Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Hubby a great guy.  He truly is.  I wonder if other people see it...but if they don't, then I'm thankful that I do.  The thing that attracted me to him the most was his personality.  It still is.  He can take my bad day and turn it around in 2 minutes flat.   He makes me laugh the most and the our life, but also at each other.  Case in point...this week we both fell.  You all know the graceful fall I took in my driveway.  He did the exact same thing working for the sheriff's department that night.  I told him that it was nice of him to make sure I didn't feel like I was getting all the attention.

The other thing that attracted me to him was the way he helps other people.  The man truly amazes me.  I've never seen something stump him...he can fix anything and everything.  Not only does he do it for us...he does it for others.  He's very generous with his time, and I love him for it.  Maybe this is the reason why we're selfish with our time.  We don't have lots of 'date' nights.  He works a lot of nights and on days when we're all home, he is usually doing something to help someone else.  We just genuinely enjoy being around each other, and we love it most when we're all together.  And we love to hang out with our kids. And we love when they have friends over, especially when they're ones that we can tease and laugh with.

We also happen to think the same.  Just now, we were sitting here watching The Godfather, and when I heard the actual godfather speak, I snickered to myself (or so I thought).  He joined me in laughing and said, "Those people did a great job with Jackson."  I know, you're wondering, "huh???".  But he knew I was laughing at this man's voice because of the impersonation Jackson from Hannah Montana did of him.  I told him I didn't know what I loved more...him knowing what I was laughing at, or him knowing Jackson's name. 

I am so thankful for my marriage to hasn't always been like this, but the older we get, the more I love him.  His face is more familiar to me than my own.  I love every thing about him, and am thankful that God brought us together all those years ago.  This is my Valentine's day tribute to my sweet, wonderful and amazing Superman of a husband.  :)

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