Friday, July 8, 2016


Hope.  It's a word that I love.  "A feeling of expectation or desire for a certain thing to happen.  A feeling of trust."

I do not have hope in this crazy world that we live in, or in this country, and sadly, I do not have hope in people.  Especially because the bible tells us in Jeremiah 17:9 that our hearts are desperately wicked.  Yours, mine, all hearts are this way.  

I always say to my sons about all of us, that we are wretched sinners.  There is nothing good that is in us.  But Jesus.  Because of the relationship with Him that I (they, you) have, His Holy Spirit is now abiding in me, and THAT is the only thing that is good about me.  It's not me, it's not what I've done, or what I plan on doing, it's not how I think, it's all HIM.  

And THAT is what and who my hope is in.  Jesus Christ.  

I know that this world that we live in is fallen.  It's crooked and depraved and it's only going to get worse, never better.  

But one day, and we don't know when, the Son of God is going to return for those who love and follow after and believe in Him.  On that day is when things will begin to look up. 

I don't say all this to be all doom and gloom, but we are kinda at that point, I feel.  Mankind will continually let us down, and though things might improve slightly, it won't last.  

A relationship with Jesus Christ will last for all of eternity.  Have you put all your faith and trust in Him yet?  I have and I'd love to talk to you about how to go about this, if you are not a follower of Him.  We do not know when we will breathe our last breath on this earth, so don't wait.  The time to act is now, don't keep putting it off.  

I am saddened by the chaos and turmoil that is in our world, in our country and sometimes even in our families and friends lives.  But I know that God is in control, He is sovereign and He has a perfect plan for us.  I am prayerful this morning, that if you don't know Him, that you will come to know Him.  I pray that He will draw you to Himself and turn you from the darkness into His glorious light.  
If you're reading this and you don't know Him, please don't hesitate.  I would be glad to talk more about this.  

In the meantime, I am leaving you with one of my very favorite verses in the bible, out of Hebrews 6:19.

This hope we have as an anchor for the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil...

I stop there, because the veil is indicative of Jesus going before us to God the Father.  When the Old Testament was written, only the priest could enter into that inner curtain or veil where the mercy seat was, or where God's presence was.  When Jesus died on the cross for our sin, that curtain was torn and there was no longer any need for an intercessor to go to God before us...Jesus became that for all of time and the bible says that He intercedes to God the Father on our behalf.  That is what the words "the veil" are talking about.  

One last verse that I love is from Psalm, and in light of all the chaos we are watching on the news, I love this reminder.

I am so thankful that I have Him as my refuge.  You can have that as well.  Don't wait.    

Love to all.  

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