Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


It's a bonus blog post day! I hadn't planned on writing again today, but I saw the prompts for Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge link, (, and I couldn't resist. My first post will be right under this one. These are great prompts! Here goes...

1) It's National Splurge day; what's something you might splurge on today? What have you splurged on recently? I'm thinking of going to get my nails done after work today, so that's always a fun splurge! Mine are too long and I cannot function with them like this. I'm thinking of going more neutral this time around, but I'll keep you posted. 😉

2) Do you have a beach bag? What's in it? Is a trip to the beach on your bucket list? Do you have a summer bucket list? I do have a beach bag, though it's not really beachy. I actually wrote a post about this a couple of weeks ago, but I always have my reading glasses, sunglasses, my beach towel, my Kindle, hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes, sunscreen, lipstick or lip balm with SPF, and a small lunch bag with snacks and plenty of water. 

3) What's a song that makes you think of summers past? What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does it stir up for you? I have several songs that make me think of summers from the past, and I'll list them below. 

  • Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams
  • Cruel Summer by Bananarama 
  • American Kids by Kenny Chesney
  • Memories by Maroon 5 
  • Counting Stars by OneRepublic
  • Story of My Life by One Direction, What Makes You Beautiful by the same group
  • Some Nights/We Are Young by Straight No Chaser

These songs remind me of when either I was young or my boys were, and so many great times and memories are wrapped up in these songs! In the summertime, when the boys were younger, we would go windows down, music all the way up, and we'd go for long drives. This one time we were driving home with the windows down, and this huge bug flew into Graham's lap. He tried swatting at it with a box of Kleenex, and the entire box flew out the window! I was laughing so hard that I had to pull over. Never in my life have I laughed like that while I was driving. It is such a great memory, and we still laugh about it when I bring it up. 

4) Sushi? Yay or nay? Have you actually tried it, and if so, what's your go-to order? I love sushi! Todd and I like to get it to go and bring it home to eat. I love anything like spicy shrimp or crab, and I love the tornado roll at my favorite Japanese restaurant.

5) I own a ridiculous amount of books. I think we all know that by now! However, this summer I've also gained a ridiculous amount of dresses and I'm living in them nonstop. I am too hot to wear pants, so dresses it is! 🤣 Here are a few of my favorites:

See what I mean? But also, look at my book collection that's growing.

I need to clean this shelf off and reorganize it or maybe even move it upstairs and bring my lawyer's cabinet downstairs. 

Tell me some of your thoughts now, please! What's something you own a lot of? Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!


  1. But all of your dresses are so lovely! LOL. I have been making quite a collection of dresses and jumpsuits and skirts and wearing them over shorts or capri pants this year which is so unlike me. Those are all fabulous summer songs!

    1. Thank you! I love that you're doing the same thing. Girl, I love me some summer songs!

  2. Your dresses are all cute! I like a lot of the songs you listed as well. I didn´t think of songs that reminded me of when the kids were younger but I should have! (I was more thinking of me when I was a young person in the summer :)) Have a great Wednesday!

    1. Thanks, friend! We had so much fun listening to music and having living room and kitchen dance parties when the boys were younger; so many of my memories have to do with music...even the songs I listed that were young and fun for them.

  3. Great hodgepodge! Maybe I will join in next week!

  4. I love dresses, too, and wear them almost every day! I have dress #1 in 3 colors. Amazon? Your other dresses are cute, too!!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Oh, wow. It's such a great quality dress, and yes, it's from Amazon!

  5. You can never have too many books : ) Cute dresses! I love your song list and had trouble narrowing mine down to just one. Thanks for playing along today!

    1. Right?! This is why we're friends. Thank you for that! I loved these songs when the boys were younger!

  6. Once again I LOVE all of your summer dresses! I think having too many books is a blessing- ha! :)

    1. Thanks, Holly! You are right, my friend. It is absolutely a blessing to be able to have a personal library! I loan mine out all the time to the people I love and trust.

  7. Great summer song list and a funny memory! I love all your dresses - so pretty! I like wearing dresses in summer too, but that's not suitable for my work so I don't wear them as often any more. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Kym! I laughed all over again just writing this post yesterday. I hope you're having a good week so far!

  8. I have so many books but they are on my kindle so I don't think about it. I love all your dresses

  9. Those dresses are all so cute! I have been wearing more dresses lately - they're so cool in the summer! I get most of my books from the library - I love holding a physical book compared to an electronic book. My bookshelves are full of kid's books - no room for mine, which is why I use the library!

    1. Thank you! It's why I'm living in them right now; they're so much cooler than wearing even shorts with a t-shirt. I need breezy and flowy in my life right now! I love physical books, too. I'll always love them and use them to decorate with in my home, because I think they're beautiful.

  10. I thought about getting a pedicure but it feels like too much of a splurge, this close to vacation. But I need one!

    1. I get that! I used to never get my nails done at all, I always did them myself to save money, since we were a one income household.

  11. Those are some great dresses! I answered the same thing with the dresses :). That is also a fun list of summer songs. Enjoy your Wednesday!

    1. Thanks, friend! That's funny that you answered the same. Great minds think alike!

  12. Such cute dresses! Summer of 69 was mentioned by several in the Hodgepodge today.

    1. Thanks, Pamela! That's funny; it's such a classic!

  13. A floaty dress in the summer is the BEST. Like wearing air! ;-)

    1. YES! That's exactly why I wear them all the time!

  14. I hope you have treated yourself to new nails. I don't like mine too long but I always like them painted.
    Yes! Summer of 69 always makes me think of summer and that Hanson MMMBop song, that was a fun summer for me!
    I love all of your dresses!

    1. I loved Hanson and the MMM Bop song! Thank you, Kim!

  15. Cute dresses! You aren't the only one who listed books. I could have listed books, also. Happy almost summer to you!

    1. Thank you, Ellen! That's funny that several listed books. It's a great problem to have!

  16. I love all your dresses and I spy those cute sandals too.

    1. Thank you! I love these sandals; I'm so glad you mentioned them on your blog!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...