Wednesday, April 16, 2008

One room complete, two more to go

MY KITCHEN IS FINISHED!!!!!! It is beautiful! I will post a picture when all the extra little pieces of furniture get moved back to their original spots. I love my looks like a mixture of ceramic tile and brick, which is exactly the look I was going for!

Drew is feeling better, and today is his first day back to school in almost a week. I knew he was feeling better since he just about drove me nuts all day yesterday with his joking and crazy antics. So the older boys are at school, and Jonah and Noah are at Mimi's house. So what am I doing? Cleaning out closets!! I spent almost 3 hours in Jonah's and Noah's room and closet yesterday doing the toys, so today I'm tackling our closet, the linen closet, and Graham and Drew's closet. I desperately need to go through all their clothes! My neighbor had given me a lot of shorts and things for Graham and Drew, so once I'm finished with the closets, it's onto the laundry! I'm just happy my kitchen and laundry are all back in order.

I love productivity! It is so much easier when you don't have little ones running under your feet. However, it is eerily quiet without Jonah chatting my ears off. And Noah's sound effects. There is the lovely sound of the nail gun going off in the background, so at least I have something. Alright, enough from me, I'm off to finish my work!

1 comment:

  1. Mimi is loving Jonah chatting her ears off and Noah's sound effects. We are having a very full fun day and looking forward to tomorrow. Besides the demonstration from the sheriff's dept. and fire dept. at the church and lunch at the new McDonalds we have played Wii and played outside and baked cookies and played Webkinz and are still having fun. Enjoy your peace and quiet and take some time to read a good book. You will get them back.


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Friday Favorites; the Galentine's day edition (2.14.2025.)

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