Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday Favorites, 6.21.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How has your week been? I hope you can say that it's been a great one! I've had lots of favorites from this week, so I'll get started!

Being in the water when it's a hundred degrees out is my favorite! I'll be in here later this morning, maybe tonight, and most of tomorrow. Don't mind me!

This picture of Dad is my favorite. Will you do me a favor and pray for him? He seems to have taken some steps that are leading downhill, and it's hard to see him like he's been this week. For the unforeseeable future, I'll be going to his house on Fridays. I don't know how long this will last, honestly, or if it will continue at all like it has in the past. We're relying on God for each day, and asking Him for wisdom and insight to trust in His perfect plan. God is always, always good, and I'm grateful for all the moments I've had with Dad on Fridays over the years. I'd also really love for you to pray for my stepmom, Sandy. She is such an amazing caretaker and wife to him! Her fortitude is unlike anything else I've ever seen. I'm so glad we've had some great weeks the past few months, and I'll always cling to this one magical Friday when we took that fun road trip.

I'd love for you to pray for all of us in this. Thank you in advance! 

The father's day all men's choir at church on that holiday is always my favorite!

Hydrangeas are my favorite! Mom gave me the idea to dry some for an arrangement, so I've had these hanging in my laundry room all week long. I'll keep you posted on how these turn out! 

This picture of Jonah and Noah is one of my favorites; I remember this day like it was yesterday. It was the last baseball game of the season for Graham and Drew; we'd been swimming, and brought a picnic dinner for the baseball field. They ate, and ran around playing with the little siblings of some of the other players. Those were the days!

Patella arthritis in my knee is not my favorite. I visited my orthopedic doctor this week for x-rays and medicine to help with the inflammation.

Jonah's room is my favorite! He painted it "Agreeable Gray" by Sherwin Williams the night we left for Dallas with Noah. Didn't it turn out great? Also, Chloe watching TV will forever be the greatest thing ever. Another thing having to do with these pictures is the fact that I talked to all my boys this week; that's always a favorite! 

Homegrown cucumbers are my favorite and so is the salad I made with them along with this dressing.

The Dipladenia hanging baskets we have on our deck are my favorite; this one is starting to have a trailing vine, which I'm excited about. 

Vintage literature from Better Homes and Gardens is my favorite! Hopefully what I read and implemented will help my hydrangea blooms come back to life. 

This is my favorite product that I have! It's what I clean my face with every night. I get this huge tub from Costco and then refill a smaller container for my bathroom. I just had to refill the one in my bathroom this week. Did you know that this is one of the greatest things you can do for your skin? I've not had even one break out since I've been using this as a facial cleaner. 

Chalk art is my favorite...

... and so is this new nail color, Alpine Snow. 

Our house in the early morning light is my favorite.

And as usual, spending time in God's word each morning is my favorite! I love reading along with The Bible Recap community. 

Did you catch my other blog posts this week? I'll list them below.

Monday was Hello Monday.

Tuesday was Unpopular Opinions: the Summer Edition.

Wednesday was a double post day with Things I'm Loving Right Now ( and the Hodgepodge post. 

Lastly, yesterday was Thankful Thursday

What was a favorite for you this week? I'd love to hear from you! If you're new around here, make sure to come back often; I've been writing a lot lately! Thank you for reading my blog today and always, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I will pray for your sweet Dad. I hope you have a good visit and that you can swim after. It is emotional and hard. I hope Sandy gets breaks sometimes, too.
    The drying hydrangeas look so pretty and I need to do that, too!

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I know you know what this feels like because you walked through it with your dad. Swimming after is a great idea; I'd thought of going before, but after may work better. We encourage her to get a break whenever someone is around, so maybe she'll do something for herself today. Or she may just go shut herself in her bedroom and read peacefully! Either way, I pray she's refreshed a bit. You should try drying some of your blooms! They need to hang upside down in a warm, dry space for quite a bit; Mom told me even if I think they're dry, they can still need to dry some more. I just put little clear thumbtacks into the wall to help hold them there like that.

  2. I love your nails - so pretty! I wish we had a pool here. It’s in the plans for our future house we’re going to build, though! I love vintage literature, too. Anything old is so interesting to read!

    1. Thanks, Megan! I think a future pool sounds fabulous! I'd love to have one in our own yard someday as well.

  3. I stopped reading and prayed for your dad as well for someone I know who is going through a tough time (the person´s name came to mind when I was praying for your dad). My brain goes from thought to thought as do my prayers, apparently!! I like reading vintage things as well. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much! It's not just you who does that while you pray; I often think as we pray for one person/thing, God reminds us of another similar. I hope you enjoy your weekend as well, my friend.

  4. Jennifer, I just prayed for your dad, for grace and peace during this decline. I prayed for Sandy too. My stepmother and my dad were married for over 40 years and she cared for him during many years of illness. It really took a toll on her own health. I pray that Sandy will get the rest she needs and be able to care for herself along the way. I'm praying for you too.

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I keep asking for those things too: grace, peace, comfort, wisdom, patience... My dad and Sandy are going on 38 years in September, so it's been a long time for them as well. I do think it's taking its toll on Sandy; I told her yesterday that I'm a phone call away if she needs to get away for a bit. I went over yesterday after work, and I'm going again today. I pray that God strengthens and sustains her! We encourage her to grab a break whenever she's able. Thanks again for praying for Dad and all of us.❤️

  5. I lost my Dad on June 10. I understand how you feel. May God’s will be done.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. What's your name? I'd love to pray for you.

  6. Sending prayers for your sweet dad. Dads are so special and you appear to have a special relationship with yours.

  7. I will be praying for your Dad!

  8. Praying for your dad (and Sandy and your family)! We just got some farm fresh cucumbers last night and I can't wait to use them... your dish looks so yummy and so simple.

    1. Thank you so much! I am sure the fresh cucumbers were delicious!

  9. Oh, I am praying for your dad this weekend. What a good daughter you are to care for him. I hope it is a good weekend and love that nail color!

    1. Thank you so much, Maria! It's a joint effort, so we're just pitching in where it's needed.

  10. Oh wow! That water looks so good, it must be so cool when the weather is so hot!
    I am so sorry about your dad, I will be thinking of him. Sending love and hugs! Sandy sounds like an amazing woman.
    I hope your knee is feeling better soon. Arthritis is no fun at all.
    What a pretty nail polish colour.

  11. Praying for your dad. Your house looks beautiful in the early morning light.


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...