Monday, September 22, 2008


I can't believe it's already noon.  I hit the floor with my feet running this morning.  I usually do, but I really did this morning, because I didn't wake up early like I like to.  I really have got to start getting into bed earlier.  Ideally, I should wake up everyday at 6am.  Realistically, I'm doing good to wake up at 7.  It takes me a full 30 minutes to pack 5 lunches and 4 backpacks.  I send lunch with them everyday...even Todd~he's the #5...and I have to pack 4 snacks, 4 water bottles, and get all that situated inside their little backpacks.  And then breakfast starts.  On good days I have something actually planned.  Today they all had granola bars.  

I have to leave my house no later than 8:45 to get them through the carrider line, then this morning, I rushed home afterwards to start laundry.  I had a thirty minute gap to fill before I was off and running again.  I folded one load, and started two more.  One in the dryer, one in the washer.  I had to be up at the school at 9:30 to make all the kindergarten copies.  Well, I didn't see the kindergarten folder sitting on the front desk, so I assumed there were no copies for the kindergarten grade level today.  When that happens, you start the next grade.  So I started first grade copies.  I had a room mom meeting at 10, stayed there for 30 minutes, then ran back to the copy room to see if DewAnne (the other copy mom) needed help.  She was making kindergarten copies!!!!!  They had a ton.  She had to leave, and I couldn't finish, plus one of the machines kept jamming, so I left the office lady, Kathy, with the unfinished stack.  

Before I could leave, I delivered the copies we did get made, took all the copier paper back to the head teacher, cleaned up the mess from making copies, THEN left.  (Oh, and I told the front office I'd make copies for the principal...and I lost the letter I was supposed to copy. I am praying it's where I think it is when I go back later.)  And here I am typing at 12:26, and I have to go back at 1:00 to read to Jonah's class.  Can you tell I'm feeling slighty (MAJORLY) overwhelmed?It is so Monday.  I still have laundry to finish, a house to clean...or at least tidy up....and right now, all I want to do is take a nap.  Lord, grant me strength to finish this day. Then I have to pick up the kids, start dinner, get that cleaned up, and I am having a ladies night out.  This is the part where my eye is starting to twitch.  Ha, not really.  But it's a crazy day.  Not everyday is usually this busy, although most days are.  Just wanted to let you all know what this stay at home mom does almost everyday....and whoever said anything about free time???  What is free time?  So far, I've only had maybe 3 or 4 days of that since school started eight weeks ago.  I really will be o.k. I promise.  Well, maybe........  

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