Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday, friends! I'm glad you're here today, and can't wait to hear what you're thankful for this week. I'll jump in with what I'm thankful for so far this week. 

I'm thankful for:

  • the word of God; it's living and active, and I love to read it everyday
  • The Bible Recap and Tara Leigh Cobble
  • worship music
  • music that reminds me of summer and days gone by
  • things that make me smile
  • the love and kindness of Jesus
  • family members that I've seen and talked to this week
  • getting to be creative at work

  • this blog space and the online community we have here
  • my sisters
  • Walmart + and grocery delivery
  • good coffee in the morning
  • the prospect of date night on Saturday 
  • something to look forward to next week
  • getting my nails done (OPI's Alpine Snow)

  • vintage magazine inserts that my stepmom gave me to assist me in the caring of our hydrangeas

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤

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  1. Love your Alpine Snow! It sounds like you've had a great week! I am loving Walmart Plus deliveries, too, and if you read my blog today - return pick up! Wow! They said 9-1 yesterday and the person came at 8:58 so I didn't have to wait around.

    1. Thank you! See what I mean by how shocked I was with the subscription? I am still amazed each time I order. That's awesome about how prompt they were!

  2. I like the blunt edge/ non rounded ends of your nails. That is how I would get my nails done if the ratty au natural look of mine was not better for my ¨dirt¨-y lifestyle! Your sign looks so good; that verse is a good one for a coffee shop. Have a great Thursday!

    1. Thank you! I went to a new place this time, because I've had a hard time getting into my usual place. I hate to switch places, but I may do that after yesterday. I love that this place takes appointments and adheres to them, and the young lady that did mine did a great job! I laughed at your "dirt-y" lifestyle. I like that verse for a coffee shop too! Have a great day, my friend.

  3. Your nails look great and I should probably try the Walmart deliveries too! I am thankful for beautiful weather- my Blackout committee for the work we all do and to have my girls home :)

    1. Thanks, Holly! You should try it free for the first month; you'll love it, I promise! Those are great things to be thankful for this week.

  4. I'm thankful for my family dinner, as you read, and thankful to be feeling back to normal after being sick. I'm also thankful for the little library down the street from me. I love going there every few weeks and coming home with a stack of books by new authors. It feels good to be reading, but not buying. What a treasure the libraries are!

    1. I'm so glad you're better now! I am also thankful for libraries (or the Libby app for my Kindle). Where would we be without them?!

  5. This week I am thankful that Alec didn't get sick until after graduation and BEFORE his freshman orientation next week (I am also thankful that he wasn't severely sick and is already feeling better). I am thankful for the a/c as we endure our first major heat wave of the summer.

    1. Oh my goodness, I'm sure you are thankful for both of those things!

  6. Yes, there is so much to be thankful for. Thanks for reminding all of us!

  7. I'm thankful for many things but when I read your Thankful Thursday posts, there is always something on your list that I need to add to mine. I am thankful for you!

    1. I feel the same way when I read others' posts. Thanks, Pamela! I'm thankful for you too, my friend.

  8. Ditto what Pamela said! I love your Alpine Snow nails!

    1. Thanks, Tanya! I'm thankful for you too, my friend.

  9. I love the way your thankful spirit shines through your words, Jennifer! Today I am especially thankful for time spent at the lake with our youngest daughter, Her presence all weekend made it a special Father's Day.

    1. Laura, thank you for those kind words! It's one of the nicest things someone has ever said to me. I always appreciate encouragement! That sounds like so much fun- being on or at a lake with your daughter. I'm glad she was able to be there for Father's Day!


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