Monday, November 14, 2011


Crash (the dog) had a really bad night Thursday night.  It resulted in my sweet stepdad seeing me very frustrated and a teary phone call to my husband.  I wanted to take him back.  He was torturing Andy the Wonder Dog and he kept peeing all over the downstairs.  I had had it, and Todd told me he would get in touch with his previous owners.  Which he did...and then couldn't get again.  I think they were avoiding us.  I agreed to give the mutt one more week's worth of chances and make a final decision after the week is over.

He's done much better, and I'm managing to tolerate him.  Sometimes.  When he starts bugging Andy, I put him in his kennel.

Friday was a holiday.  We made our annual trek downtown to watch the veteran's day parade.  :)  It was so much fun...and our friends even went with us, making it even more fun.  I took lots of pics, but I'll have to share them later. 

We did the usual weekend things over the weekend, ending with a middle school youth bonfire last night.  Except that it was extremely windy outside and the bonfire had to be held and contained in fire pits.  It worked, though, and the kids didn't mind at all.  They still roasted hot dogs and marshmallows for s'mores, then they all ran around and played hide and go seek. 

Good times were had by all. 

That brings us to today!  I need to go to the grocery store for lunch and dinner things, but I'm going to try and stretch what we have until midweek.  I am sure my husband will appreciate my efforts of not spending a small fortune at the grocery store.  :)  I am dressed and waiting to go to a Young Life banquet that we were invited to tonight.  I can't wait for some adult time...and with my husband and good friends, too!  My sister, Lisa, is taking care of the boys.  We're going to drive by and get Wendy's for them to eat, then they're going to eat at her house. 

What have YOU been up to?  I am so excited for'll be here before we know it, and I can't wait to spend some quality time with family and friends.  I also can't wait for the five day break that comes with it! 

Enjoy your evening at home...and I will enjoy my evening out.  :)  Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that it is you and not me! I don't think I could go through the dog training thing right now! I hope that it continues to get better for you!
    I can't wait to see your pics from Veterans Day. It sounds like you guys always have such a good time!!


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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...