Friday, February 8, 2013

day 100, Friday

Time spent {semi} alone.  Tonight, it's awfully quiet around my house.  It's just Jonah, Noah and me.  Todd, Graham and Drew are at a weekend-long event at church, Disciple Now. 

I had told the boys they could invite a friend over, but the one they had in mind couldn't come over.  I feel bad for them...they're kind of mopey.  They've become super attached to their older brothers since they've spending twenty-four/seven with them, and to say the miss them tonight is an understatement. 

We went and got Yum's for dinner, a local Chinese take-out restaurant here in The Ville.  We filled our tummies, and now we've settled in to watch The Gameplan. 

It's a quiet night around here.  I'm thankful for the fact that my hubby is so involved with the youth at our church, but I feel sad for the younger boys.  After this weekend, he definitely owes them some quality time. 

I promised Jonah and Noah that since this is a special weekend, they could join me in bed each night.  :)  I never let my kiddos sleep with me, so this is a huge treat for them.  You might want to say a prayer for me, since Jonah hogs the bed and Noah grits his teeth.  Hopefully, I'll get some actual sleep in...if not, I can always turn to my book.

I hope you enjoy your weekend.  Hopefully the mood will lighten around here tomorrow, when all the kids in the neighborhood can play.  Love to all.  

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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...