Monday, April 14, 2008

The New Mess

O.k. well, I cannot believe I actually complained over what I thought was a mess last week, and the week before. That was not a mess. Today, now this is a mess. The kitchen floor is coming up easily, the baseboards are all popping right off, but the kitchen floor was wet underneath the particle board that was under the linoleum. SO, what does that mean, you ask? It means my kitchen will have to be in the shape it is now until it is dry. Praise God it's not a new leak. It was the leak we had over a year ago when the fridge leaked. And there is no mold, so another thank You, Jesus. He truly is watching out for us.

So, back to my mess. I don't know if we'll be eating what you would call a normal meal today. I can already say that tonight will definitely be a $5 pizza night. Lunch will probably consist of snacks, or maybe cheese and crackers, if I can get to the fridge. The man was nice enough to move it for me. So...any offers on dinner? Lunch? Ha ha ha, I have a friend or two I could call, and I know either would bring food in a flash if needed. But we'll manage. At least I have healthy snacks around, so we don't have to eat junk all day. I'd post a picture, but the mess honestly depresses me. I want no record of it once this is all finished. The kids are being great, by the way. Their eyes are huge, and Noah keeps on going to look at the torn apart kitchen, saying, "Whoa, Mom, you have GOT to come see this!" Then he asked the man, "Why are you doing that?" You gotta love kids and what comes out of their sweet little mouths. Remind me of that the next time one of them smarts off to me. More later.... =)


  1. Thanks for the warning. Also wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you. I would provide a meal for you if I could! :)

  2. I know that you would do that...thank you so much! Your prayers are much appreciated!!! My 5 year old twins can just about not bear the horrible noise of pounding, scraping, peeling and sawing. It's gonna be an interesting week! Thanks again!


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