Friday, February 1, 2013

day 93, Friday

Ahhhh, Friday.  They're not quite as anticipated as they used to be, now that we're always home together.  (Insert smiley face.)  But I do still love them, because it means a weekend full of Todd being home. 

He's so sweet.  I'm making a special dinner for us tomorrow night, since the kids will all be gone, and he knew I needed the ingredients for it pretty early in the day.  A few minutes ago, he told me to make him a list, and he would plan on being at Costco at nine-thirty, when they open, so he could be home within an hour and I could throw it all into the crock pot. 

Happy sigh. 

Isn't he great?  I think I'll keep him around for a while.  :)

Today was a beautifully cold around these parts.  We spent a pretty special day with my dad.  He texted me bright and early this morning, asking if we could go downtown to eat at The Arcade and to the fire museum.  As if I would say no.  We also went the train museum across the street from The Arcade.  It was an amazing day.  I love the cold, cold temperatures!  There's something so refreshing about walking when the air is that cool and crisp.  It's like it clears out your lungs. 

We ordered pizza for dinner.  I invited ourselves over to our neighbor's house.  We ate our pizza with them, and they had meatloaf that Katie made.  I might have rubbed on her baby bump for a while, too.  :)  He's growing quite well, that baby boy.  I can't wait until she has him, so I can hold him in my arms! 

I also saw my sweet friend Sunny tonight.  Her son Andy is Jonah's and Noah's best friend, and they invited him to spend the night. 

It was a blessed day, indeed.  I am thankful for these special moments.  In everything we do, I know that we are creating memories.  I am thankful that I am living my life to the fullest with my precious family.  I am grateful for every single moment that God gives me. 

Happy weekend to you!  Love to all. 

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