Monday, June 24, 2024

Hello, Monday 6/24/2024


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! Mine was really nice, filled with lots of things that I love. 

This was me on Friday morning; cheers to the weekend! I slept in a little that morning and didn't come downstairs until five. Do you love this first cup of coffee of the day as much as I do? No matter how hard you try, the others during the day don't taste nearly as good as this first one. Also, speaking of coffee, I love this mug that I use every morning; it's one I got from HomeGoods several years ago and I've never found another one. I don't ever put it in the dishwasher, but hand wash it after every use. I love an insulated mug with a lid, but I rarely use the lid unless I'm taking it with me somewhere in the morning. 

But back to the weekend...

After I fed the neighbors' dogs, I came home and took the sourdough starter out of the refrigerator in preparation for baking the next day. Saturdays are for baking now! And then I ended up misunderstanding the recipe, but it still turned out okay. 

I had my quiet time and got to linger over it that morning, which is my favorite, and then in between that, I was texting Marilyn about the bread confusion. I even called her once, but we ended up texting and then talking one more time.

This was me waiting on it to start rising and taking a peek.

I got dressed and went to Dad's house for our weekly Friday date. He napped after lunch, so I was looking at their bookshelves and saw some really cool things there, but this Ben Carson drawing and autograph stood out to me. I love him and recently watched his story on Netflix; have you seen that? It's called Gifted Hands. It's really interesting, and he's played by Cuba Gooding, Jr. 

I also looked through their photo album from their trip to Israel fifteen years ago. I love this picture of Dad on a camel!

That night for dinner, I had roasted tomatoes, cucumber salad, a piece of sourdough bread, and (not pictured) a few over-easy eggs. I wasn't full from my vegetarian dinner, and figured I needed some protein, hence the eggs. 

I love the show Reba on Netflix and have been watching it the last few weeks. This new show comes out this fall, and I'm excited to watch it; I love Reba as an actress!

I was up early, and baking by six thirty on Saturday morning. I had plans that morning, so I needed to get a move on!

While the bread was finishing in the oven, I went out to do a little bit of weeding, and I trimmed off the faded/browned blooms of my hydrangeas. From what I've read, when they turn like that, you need to trim the blooms off right above the next set of healthy leaves. Supposedly this will make them bloom vibrantly again. Fingers crossed! 

My big plan for the day was to meet my sister to swim again! And we swam again yesterday, too. It's so hot here that it's basically all you can do, other than sitting inside the air conditioned house. 

When we were finished for the day, I came in to shower and wash my hair, because we went out for dinner Saturday night. I started listening to a book that day on Audible, so I did that while I let my hair air dry and the puppies napped. I lit some candles, and had music playing in the background. It was so nice that it lulled me to sleep for ten minutes! 🤣

I said I was done buy clothes for the summer, but this is my last thing. Maybe. Isn't this dress cute? I found it on Amazon, and I love that it's similar to a peasant blouse. Those have always been one of my favorite things to wear! I did have to size up one in this, and the fabric looks like gauze, but it's thicker than that. It doesn't stretch at all, which is why I sized up one. I wore it out that night with these favorite Amazon sandals

What did you do that you loved this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I love the hot pink dress! So cute! I haven't watched the Ben Carson story but am going to look for it. We lived in Maryland for a few years and he operated on a friend's son who had a brain tumor and he was such a gift to their family during a difficult time. Our hydrangeas took a beating this year, as the deer snacked on them. They bloomed but the plants looked so wonky. We're in the water a lot right now too. Stay cool and have a nice week!

    1. Thank you! That's amazing that he operated on your friend's son. He is such an incredible surgeon/man, and his story is really inspiring. You should watch the movie, if you have Netflix! Have a great day, Joyce!

  2. That dress is so adorable! I have yet to try my hand at sourdough… I do like to use my bread machine though, and my kids love homemade Hawaiian bread.

    1. Thanks, Megan! I think it's great that you make bread for your kids; that Hawaiian bread sounds delicious.

  3. That sounds like a nice relaxing weekend. I (along with one of my friends) went to visit another friend where we ate (a lot) and talked (a lot) and relaxed (a lot).it was some very much needed girl time. Happy Monday!

    1. It was; I'm glad you had a nice weekend as well! Friend/girl time is one of my favorite things ever. I'm excited to have some of that myself this week!

  4. Ok that dress is gorgeous on you! Just love it! What a peaceful weekends- sounds perfect!

    1. Thanks, sweet friend! I hope your week gets started off well!

  5. That is cool about Ben Carson. I didn´t know there was a documentary out about him. I want to see it and I´d like to read his books. That dress is pretty! I can´t get into wearing dresses, unfortunately. I wear them to church and then change. Even though I don´t know wear short dresses, I still feel self conscious if I have to bend over much at all to do a task. Shorts are it for me in the summer but dresses do look cute!

    1. I love him; the more I know about him, the more I love about him. He's an incredible man and talented surgeon! Thanks for that, friend. I know a lot of people feel the same way as you about dresses, and I may feel that way someday myself. I do wear shorts under the dresses all the time, though, thanks to the "incident" of me flashing poor Marilyn, Joanne, and Tanya while we were in Nashville that weekend in April. I'm rolling my eyes. 🤣

  6. What a nice summer weekend! I love that dress!

    1. Thanks, my friend! I hope you had a great weekend!

  7. The Ben Carson drawing is cool! I have not watched that but it looks interesting.

  8. Glad you are enjoying the sourdough project! I also trimmed my hydrangeas this weekend. We will see how it goes!

  9. That dress is so cute! Your bread looks like it turned out great!!

  10. Busy weekend! Such a cute dress and it's available in so many colors. Gifted Hands is an excellent movie.

  11. I love the new dress (and of course the sandals!) Sometimes if I'm tired, I'll lay down and listen to an audiobook or podcast. Inevitably, I doze off and it's so relaxing. Then I have to rewind to find out what I missed. I still need to watch the Ben Carson movie, although I might have seen it a long time ago. Have a wonderful week!

  12. Love those things from your dad's bookshelves - and his photo from a good trip. Great memories! You look so cute in that dress. I'm trying to get caught up a bit (so behind in blog reading) and I know you are on break...but just wanted to send a hug!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...