I ask him to do all that.  I don't, I assure you.  And I would show you my other kids more, but they shy away from my camera.  :/

It was fun, walking around the outdoor mall for a bit, and except for one gift, I finished my shopping.

We came home and had pizza for dinner and then loaded into my car, in our pajamas, to drive around to look at Christmas lights.  Our first stop was at Starbucks, for Christmasy drinks.

Then we stopped and saw some friends, then continued on our way.

Here are a few of our favorites.

This picture above won the town's Clark Griswold award.  I can see why, now, looking at this picture.  It didn't seem that bad when we were there in person.

Do you do this?  I would love to hear about some of your favorite traditions!  I've been hearing crickets chirping over here on the blog.

Love to all.

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