Thursday, January 2, 2014

a tiny bit of normalcy and in reverse order

The Sugar Bowl is on.  There's yelling going on over at my house and I'm drowning out the t.v. noise with music and headphones.  :)  I'm listening to Overcomer by Mandisa, but I've been listening to Chris Tomlin and Big Daddy Weave.  As of right now, it's tied seventeen/seventeen.  Alabama and Oklahoma are playing.

Snap.  Make that twenty-four/seventeen with Oklahoma in the lead.
Have you seen that eCard floating around that says, "I love routine but get tired of it and then I love spontaneity.  But then I get tired of that and I love routine."?  That's what I feel in the week after New Year's.  I'm ready to move on and get going again.  I'm excited to get back to our routine on Monday, and I entered in all the boys grades today online, so now I'm all motivated.

Let's see how long that lasts.  ;)

The boys wanted to go to Johnson park today to play on the turf fields.  We got there and they ran into a couple of friends from our homeschool group.  They were there for at least an hour before they turned into popsicles.  When we got home, Noah went to check the mail and look what he found in our mailbox:

Noah left my water cup at church last Sunday, and somebody I told that story to bought me this and left it in my mailbox!  Talk about random act of kindness~it made my day!

Before I got dressed today, I sat down with last year's calendar and filled in the two that I received this year.  I love doing things like that.  I pulled out all my fancy pens that I got for Christmas and went to town.

And before I did this, I sat down and did my Bible reading and homework for the day.  I am loving the study plan that I'm doing to go along with reading the Bible in chronological order!  I made lots of notes today.  ;)

Isn't my notebook cute?!  Once again, thanks to my mom-in-love for the fancy schmancy pens or markers, or whatever you call these little jewels.

How was your day?  Sorry to write in reverse order, but I'm too lazy to change it.  Love to all!

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