Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Talk about unexpected I got two phone calls at work from the school nurse at CMS.  The first time I talked with her, she said she thought Drew was fine, but that he might just need some medicine.

I left and took him medicine.  I just dropped off two Motrin and left...then felt bad that I didn't stay and see him.  I just knew that if I stayed, he would cry (even more) and I didn't want that for him.  (Sometimes, being a mom just flat out sucks.  You never know if you're doing the right thing.)

So back to work I went.  Thirty minutes later I got my second phone call.  I feel kind of bad, because at this point, I'm thinking the nurse has a flair for being dramatic.  She said herself that she thought he was fine.  Why she called, I have no idea.  Anyway, as I called her, I figured I would just go get him and assess him myself.  I called Todd, and he said the same him once I saw Drew. 

He could move his wrist, but everything really hurt, and at lunch he couldn't even open his fruit roll up.  I called him anyway, and we both agreed it would be best to just take him on in to Ortho One, and have them X-ray him.

I'm so glad we did.

The X-ray didn't show anything, but both the doctor and some other guy that came in thought that he had fractured his growth plate.  It's actually a little swollen in this picture...if you look at his left hand, right above his wrist, you can see a hump.  So...imagine Drew's excitement when the doctor told Drew that he was going to cast his arm.

Drew had already been asking me what color I thought he should get.  And I answered, "Well, Drew, it's probably not broken, so why worry about it?"  Hmm.  He chose maroon.  :-)  For the Dragons, of course. 

He is very proud of this.  And who doesn't love a little extra attention?  Especially in a house full of kids.  It's good for them, every once in a while. 

One more, and I'm off. 

Little cutie.  Well, the kids are outside (half of them, anyway) and at church, the house is quiet, and Johnny Depp Todd is calling my's a Pirates of the Caribbean kind of night...On Stranger Tides.  :-)  Love me some Johnny Todd. 

Love to all!

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