Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Monday (&Halloween)

I am blessed to wake up to a new day.  Even when it's a Monday...really, don't you think the "Monday syndrome" is just a state of mind?  Every day has the potential of being a great day.  It's all about attitude. 

(That's what I always remind myself and my kids.)

I am so thankful for each and every day I get to spend with my kids.  I pray that the Lord helps me to enjoy each and every moment.  Even the chaos of Halloween on a Monday.  Even when I have yet to figure out exact costumes for everyone.  (We do not buy costumes...we always make our own out of what we have.)  Even when I haven't even bought our candy to pass out yet.  :-//

I will embrace my crazy, loud job.  I will remember to be understanding when they get so loud that my eardrums feel like they're about to burst.  I will remember what it was like to be a kid who LOVED trick-or-treating for Halloween. 

I will not stress about the state of my house, or the dog hair that I occasionally see float up as the kids run by.  The mess will always be here...the kids will not. 

I will not try to make gourmet meals for my family.  I will try my hardest to make them what they like.

I will love, love and love some more on each one of my family members.  I will not be short-tempered, and I will take the teasing that is so easily dished out to me with a better attitude.  I will remember that I live in a house full of boys.  I will remember that their brains work much differently than mine. 

It's going to be an amazing day.  Thank You, Lord, for the many blessings You have given me. 

(Thank you, Rene, for inspiring this blog post.:)


  1. This is a wonderful reminder of what our priorities as mommies should be. Thank you!

  2. I totally agree that we should think this way but man is it hard when you are in the middle of the mothering chaos!!! I am working hard to slow down and savor the moments though. I can't believe I have one going off to college in just three and a half years. :(


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Hello Monday

  Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with  Holly  and  Sarah  for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! Before I get start...