Monday, July 4, 2011

God Bless America

It's been a different kind of day.  The boys and I are leaving (along with Mimi) to go out of town tomorrow, so I've spent the last couple days cleaning and getting all caught up on laundry.  I've packed for them, for Todd, for me...and I went to Walmart for some snacky things and other last minute items. 

We've watched movies (THEY'VE watched movies...Rocky I, II, and III). 
I finished an amazing book. 
We all had different things for dinner.
Drew was gone most of the day.
I painted my toe-nails and finger-nails.  :)  (Aruba Blue...Essy, not OPI)
I started another book. 
We gave Andy the Wonder Dog a bath.  (He has to be 50 lbs lighter, what with all the hair that came off him.)
Drew took a nap on the couch while watching Rocky III.
I took a nap after my 2:00 lunch.
Todd started Rocky IV.

That's about it.  Exciting, huh?  We did our celebrating Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I am glad we did it that was nice to have this day to get ready for our trip. 

I also picked my thirteenth Bible verse to memorize for this year.  :)  Quite the feat for this tired mama's little brain...I've only been able to do this with God's help.  To Him be the glory.  Want to hear my verse?  (I'm still going to share it, even if you answered 'no'.)

Galatians 6:9  So let's not get tired of doing what is good.  At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.

To me that means for me to keep going.  To keep racing toward that ever-present finish line.  To keep my eye on the prize.  The prize being Jesus.  Eternity.  All the trials in this life, all the troubles, all the hardships are only temporary.  The end is fast approaching, and I pray that I live my life with Heaven in mind.  My eternity.  For when we breathe our last breath here on this earth, our real life will only be beginning. 

I don't know about you, but not only am I thankful for the freedom we have in America, I am most thankful for the freedom that we have in Christ Jesus.  For "if the Son sets you free, you are truly free".  (John 8:36)

Happy Independence day.  God bless America. 

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