Tuesday, August 2, 2016

a little bit of life right this moment

We are still short two cars at home, so I'm still finding rides and sharing vehicles with anyone who is at home or nearby.  I know it's such a huge inconvenience for my husband to not have his truck for work, but I am so thankful that he has my suburban, which is almost as big, so that he can have all the things he typically stores in the back of his truck.

And I'm not kidding....I enjoy being stuck at home.  I don't know if anyone else agrees with me or not, but I haven't minded this at all.

My mom came and picked Jonah, Noah, Alex and me yesterday morning (Graham and Drew had spent the night before a a friend's house), and we ran errands together yesterday.  We started by eating lunch at Abner's, a really amazing little chicken place that is fast, then she had to go buy some hairspray at a state beauty supply place, then we went to the Farmer's Market again.  We went on Saturday and all I bought were chips, guacamole and pico de gallo, but yesterday I bought five (HUGE!) tomatoes and a bag of speckled butter beans.

I only bought one bag (one pound) of the butter beans, because I figured who in the world else would eat that many butter beans, except for me and maybe Drew?

Well, here are all the butter beans after I cooked them for two and a half hours, and y'all.  There was not even one little butter bean left when dinner was over.  I'm so bummed about that.

We also had BLT's, macaroni and cheese, homemade cornbread and Graham made himself a salad.  The tomatoes I bought are RIDICULOUS.  I could have eaten two whole ones by myself, but I practiced self control and did not.

I could have the exact same dinner again tonight and be happy, but I don't know if all the boys would agree.  Well, Drew would, and probably Alex, too, but nobody else.

After all the errands we also had to make a quick Kroger run, me for the rest of my dinner items and her for some Sure Gel to make muscadine jelly.  That's why she wanted to make another run to the Farmer's Market, so she could buy the muscadines to make that jelly.

It was a good day.  I came home and washed the beans, then started them on the stove, and sat and read my book for the rest of the afternoon.

After dinner and doing things around here, Todd and I settled in to watch a show we started last week.

I didn't think I'd ever watch this, but he accidentally stayed up with Graham until one something in the morning one night a couple of weeks ago and said we should start from the beginning and watch together.

Last night we finished season one and might have sent Graham to get season two from my friend.

Because it ended HORRIBLY.

I love this that I saw on social media today.  It reminds me of Psalm 46:10.  It's good, sometimes, to try and mute out all the garbage that we read and see and hear all around us and to just allow yourself some room to breathe.  For instance, because of my dislike of all things politics, I've quit watching my favorite news every morning.  I get up and have quiet time, then I may get on the computer, but if anything gets turned on, it's a radio station that I love-either Air One or K Love.  It helps that I have a kitchen radio.  I don't turn the tv on at all during the day, but the boys may.  They just know that if they leave the room to turn it off.

I'm not saying that I bury my head in the sand, but I can read about things on my own and come to my own conclusions about the things that are always being debated about on tv.

One last thing that I am looking forward to is this new study coming out in September.

This summer, I've been doing an old study of Beth Moore's, called Living Beyond Yourself (on the fruits of the Spirit), and it is so good.  People have differing opinions about this author, but I love her.  I've never read or come across anything that goes against what the Word of God says, and I've even seen her in person several times.  I've completed many of her studies and I've even redone a few, and now, I am looking forward to this next one.

If you pre-order this study at Lifeway, from now until August fifteen, you can receive a free set of Scripture memory cards.  In her last few studies, she has had us write out the Scriptures that we're studying and she challenges us to memorize them as well.  If you are interested in this, go and visit the Lifeway website to place your order.  (Click on the word Lifeway.)

You're going to be seeing me post about this newest study because I am on the launch team for it, so bear with me as I share images that I'm asked to share on all forms of social media.

Thanks for reading my blog!  I hope your Tuesday is phenomenal.  Love to all!

(*This post contains an affiliate link.)

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