Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

It was beautiful today! Cold, but beautiful. Noah is recovering from some breathing issues he's been having, and today I felt like he was able to be outside for a little bit. He felt fine, and only coughed a little, so I think tomorrow we'll be able to venture back into the world. We've been home since Saturday night, and I have cabin fever!!! I'm actually looking forward to a P.T.A. meeting I have tomorrow...well, almost.

Jonah and Noah are taking a bath as I'm writing this, and I'm overhearing them laugh and cut up. We have a pull down shower head that has a message pulse, and I decided to let them see what it felt like. Noah was laughing so hard, all the water went on and around me instead of over him. He is such a giggle box. Jonah and I were laughing pretty hard, too. Needless to say, my bathroom floor got cleaned...well, almost.

I was pretty bored today, I actually was lazy and didn't do much except a load of laundry. I was about to doze off at around lunch time, when a girlfriend called and kept me company for a while. That was nice, even if we didn't get to talk much. The little ones were just excited to see someone else besides me!

Well, I'm pretty boring tonight, I don't have anything big going on this week. I'm just trying to keep the rest of my house well, so we can actually do something this weekend! Hope you all had a great day, and just think, the week is already almost half over!!! Yippee!

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