Wednesday, June 19, 2024

things I'm loving at this moment


Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd share some things that I'm loving at this moment in time right now. Some have to do with summer, but most of them are just things in general. I'm going to ask for your things at the end, so stay tuned!

Twelve years ago this week, Todd and I were in Iceland. We visited Reykjavik, Keflavik, Vestmannaeyjar, and a few other surrounding areas. We went there on a mission trip that got canceled because of the E15 volcano that was erupting while we were there; instead of doing the work we'd set out to do, we went over to the island of Vestmannaeyjar to encourage a pastor and his wife and to help out in their church with a few services. We helped out with a kids event, we did some work around their facility, and I sang in their Sunday service. It was an amazing trip, and I've talked about my friend Sheila that lives over there; she's the one who taught me to wake up and immediately talking to Jesus. 

Yes, it does really look exactly like this, but this image is one I found online. Also, this is the part of the world/ocean where the whale that played "Willy" in Free Willy came from; his real name was Keiko, and when he was old, he came back to this island to live out his last days. He'd been so trained and tamed for the movies that he had to be fed all of his meals! I tried to link an article to prove this, but you can just use Google and see for yourself. It's very interesting! Anyway, I'm loving reliving that trip and the memories that we made there. 

I'm also loving reliving all of these memories! These were the good old days, and life was so simple. We always filled out summer bucket lists, which always included things like night swimming, having a picnic, going to the zoo, sleeping outside on the trampoline, having friends over everyday, perfecting their dive, etc. We sure did always make the very most of our summers! 

I'm loving dreaming of new tattoo ideas. I love the two tiny ones I have and am considering a third right here where I "practiced it" on Monday; it would be in Dad's handwriting from an old card I have, and would say, "Love, love, love". That's how he always signed my cards and it's what he says to me every week that I see him. I can hear him saying this as I write it, because he draws out the first "love" to make it a long word.

I loved being in the book of Psalm recently! I really like to list out the characteristics of God as I read like I did on this day that you see pictured above. 

I am loving having this beautiful and delicious sourdough bread that I made to eat when I'm craving something savory. Our favorite way to eat it is to dip each bite in olive oil seasoned either with salt or pesto. Both are delicious, and that's way better than butter! 

Swimming anytime I want has been something I've been loving and enjoying. I'll miss this when our neighbors come back home!

I've been loving reading all of the summer-y books! Did you see my post yesterday about my unpopular opinions and how I said that reading a book is as good as traveling? Especially when the author is skilled in their trade and is able to paint beautiful word pictures? This book is like that, and I cannot recommend it enough!

I'm really loving taking care of Ruby and Boone early in the mornings for my friends who are out of town! They're the sweetest (and cutest) little pups. 

I'm loving my beachy YouTube screensavers! In case you don't know, pull up YouTube (NOT YouTube TV or YTTV) app on your smart TV and search for "beach screensavers" or "jazz music cafe". When you find a channel you like there, subscribe to it so that you can easily find it when you want something pretty on your TV for ambiance. I like to use the ones that have music in the background, and that are eleven hours or more long. 

I'm loving the summery flowers right now! I went out to water the dipladenias the other night on our deck (in the first two pictures above in this set of pics), and then I watered the hydrangeas and cut off the blooms that were faded and browned in color. I read that if you do that, the blooms will come back beautiful and vibrant once again; the trick is cutting them right above the next set of healthy leaves. 

I'm loving watching the sunrise each morning.

I'm loving drive through car washes with Dad...

... and I'm seriously loving these Amazon sandals. I've worn them everyday!

I'm loving Jonah's freshly painted room in Agreeable Gray, and I'm loving his dog's antics. She was watching him play the XBOX as he talked to his best friend on his headset. 🤣 Some things never change!

I said I wouldn't buy another dress, but I bought another dress and am loving this one from Amazon. This one fits, but it felt snug when I sat down, so I am returned it for a bigger size. I'll be taking this one to the beach with me next week! I'm leaving on Thursday morning and will be back Monday. I can't wait! That same week I'll also be going to Colorado, from Sunday to Wednesday. 

It's your turn! What are you loving right now? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. Love your new dress and it seems Mexican-ish to me. I have considered getting on when Sheaffer has shared something similar. I also saw one at my local boutique but the fit wasn't just right.
    I am so happy the sandals are working for you!

    1. Thanks, Amy! I'm assuming this is you. It's very much that style, which I've always loved in peasant blouses; I've just never gotten that style in a dress before. I know I'll love it when the other one comes this weekend, since I'm returning this one today. I didn't love how tight it was in the middle area when I sat down. Everything else about was perfect, though: the shoulder fit, sleeve length, and length of the dress. I love these sandals so much; who'd have thought they'd be the lifesaver for me at work this summer with the nerve issue in my back?!

  2. Ok I definitely need to try the beachy you tube screen saver on my office tv- thanks for sharing!

    1. Isn't it beautiful?? I love it so much, and that turquoise water makes my heart happy. I'll be glad to see that next week when I'm at the beach in person!

  3. Cute dress and hope you have so much fun on your trips! I am glad you enjoying the bread and I like to drizzle honey on mine.

  4. What an amazing trip to Iceland! I have read that before about the whale from Free Willy.
    What lovely photos! Life was simple when the kids were younger, I have found that with my two.
    That is a great idea for a tattoo!
    You have the best fun when our friends are out of town with the pool and the dogs.

  5. I loved seeing the trip to Iceland. I was remembering the simple summer days on my blog today too. Your two trips sound wonderful!

    1. Thanks, Tanya! That's funny that you were talking about the same thing. I'm behind on blog reading again!

  6. Please, please share your sourdough bread recipe!!!!!

    1. I will after I make it again this weekend; I'm not familiar enough with it yet, but I promise I'll do that soon.


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...