Monday, April 9, 2012


The more time we have off, the faster it goes.  Such is the case for this past Easter weekend.  As fabulous as it was, all good things come to an end. 

But today, being a Monday and all, was really good.  I have nothing to complain about.  I haven't posted about cooking in a long time, but I'm still on the path to making meals almost every night.  Some meals are fancy, some are not.  Some are simple.  Some are difficult.  Aside from tilapia, I've only made one meal twice...and that was the Creamy Chicken Casserole from my Southern Living cookbook.  It was requested. 

Tonight, however...I took the easy way out.  We had breakfast for dinner.  It's been ages since we've had that for dinner, and I do mean ages.  I was going to make eggs, bacon and pancakes, but I decided to just make it bacon and pancakes.  I apologized to the hubby for a not-so-fancy meal, but trust me when I say that nobody was complaining.  Everyone inhaled everything.  Including me...I love pancakes.  What a comfort food they are!

We have such a busy week...multiple practices, games...and now, we've added baseball to the mix!  It's a little crazy in my world right now.  I just keep trying to memorize my calendar that my amazing hubby put onto my phone for me.  :)  God love him...he's a keeper.  I am all about the little acts of kindness, and he is so great about showing me those.  I pray that I treat him the way he needs to be treated...with respect. 

And...did you know that when you treat someone the way you want to be treated, they usually reciprocate??  Just a thought...and one that is very, very simple.  I have to remind myself of this constantly...and then I remind myself of my word for the year (committed), and how I committed to being a more Godly wife and mom this year. 

I've taken to praying this lately:

"Lord, clothe me in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Help me to forgive the grievances of those around me.  Help me to forgive and to love.  Above all, help peace to rule in my heart." 

That's taken straight out of Colossians chapter three.  Verses twelve through fifteen.

Because let's face it.  People annoy me.  I have really bad days and the way the wind blows might irritate me.  But...I have to suck it up and pray through it...and remember that those around me do not deserve to be punished. 

It's humbling.  And I admit it to everyone.  I am flawed.  And I know certain ones around me are the same...and I have to remember this.  It's why I've just started praying that prayer.  Lucky for me, God loves me the way I am.  And when I ask with a sincere heart for Him to change me, He does.  You can't walk with Him and not change.  We're to show to the world what His love looks like...and the last time I checked, He was not crabby.  We should display the fruits of His, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  We can't just pick and choose the ones we show...we're to show all of them.


Anybody with me? 

There are days that I don't know how I can possibly show all those...but you know what I do?  I shut my mouth and just don't say anything.  I don't call anybody, I don't make polite conversation, I just keep to myself and pray my way through it. 

And God never disappoints...He always comes through for me. 

Have you tried Him lately? 

I challenge you to...the only thing you stand to lose is a bad attitude. 

I don't really know why I got off on all usual, my brain works in crazy ways.  But maybe someone needs to read this.  You can join me in my many imperfections!  Can I pray for you? 

Love to all. 


  1. This is a great post. Thanks for sharing. It's true for probably all of us! I know I can relate!

  2. Great post! I think we can all relate to this and we all need the Lord! Thanks for the encouragement. I found you through Titus2sday. :o)

  3. With picky toddlers in my house, breakfast for dinner is a weekly staple and I make no apologies for it : ) It's one of the few things my little ones will eat. I'm just happy to see them put food in their mouth.

    I love your prayer btw.

    I just found you through the time warp wife. I'd love it if you'd stop by and link an encouraging post to my blog.

  4. Thank you, Christy! Whew, I need help most days. I don't know what I would do without a Savior...I pray I never know a day without Him!

    Mooberry Farmwife and KM Logan...thank you so much for stopping by! I will do that, KM...thank you for the invite! Blessings to you all, my friends in Christ!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...