Friday, August 15, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten!

We made it through our first day of school with flying colors! When they came home from school yesterday, they were so excited, they could not stop talking about it all! You saw Noah's funny story on the blog I posted earlier, so if that's any indication of how their day was, that is fine with me!!!

Of course, what would a first day be without pictures? When I told them I was taking pictures of them, Jonah said, "Mom, you're only taking one." Hmmm, boy, do I have news for you!

Being blinded by the sun!



Sitting in the floor listening to "If You Bring A Mouse To School"

This is the famous Katie Ledbetter, who is precious!

This is them making an M&M cookie for us to bring home and keep~on it they had to write their first name, their age, their favorite color and their favorite food (we had to help them)

And right after this is when a little boy started crying. We knew if we stayed any longer, they would join in the process, so we took off. They never cried, so it was good that we left when we did! They are so excited to go back on Monday...their only complaint about yesterday was that they couldn't carry their backpacks! I assured them they would be able to do that on Monday. I guess I'll have to tell Noah not to be kissing on any little girls while he's in school. Mom, does that sound familiar? Remember Josh Putnam when I was in kindergarten? I think Mrs. Norwood wrote something about that on my final report card. I guess he gets it honest!

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