Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mixed Emotions

I am so thankful that today is Thursday and we're almost to our weekend.  However, I'm sad that on Saturday, Todd will be leaving for a week.  I always dread when he leaves because of how hard it is on the kids.  Remember that line from Steel Magnolia's when Dolly Parton's character tells M'Lynn that she doesn't let anyone cry alone?  That's me. 

If they cry, I cry.  As I was praying this morning, I got teared up just thinking of what is to come. 

One good thing is my sister Trish is going to ride with us when we take Todd to the airport on Saturday, and then she's spending the night with us.  She's so sweet...I think she's trying to make it less sad for the boys.  I'm thankful for her thoughtfulness. 

I know the week will go by really fast...mine always do, but especially the week he's gone.  My other sister, Debi will be coming home that week, and that will make the time really go fast.  The boys LOVE her (they love all their aunties!!!), and always look forward to when she comes home.  And she's bringing my beautiful niece, Nicole, who just happens to be Graham's and Drew's age.  Mike and Austin (her teenage son) can't come this time. 

Speaking of the sista's...if you are local to me in The Ville and reading this, the sista's and I are hosting a Girls' Night Out...a come and go jewelry party.  Debi sells Silpada and there will be drawings for prizes every 20 minutes.  Come on by and hang out...I created an "event" on facebook that gives the time and location. 

Well.  I guess I'd better get off the blog and get busy with my morning routing.  I hope you have an amazing, blessed day.  Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Great seeing you today and getting to chat a little, amid all of my chaos. ;-)
    Sorry Todd is leaving next week - boo! I can sympathize though. Eric has been gone since Sunday and it stinks!! Luckily, it's been so busy that it has gone by pretty fast. I can't wait to pick him up at the airport tomorrow!! It sounds like you will be having a FUN week though.


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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...