Monday, April 5, 2010

HaPpY mOnDaY

What a great weekend!  Even though it was so good, I am ready to tackle these last few weeks of school.  I feel like if we can make it through these next 2, especially, that we'll be home free!  Next week is the lovely time of standardized testing.  For 4 glorious {or not so much} days of tension and dread.  But, hey, it's also a no homework week!  Woohoo!

I'm confident that we'll muddle our way through.

Yesterday was such a great day at church.  A friend of mine wrote that the worship was "indescribable" on facebook, and it was.  The minute the music started, it was like an explosion of praise.  Ahhhhmazing.  Praise God I didn't have to stay in my seat!  Never was I so happy to be in choir, clapping, worshiping, moving, at one point I almost started jumping. 

It was powerful.

Before the Easter festivities began, I enjoyed Friday off.  Todd and the boys went downtown to the river and had a picnic lunch.  They also went to the airport to watch planes take off and while they were there, they toured the 2 different airport fire stations. 

Jonah is still talking about it.

What did I do during this time, you wonder?  Since my husband told me I wasn't invited?  :)  I had a girl's day out with my mom and sisters.  We all ate lunch at the Mellow Mushroom, then we shopped.  I had my first experience in Charming Charlie.  That place was huge~I was thinking it was going to be some small shop, but when we walked in, I saw how huge it was.  Like Jun Lee on steroids.  And overwhelming.  Really overwhelming.  I almost bought a little flower clip to put in my hair~I kinda wished I had gotten it.  I might go back one day and get it.  It was turquoise and adorable. 

Friday night Drew had a couple friends over for his sleepover.  Saturday dawned bright and early for me since I had to be at church for choir practice at 8:45.  The Easter egg hunt was after that~not much fun in the sun with a blinding sinus headache~then it was finally time to come home. 

We dyed Easter eggs and celebrated Drew's birthday some more.  Yummy birthday cake, good family time, all evening outside~what more could I ask for?

You know about our Sunday, and now here we are.  Ready and willing to get this week started. 

I'm kinda excited about this week, actually.  Last week was rough, so I'm ready for the newness of this one! 

I hope you all have a blessed day!  Love to all. 


  1. OK...that's why I haven't heard from any of my sisters! You all went to lurnch and CHARMIN CHARLIES! I hope you all got indigestion! Ha Loved that store!! The only thing that seemed to be missing was a movie! Can we say Bitter! love ya anyways!

  2. HA! I'm sorry to say that we did NOT get indigestion. It was a fun day. I wish you could have been there with us! Love you!!!


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