Monday, January 6, 2014

Friday & the weekend

It has been so cold the past few days!  I love it.  Seriously...there's something so cozy about winter and I really don't mind the cold.  It is January, after all, and I do love each season that God has blessed us with.  On Friday when my dad was with us, the boys wanted to go to Johnson park.  After playing football for a bit, they found this hill to roll down, and after that they walked part of the boardwalk.  It was cold, but it was a beautiful day!

They didn't walk on the boardwalk very long...I think they heard something and it spooked them.  ;)

Afterward, they were all hungry because they had worked up an appetite.  So we came inside and made some goodies...those little pretzels with a Hershey's kiss and an M&M in the middle.

Friday night found me having dinner out with my best friend.  We ate at Old Venice Pizza Cafe and afterward we had Starbucks.  I haven't gotten to see her in a couple months, so it was nice getting to catch up.

On Saturday, I was totally lazy.  I never got out of my pajamas all day.  I got up that morning and gave myself a pedicure and manicure, then I watched a movie while they dried.

I treated myself to my favorite color of all time, OPI's My Private Jet.  It's black with sparklies.  :)

Todd rode with the sheriff's department Saturday night, and the boys and I just stayed home.  We had pizza and bread sticks and hot wings.  And Saturday night, we went to Starbucks.  I'm addicted to their butter beer.  (I have gift cards!)

We made a run to Costco and Pet Smart yesterday.  While we were in there, the temperature dropped about ten-fifteen degrees.  It was so cold when we came back outside that when we got home, I immediately changed into this:

...fleece pj's and fuzzy socks.  Twinkles and I decided that it was a great time for a nap.

We had a yummy dinner, thanks to my best friend.  Her hubby brought home food from his restaurant the other night, and she shared it with us.  So, we had an Italian buffet last night.  It was delicious!

We're not doing much of anything today.  The high today is fifteen degrees.  Right now it's eight degrees with a wind chill of negative five.  We're going to do an experiment with bubbles in a little while.  I'll tell about that tomorrow.

Because of the cold temps, poor Crash was shivering when he came back inside this morning.  He doesn't stay outside very long, but the poor little guy was cold.  Todd spread out a blanket for him to lay on.

Can you say spoiled rotten?  He is.

Todd left for an out of town trip this morning.  He'll be spending the night somewhere in Arkansas, so it'll be just the boys and me tonight.  I'm making chicken tortilla soup for dinner, and I am so excited about it!  I haven't made this in over a year, so it's about time.

I have Bible study tonight...I'm not sure how the boys feel about hanging out without me, but I won't be gone too terribly long.  It's our first night of the chronological Bible study, so I don't want to miss.  I've discovered that whether or not you attend the first night is indicative of your attendance while it lasts.  I always make it a point to fully commit~I've been the one who hosted and I've been the one in attendance, and I know it's kinda frustrating when people back out or stop coming.  My sweet friend Amy is hosting us~she's our children's pastor's wife.  I love her dearly and opted to do this study at her house instead of at church on Wednesday nights.

Wherever you are today, stay warm!  Love to all.

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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

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