Tuesday, March 8, 2011

thoughts of Spring break

My friend Rene wrote about this and it got me to thinking...what are your favorite things to do on Spring break?

I pray that the weather is nice, for starters.  It stinks being on Spring break when the temps are cold.  I think it was like that last year.  The boys and I went to Spring Hill (near Nashville) to visit my BIL and SIL Tim and Tracy and their boys, and it was freezing!!

That was a fun trip...I'll never forget the day that Nathan had us stop the Target basket and had me pray over him getting his first round of allergy shots.  I so felt like a Pentecostal that day...if you're from my church, you know I say this statement with love.  It was the sweetest thing...he was nervous and had cried that morning and I told him I would pray with him right before he went in, and instead, he just wanted me to do it it Target.  Lol...

Anyway, I thought of that to tell you that last year it was cold on our break.  Hopefully that will not be the case this year.  And I pray that it doesn't rain...however, if it does, we will sure make some great memories!  We're leaving on Sunday to go camping at Natchez Trace.  Hopefully with friends, too, which makes it even better!  So far there's a 20 and 30% chance of rain on Sunday and Monday...which means there's a 70 and 80% chance that it won't.  The temps are supposed to be good, too.  Mid sixties in the day, lower fifties at night.  I am so excited at the thought of a campfire...and s'mores!!!

We'll come back on Tuesday, and that will give us the rest of the week to relax.  I plan on doing just that, too...with not much of a schedule to occupy us, I figure we'll have friends over, hang out at some of our favorite parks, have picnics, maybe go to the zoo...I can't wait.  Just the thought of no structure thrills me.

Well...so I'm sitting here typing this, not watching the time and Graham almost missed his bus.  No joke.  He had to run down the street to catch up with his friend, Kari, so the bus driver would see him!  Lol...whoops...poor kid.  Oh!!!  And speaking of running, they had a make up Lacrosse game last night.  They only lost by one point!  They played really good (said the hubs) and they were very aggressive...which is what the coach has been trying to teach them.  I'm so proud!  I heard Drew made a great move, too...

Well, I have to run.  Laundry and breakfast and lunches are all calling my name...love to all!

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