Wednesday, July 6, 2016

holiday weekend

Amidst the piles of laundry from Street Reach on Saturday, I had some really quality Jesus time.  I love mornings when it's quiet in my house and it's just Jesus, me and some strong coffee.

On this particular morning, I issued a challenge to my girls, to read through Proverbs with me this month.  Thirty one days in July, thirty one chapters in the book of Proverbs.  Sounds perfect, right?

(Just for fun, I love these pens that you see.  They're Papermate Flair pens and they last forever.  No need to buy pricey pens on Amazon anymore, when these are just as good.)

Todd was in and out all of Saturday, and eventually, we ended up at my mom's house for dinner.  Graham and Drew were invited to a friend's lakehouse for the weekend and were having the time of their lives.  I am so thankful for their guy friends!  God answered that prayer of mine, and all the glory goes to Him.

See?  How much fun is this?  I relished those days when I was their age.

On Sunday, I had to be at church at nine in the morning for praise team practice.  Jonah and Noah just sat and napped in the sanctuary while we practiced.  There were no bible fellowship classes that day.  During the service, this happened.

This is a picture my friend Jessica posted on social media.  Our pastor called down all the veterans to the front of the sanctuary, and they lined the entire front.  I got so choked up during these moments, especially watching the elderly ones make their way down front.  I am so thankful for the ones who have fought for our freedom.

Our church service that day was not patriotic.  There's not much to celebrate about this country right now and the state that we are in with all the corruption around us, but it was a service of prayer and Scripture reading.  It was a wonderful service.

After church, we came home for a quick lunch, then went to a friend's house for a cookout and pool party!  That was only my second time of swimming all summer.

On Monday, we had a lazy morning.

 I drank coffee, I watched Hope Floats, and I did laundry and had a really good and long quiet time.

Then we went to another friend's house for a potluck.  They invited us and a lot of teenagers.

There was yummy food, zip lining, four wheeler riding (in the rain!) and fellowship.  It was a great afternoon and I am so thankful for our friends for having us out.

That night, though, I came home and put on pajama;s and watched the fireworks from inside.

I finished a book and started another.  (Which I finished this morning.)  It was loverly.

Hope y'all had a great weekend!  Love to all.

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