Wednesday, August 3, 2016

some things I love

I think I did the opposite of this post last week, so I thought I'd be more positive this week and share some good things that I love right now.

First up is one of my favorite YouTube channels that I am subscribed to.  Their name is Elevation Worship, and I cannot stop listening to this song.

I love how quiet it is, how reverent, and how beautiful the harmonies sound as the song goes on.

Also on my list of channels I love on YouTube are Hillsong, Kari Jobe, Jimmy Needham, Shane & Shane, Anthem Lights, Lauren Daigle, Rend Collective and all the artist at Passion each year.

I love any and all worship music, and almost 24/7, music can be heard in my home.  I love my kitchen radio.  The one that I have is one that fits right under my kitchen cabinets, and it's a few years old.  When my first one finally gave out several years ago, I asked Todd for a new one for Christmas.  It was the one time I asked for something electronic.  Here is one that is similar.

This image is from the Walmart website.  Click here to see it for yourself.  Actually, Walmart does not currently have these in stock, but check Amazon or Target.

I love my current Bible study.

I'm studying the fruits of the Spirit by Beth Moore.  It's called Living Beyond Yourself, and last night we watched the video on peace.  One thing that she said in the video session that stood out to me is that there is a difference in a peacemaker and a peacekeeper.  Being a peacemaker is biblical.  Think of the sermon on the Mount, in Matthew 5:9, where the Bible says, "Blessed are the peacemakers."  Being a peacekeeper is not biblical, and often times, the peace that is trying to be kept is false peace.
I think sometimes I can lean toward being a peacekeeper because of my dislike of confrontation.  I'd never really thought of any of this before last night, and it just kinda struck a cord with me.

There's not many things that can top this list of things I love like my morning cups of coffee.

I was up early this morning, at six thirty-three, to be exact.  For one thing, I look at the clock almost everyday, sometimes TWICE, at that time.  It reminds me of one of my favorite Scriptures from Matthew 6:33.  "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

I like to think that my looking at the clock at this time is a reminder from the Lord to seek Him first always.  I'll just be honest and confess that this summer, I've not been having my quiet time as the first thing I do each day.  I still have time with Him everyday, but sometimes I push it off until later.  I need to get back to my routines, and quickly.  I'm ready for school to start back, have I mentioned that?!

Todd and I were about to settle in last night to watch a couple of episodes of The Big Bang Theory when he got called out for a search and rescue mission.  (That sounds so hokey, but I don't know what else to call it.)  He volunteers with the sheriff's department in our county and that's one description of what he does with them: search and rescue.  He's also a first responder (they don't call it this anymore, though, but the new name fled my brain) and goes on calls to houses where there is medical distress.

The call out this time was for a missing teenager.  He was near a river and that's all I know.  Can you even imagine something like this?  I cannot, and I spent time in prayer for him, his family and for those searching last night, then again this morning.  Todd was back up at six to search again, because they had to cancel last night at midnight.

If you're willing, would you pray, too?

Thank you.

Another thing I love is homeschool curriculum.  I've been trying to put together this year of homeschooling ever since last week.  I've got lists going of things I own already, and I've got a list of things I need to buy.  I have re-enrolled the boys in our cover school and now I have to write out the lesson plan for this year.  One thing I love about homeschooling is that if we don't like the curriculum we're using, we can just stop and start again with something new.  I am so thankful for my friend who I am wearing out, either with questions of what to do with my senior, or whether or not she has a certain type of math I'm looking to borrow.  Andrea, if you are reading this, God bless you.  Seriously.  I pray that I'm not bugging you to death.

I read about something new this morning that a lady does with her high school kids.  It's such a simple thing, but I read all about it on her blog this morning, and I plan on implementing a bit of what she was talking about.  I already do a form of this with my own boys, but this is a little more, and I'm ready to start!  (I don't know that they'll love it, but part of drudgery is always just the repetition of it.  Once the habit is formed, it's no big deal.

Like I said, I am ready for the routine of our school year once again and look forward to starting!  I am thankful that we have the privilege of homeschooling.  I pray that all these ideas stick and that we all stay motivated around here this year.

Thanks for reading.  Love to all.

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