Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Merry Everything- fun things and Christmas memories


Happy Wednesday, my friends! This picture below cracks me up, because of Drew laying in the grass with a sassy look on his face. This was what my life was like raising these sons of ours—there was never a dull moment! As you can probably tell, Drew was (IS) feisty. Tis the season for all things Christmas, so here's a little bit more. Happy day and merry everything!  

I have something fun planned today! Here's a hint.

It involves my pretty mom. ❤

My mom and I always go shopping in the few days before Christmas. We usually go to finish up all of our shopping together, then we eat something the exact opposite of Christmas. Today we'll be eating hot soup and sandwiches from Newks, but in years past we've eaten Mexican and sushi. 

I also love doing this with my mom-in-love, Phyllis. She and I had to cancel our date last week because I was sick, but I plan on having a day of shopping with her in January. We love to end our day with Chick Fil A peppermint milkshakes. Come to think of it...Mom and I may get one today as well. 

Something funny that happened a few years ago that I always think fondly of at Christmas is the year our German Shepard Callie ate my stepmom's Christmas gift. We used to buy her good smelling soap, and we discovered that Callie loves peppermint. She literally tried to eat the peppermint scented soap! Another year she ate all the heads off of my nativity people. Except for Baby Jesus. She left Him alone.🤣 

I laugh about it now,  because it's a great memory, but I was extremely aggravated at the time. Other than these quirks, Callie has been the best dog of all. She's never had even one accident in our houses.

Our candlelight services for Christmas eve at church are among my favorite services of the year. Especially now that Drew isn't living at home anymore, we're rarely all at church together. I'm looking forward to that afternoon when we'll all get to be there together. I get to help lead worship in that service, so I'm excited about that too. 

These were the days! We would pile the dogs and our boys plus some extras (always Alex and Drew's old friend girl, Emma) into our big old Suburban and we would go look at Christmas lights as a family. We did this LONG BEFORE it was ever a thing to do that was cool, and we loved every second. We could only last as long as the boys weren't fighting. Inevitably they would start up and we'd call it a night. 🤣

We've gone from that to this. (Please excuse the pajamas and no makeup.)

We decided to take the dogs to look at Christmas lights last night! Have you seen that video circulating on social media reminding you to do that? I've been seeing it, which is what gave me this idea. Crash has been loving this activity for many years. You see him in the first picture and he's the blur in the one from last night. Both he and Chip loved it! We took Graham's dog Oakley, but she wasn't a fan. And Callie also hates to the next time (Saturday night) we'll just take Crash and Chip.

I mean, how precious is he???

His big eyes crack me up.

We plan on going again...maybe even a couple more times! I also have something fun up my sleeve for Thursday night for Todd and me, but I'll wait to tell you in case the impending snow messes up my idea. 

I went ahead and ordered my groceries to pick up tomorrow so that I won't have to do that again until after Christmas. I told my friend today that my mind is running in a million different directions, including being consumed today after work with a big writing project I just started. The timing seems weird, but I was inspired, so I had to run with the flow of creativity. What are you up to this week? I mean, I know Christmas is coming quickly, but do you have any fun plans? I'd love to hear about them! I haven't ever looked forward to this week as much as I am right now. I have slow days planned on Thursday and Friday, but the other days are going to be fun!

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 🎄


  1. The pictures of your dogs enjoying the light are precious! Sweet dogs!! That is funny about you guys looking at lights before it was a thing (so many things are THINGS now thanks to social media). That is cool that you have some fun and festive activities soon before Christmas. I have lots of stuff to do; not sure how much of it will be fun. The kids want to go shopping with me to help them pick last minute gifts up (and I'm sure I'll pick up things as well) and the girls and I have some baking planned for today that I am looking forward to. I hope you have a great day and productive time shopping!

  2. Aww such sweet dogs! I did the same thing with groceries- I have had two orders deliver already- I am determined to not step foot in the grocery store until after Christmas BUT just like you my mind is going in a million directions and I am afraid I am going to forget something- eek! :)

  3. Thanks, Maria! I saw that video on social media and wondered if they'd even really first they did not, but then we rolled down their windows halfway and they both had their heads sticking out either side of the car. From then on, they LOVED it. I may take the two boy dogs from last night again tonight. It's worth it! We made it short and sweet and went on a 30-45 minute drive. If I go tonight, I'll take coffee with me and I'll probably be alone, but I never mind that.

    Isn't that funny how social media makes everything a THING? Your day of baking sounds fun! I confess that the only reason why I'm excited about today and the rest of the week is because our gifts were simple this year. It helped just buying one thing for the boys and aside from those four, I had to purchase seven more. I don't include cards with money in them...but we give out four of those every year. I've not been finished in years past and I kind of dreaded this week in time.

    Your day of baking sounds fun, though! I hope you, Abby and Alyssa (I hope I spelled those right!) have the best day doing that together. ❤

  4. Thanks, Holly! I was inspired by your night of this the other night and that video I saw on TikTok (I believe it was there). It's so much fun and I may take the two boy dogs again tonight. Girl! I know what you mean. I've got lists upon lists...and I've consolidated a million times and then I finally placed my order last night. I was so relieved! I bought enough food to last us through the weekend now...also we have possible snow coming, which makes things so much trickier for us here in the good ole South. Everyone loses their minds when we get a tiny bit of the white stuff and the shelves in grocery stores become empty! It's insane.

  5. I feel like Ernie wouldn't even notice? I will have to ask Tom what he thinks. We need to go down to the marina where the people decorate their boats. It's on my list! I love your shopping day traditions. I have the shake on my list for today and also, did you know that Wendy's has a peppermint Frosty? I want to try that, too! Yum! Have a great day!

  6. Amy, that's what I thought when we first started. We were driving with windows up, THEN we rolled them all down (theirs just partly) and everything changed. They were both hanging their heads out of the car, on either side! Both Crash our oldest (white one) and Chip, our middle dog. I'm going to take them again tonight!

    Going to the marina sounds like fun! I love a waterfront...I can't imagine how beautiful it must be at Christmas. Thanks for that! I am a girl who LOVES quality time with my people, so this day is always fun and satisfying. I had NO idea that Wendy's has one as well! Thanks for sharing that...hoping you have a productive and fun day, my friend. ❤

  7. Candlelight services are my favorite. That glow of candles is just so heart warming - & singing Silent Night with it... chills!


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