Tuesday, June 18, 2024

unpopular opinions: the summer edition


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some unpopular opinions today, but it's the summer edition. I'll jump in!

Watermelon is overrated. Hi! My name is Jennifer, and I do not enjoy watermelon. Honestly, the second I take a bite of it, it gives me heartburn. I have never enjoyed watermelon, and my boys never ate it growing up, unless Big Daddy had some at their house that he'd already cut up and taken the seeds out of. I know, I know...

Sometimes I think that movies are too long and should be shorter. It's not true that I think this of every movie, but here lately, my attention span is short when it comes to movies. The movie Maverick was not like this for me; remember when it came out a few summers ago? It was the movie of the summer, which is something I miss! It seems like there are fewer summer blockbuster movies now than ever before. 

Waking up early is better than staying up late! You know I have always thought this. This goes back a long time for me; I was always the first one to fall asleep at slumber parties when I was growing up, and you all know what they did to the girl who fell asleep first! This easily could have been one of the many that I attended growing up.

In fact, I think this is why Saved By the Bell was so popular when I was younger, it looked an awful lot like real life. 

Crocs are comfortable and stylish. True and true! 

I love these! I also love their sandals. I don't feel this way about the actual Croc shoe that we all know and love, and though they may not be stylish, they sure are comfortable.

These aren't stylish either, but I wear them around the house for the same reason that I like Crocs.

Sunbathing is boring. I would rather do literally anything than lay in the sun for this past-time. This is why I love to be in the water; I'd much rather to be swimming or floating than laying out. I have felt like this all of my life, even as a teenager.

Makeup is unnecessary in the summer. I'm not saying I don't wear it in the summer, but it's less needed, that's for sure. I don't like to get sun on my face, so I always wear my Whoa Glow to the pool (click here to see what Whoa Glow is), along with the Elf Hydration lotion and lipstick every single time. All of those things prevent me from burning, but also allow my face to get a nice glow that is healthy. 

Reading is every bit as good as traveling in the summer! Thanks to the books I've been reading lately, I've spent time in NYC, and now I'm in Italy. This is why I love to read; a gifted writer has the ability to make you feel like you're seeing what you're reading. I'll give you a little spoiler of what I'm reading right now, even though I won't share about the books I read this month until Thursday, July 4th. 

On the topic of reading, do you remember this speech? Can you name the show it's from and the character who gave it to the audience? Where were they and what were they doing? 

"I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I’ve been a resident of Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina and strolled down Swann’s Way. It’s a rewarding world, but my second one is by far superior. My second one is populated with characters slightly less eccentric, but supremely real, made of flesh and bone, full of love, who are my ultimate inspiration for everything. My mother never gave me any idea that I couldn’t do whatever I wanted to do or be whomever I wanted to be. She filled our house with love and fun and books and music, unflagging in her efforts to give me role models from Jane Austen to Eudora Welty to Patti Smith. As she guided me through these incredible eighteen years, I don’t know if she ever realized that the person I most wanted to be was her. Thank you, Mom: you are my guidepost for everything.”

Speaking of traveling, it's such a hassle to do it in the summer. Again, I'm not saying I won't, but it's decidedly more crowded when I do! That being said, I will be able to skip the longest lines at the airport this summer, thanks to being TSA prechecked.  

Outdoor concerts are uncomfortable. Maybe it's not where you are, and it's not always like that here, but it's something else I don't love doing in the summer! It's usually too humid and buggy to sit outside for too long. 

What are your unpopular opinions in the summer? I'd love to hear them! I hope we can all still be friends after you read this  today. 😉 Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤

p.s. I'm linking up with Joanne for today's blog post. 


  1. I can just say "ditto" for this unpopular opinions post. I'm not a watermelon fan, and it seems like a lot of work to cut it up! I miss the days of the summer blockbuster and light rom-com, approx 90 minutes being ideal. I am seriously missing our pool this summer, mainly because I could just float around, which I can't really do in the neighborhood pool. And I agree about the summer concerts. There are all kinds of symphony and theater events here, as well as concerts. When it is 90 at 9pm, I say no thanks! Great idea for a post!

    1. It is A LOT of work to cut up! I kind of feel the same way about crab legs and lobster in their shells. Too much work, not enough meat. 🤣 I am sure you miss your pool! We have outdoor concerts in the summer here in Collierville every Thursday night, and I have never been interested in going! We used to go on the cooler nights, but that's such a rare thing now. Thanks, friend!

  2. I agree with many of your opinions (although I do like watermelon). I can't begin to count the times I would "lay out" in the sun after slathering on tanning lotion, putting my hair up, getting my book and my boom box, get myself all settled and think I'd surely been out there a good 30 minutes and it was time to flip over only to discover maybe - MAYBE - ten minutes had passed.

    The older I get (67), the less I care about anything involving going to a city - difficult to maneuver my way, too many people, too much stress. I'd rather discover small towns and their charms. A cabin in the mountains with my husband, his guitar, my Kindle, some easy trails to explore and streaming services available. . . . heaven!

    1. I felt the same about laying out when I was younger! I am like you and love small towns; I do also still like to visit cities, though. Todd and I are dreaming up our 30th anniversary/50th birthday trip in two and a half years, and I contacted a travel agent about it yesterday so that we can start saving! I agree about your idea of Heaven...that's my idea of it as well!

  3. Rory gave that speech at her HS Graduation from Chilton! Love the speech and the show so much!

    I do love being up early. - but I also enjoy staying up late. For me it’s more about the alone time, so whichever one affords me the most alone time!

    1. Ding, ding, ding! You guessed it; I love that show so much and that part makes me cry all the time. Oh, the alone time...yes!

  4. Lots of thoughts and I agree with you on pretty much all! Watermelon can be good, but when it's bad it's tasteless! I also don't like watermelon cocktails. No taste!
    Rory's speech was so good! Mason especially loves it as an avid reader and an almost English major. I agree about summer travel. I can't wait to have the freedom to travel in other seasons more. I don't have TSA pre-check and the pre-check line was way longer than the normal line at my airport last time I was there. Of course it does move faster.
    Crocs has some really cute and practical styles. The original are the worst for me - made me trip all the time. I only have the Brooklyn right now - check it out. It's really cute and you can't tell it's a Croc!
    I am the same with laying out - I would also be floating. I once took a trip to Hilton Head with my SIL. We had a house with a pool and beach access. That girl never got in either body of water. Guess who was in the water playing with her kids. Lol!

    1. The only thing worse than watermelon is tasteless watermelon! The same rules apply for me with cantaloupe. That speech on GG from Rory makes me cry every.single.time! I love the Brooklyn sandal, but I've never bought it; when I went to buy some last summer at an in-person store, they didn't have my size. Mwah mwah. Of course now, I have the great (and cheap) Amazon sandals that Tanya recommended for less than $30, so that's even better! That's funny about your time in the water with your kids at Hilton Head; I was always the exact same!

  5. My dad used to put salt (and for some reason, I am thinking possibly pepper?) on his watermelon slices. EEKS! I actually knew a few people growing up who did that. No thanks! I can take or leave watermelon but one of my kids LOVES it so we have it in the house a lot in the summer anyway. I can lay in the sun so long as my kindle is in my hand. Just to lay there like a bump on a log- no thanks!

    1. Yes! I know a lot of people that put salt and/or pepper on their watermelon and their cantaloupe! I don't think that sounds good at all. I laughed over your "bump on a log" comment. 🤣

  6. Ha! This post made me laugh, and yes, I share some of those opinions! I can handle the watermelon, but I have never understood the appeal of lemonade which makes my throat hurt and feel dry. yuck. Why is is such a summer thing? Also, would 100% look at a book than a Kindle or Nook screen and if that makes me old fashioned, so be it. I have a lot of "unpopular" opinions myself...maybe I should blog a list myself!

    1. Your comment made me laugh as well! I've never heard of someone not drinking lemonade because of it making their throat hurt, but it does make sense. It's so acidic! I like it, but I can't drink too much of it, or I'll get really bad heartburn. I would also prefer a book, but my eyes are terrible and the Kindle helps me see better. You should make a post of your own! I love reading things like this.

  7. I have croc sandals & get complements on them every time!!

    The morning is 10000% better than the evening. I ADORE watching the sun rise & seeing the start of a new fresh day.

    1. Yes! They're probably the ones that Amy commented about. I love them too, but I don't have a pair. I agree about the sunrises; I love watching it every morning!

  8. Great post! I have a few thoughts LOL! I love watermelon-can't get enough during the summer months! and I agree with you on the movies-gone are the days (or at least it seems) of the great summer blockbuster. Maverick a few summers ago is the exception. That movie was fantastic! and I love early mornings over any late evening-give me my quiet time and a good cup of coffee. No better way to start the day! And I love my croc sandals-I bought 2 pair! Reading is forever a favorite and traveling in the summer stinks because it's hot and other people are traveling too! Great post Jenn!

    1. You made me laugh about your "few thoughts"! Maverick was THE BEST movie I've seen in a long time; none before or since. Isn't that sad?? It makes me want to go to the movies, but I don't want to see anything that's playing. This is why I rewatch movies! Thanks for that, Amber!

  9. Watermelon is yummy, but is so much work and so messy! I don’t wear makeup in the summer unless I’m headed to church or somewhere nice! I definitely don’t like sunbathing. I’m a ginger so that’s probably part of the reason! I don’t tan easily so I feel like it’s such a waste of time.

    1. It is SO messy! The few times I've bought one to eat, I've made such a huge mess. That would make sense for you not enjoying laying out since you're fair skinned. I would be like that too, if I had red hair!

  10. I agree with so many of these! I am not a watermelon fan either. I am also not a huge movie fan. My sister loves movies and has the AMC pass so she can go all the time so I just let her tell me what I need to see! I find that too many movies waste too much time getting to the point. I prefer TV series.

    I do not enjoy summer travel either! My mom homeschooled me and my siblings so we always did our traveling during the spring. Way less people which was so nice! I'm driving up to visit my brother who lives just outside of Washington D.C. and I am not looking forward to all of the summer tourists! D.C. is insane in the summer!

    1. I laughed over your sister telling you what to see; what are sisters for, right?! I am with you about the movies, though, and rarely want to go see one in the theater. I'd much rather watch it at home in my comfy clothes! We homeschooled as well, when our sons were younger, and we also traveled at different times of year. It was so nice! DC sounds like it'll be a blast, but I know it'll be crazy with all the traffic. I love DC, though! I'd love to go again; the last time we were there was ten years ago. Thanks for stopping by today!

  11. My thoughts on watermelon...it was a staple in our home, in the summer. Mostly because in farm land, it's plentiful. As an adult, I hate having to choose one, cut one, and then deal with the mess. But I love a sweet, juicy watermelon.

    I do miss the new movies out for the summer. Did movies change or are we just much older? I haven't figured that out. But I have no interest in sitting in a movie theater with strangers and germs, when I can wait a while and see it at home. Maverick was amazing though!!

    Unpopular opinions? It annoys me when people say you can use their pool anytime. Why? Because it's awkward, that's why! I wish people would quit offering that :) I'm not going to hang out in your backyard while you're at work, only to find your strange cousin/uncle/brother is actually inside watching tv. :) Gross!

    1. That makes sense about watermelon being plentiful where you live and it being a summer staple. I do think movies have changed, but I also think that we change as we get older; I'm not really thinking of germs, but I'd much rather watch from the comfort of home in comfy clothes! Maverick, though...I'm making myself want to rewatch it now. Your pool comment and scenario made me laugh! I do like using their pools, but when I know they have cameras, I'm very uncomfortable with that. No thank you!

  12. I like watermelon but my family hate it so I don't buy it that often.
    Movies seem to be getting longer and longer! I remember when they used to be an hour and a half, now they're sometimes 3 hours long. Eesh!
    I love Crocs! I just have a plain black pair of the shoes that I pinched from my youngest and she only got them for a beach trip when she was at school. They are so comfy.

    1. I know what you mean about the movies! Who wants to sit in real clothes in public for that long?? Not me. Crocs are SO COMFORTABLE!

  13. What a FUN post! I live in my crocs during the summer, too - Cleo is my favorite style! I also agree with your opinions about waking up early (the best), sunbathing (overrated and often I overheat) and the way books can transport us to a new locale! Rory's quote is another favorite and that show is one our girls and I loved to binge, over and over again!

    1. Thanks, Laura! I loved that speech from Rory's graduation. It makes me cry every single time I watch the show, and I watch it over and over again. It's the best!

  14. Great post! Somehow I missed reading it when it came out - my blog reading has been hit or miss lately, just so much going on. I can take or leave watermelon, it's got to be really tasty to go through all that trouble. I agree with your opinion on movies, some of them just seem to go on and on and on.


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...