Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Go Fish Guys and Diego

Well, did we ever have fun last night!!! Todd and I took Graham and Drew to see the Go Fish guys, then Mimi and Papa took Jonah and Noah to see Go Diego Live! We all had so much fun! Go Fish was even better in person (if you don't have any of their cd's, I strongly recommend them!), if that's possible. We were singing and clapping and dancing, and Graham and Drew were excited because they got to give Jason a high 5! We let them go up front so they could have a better view. At the end, they got in line and got their autographs, to which they now have a growing collection. They saw Anthony Evans in concert at our church a year ago, and he signed his poster for them.

Jonah and Noah were completely mesmerized at Diego! I heard that it was Broadway~quality, and that everything was beautiful. There was only one part they didn't like...the dancing coconut trees. They said they were "weird and dumb". I'm quoting them. Turns out the tickets they won were worth $40 each! They had fabulous seats, too, down front in the orchestral section.

I am enjoying a nice, quiet morning. The boys are with Mimi and Papa still, and Todd is doing a Memphis Maps outreach with the men in our church. I got this really great d.v.d. yesterday from Proverbs 31, entitled, "What Every Wife Should Know", and have already watched it. I am praying that God will lay on my heart who He wants me to pass it on to. Lisa Tyrekurst talked about the 8 Needs Of Every Man. It was really interesting.

Well, we're having friends over tonight, so I am off to clean. Have a great weekend!

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