Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Devotion from Proverbs 31

Some of you may care less about reading things like this, but this was what I read in my daily devotional from them. I get Referee has been nudging me...I challenge you to "rest in Him" (Mark 6:31), and find out if He nudges you. Chances are, He will. Enjoy!

August 6, 2008

Your Heavenly Referee

Micca Monda Campbell

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you” Palms 32:8 (NIV)


Have you ever experienced a lack of peace that kept you from moving forward? I have. My husband and I were about to purchase our first home. After viewing several houses, we finally found a perfect fit. Or so we thought.

When closing day came, I couldn’t bring myself to sign the papers. Although it was natural for us to be both excited and nervous about becoming new home owners, I couldn’t shake the feeling of uneasiness. I asked to speak to my husband alone for a moment and discovered that he had the same sick feeling in his stomach as I had in mine. We decided not to move forward.

This was a wise decision. A few short months later, my husband died from a tragic accident. Had we bought the home, I wouldn’t have been able to pay a house note plus support a new baby and myself on one income. That’s when it dawned on me. Our lack of peace on closing day was the Holy Spirit calling a “time out” so that we would think it over and make the right decision.

You and I may not know our future, but God does. Through the Holy Spirit, God directs our steps by the way of peace, or lack of it.

The Holy Spirit works in our lives much like a referee does in a basketball game.

As long as the players stay within the boundaries of the court, they are free to move about. But when there is trouble on the court or the ball goes out of bounds, the referee blows his whistle. The sound of the whistle stops the game until the referee restores order, then he puts the ball back into play.

Likewise, we have a heavenly “Referee” — the Holy Spirit. When there is a lack of peace in our lives, that’s our signal He has blown the whistle and called for a time-out to redirect our path.

Sometimes our ball gets kicked out of bounds by unexpected adversity in our lives. Other times, we step out bounds on our own by giving way to temptation and sin. In each of these circumstances, the Holy Spirit will blow the whistle to gain our attention. If you and I are smart, we’ll wait on our heavenly Referee to restore our peace and put the ball back into play.

For peace to return, we need to wait and listen to the instructions of our Referee. You and I seek those instructions through prayer and meditation of God’s Word. It may also involve repentance before we can move forward. Either way I assure you that stepping out of bounds doesn’t mean God will call “game over.” As we respond and obey the Holy Spirit, He simply puts the ball back into play. Those who have learned to play under the guidance of their heavenly Referee will never stray long outside of the boundaries God has set for their life.

I’m thankful that my husband and I heeded the warning of the Holy Spirit and didn’t purchase that house. In doing so, we were spared undue stress. What about you? Is the heavenly Referee trying to get your attention through a lack of peace? Or is He giving you a green light through a calm sense of rightness? The right path is always marked with peace.

Dear Lord, only You know my future and what is best for my life. Guide me by the power of Your Holy Spirit. I will not move forward until I have a complete sense of peace. Until then, give me the strength I need to wait on You, In Jesus Name, amen.

Related Resources:

Visit Micca Campbell’s blog

Becoming a Woman Who Listens to God by Sharon Jaynes

Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer

Application Steps:

God has a distinct plan for your life. He is involved and working for your best. If you have a decision to make, seek God’s counsel. He will guide you by His peace. If you are not experiencing peace, do not move ahead. God will show you the way, and it will be marked by peace.

True, sometimes we have to step out in faith – but the risk will be accompanied by a peace that passes understanding if God is in it.


Have you ever had a lack of peace but moved forward anyway? What was the outcome?

What does it mean to you that God never calls “game over” when you’ve stepped out of bounds?

How can you utilize the help of your heavenly Referee?

Power Verses:

Luke 1:79, “to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace." (NIV)

John 16:13, “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” (NIV)

Isaiah 58:11, “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” (NIV)

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