Friday, November 23, 2012

day 23

On behalf of my children, today I am thankful for grandparents.  Not only grandparents, but the involved, amazing grandparents that my kids are so blessed to have! 

I pray that the boys never outgrow getting excited at seeing them~whether it's here at our house or at their house. 

I pray that the boys never act in a way that turns away people~especially their grands.  I pray they always want to be involved and active with them. 

I am thankful that as a result of some pretty amazing grands, that Todd and I got to enjoy a date night tonight. 

Here are a couple of pics of our Range U.S.A. date:

And me? 

I was concentrating on not having a panic attack somewhere behind him.  And covering my ear protection.  They didn't work good enough and every time someone fired a gun, I would jump.

Thanks, Nana and Big Daddy!  We love you! 

Love to all.

1 comment:

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