Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday What Nots

Today was one of those days that I smile about.  I slept really good last night, so I think that probably had something to do with it.  It was good school-work wise, good food, good amounts of stuff got done {laundry, cleaning, mowing of backyard}, and to top it all off, we're all home together tonight.  Graham and Drew decided to stay home from church~Graham, because of allergies, Drew, just because.

We're taking advantage of us all being at home and are having a family movie night, complete with popcorn and homemade chocolate chip cookies.  :)  Even Todd got home early~right at five o'clock, and here we sit in our jammies together.  Happy sigh.

Do you know what I love?  Sitting in my recliner, looking out our French doors into the backyard and seeing green.  Blessed green...and not bare branches.  I love this time of year~even if my head does feel all wonky.  {Do you like that word?  I made it up.}

We're taking another historical field trip on Friday.  We're going to Shiloh with Big Daddy!  I can't wait.  None of us have ever been before and have been wanting to go for sweet forever.  Expect lots of pictures on Instagram that day!  ;)  I always post to Instagram and then it automatically imports them to Facebook.  Yup, I'm plugged in all the way around in the social media world, hence the reason you see my pictures everywhere.  And we all know that seldom a day goes by without me taking some pictures of something.  Oddly enough, I haven't taken any pictures at all since Monday.  I think that must be some kind of record for me!

Friday will be a looooonnnnng day, because after Shiloh, we have Go Fish at our church.  I promised that we would all be there to work~but at least I won't have to worry about dinner that night.  And it's fun for us all to work these events, they're like major social functions for all of us.  ;)

The news on Facebook {who the heck needs the actual news anymore with Facebook?!} is that more bad news about our local public schools.  With the merger between county and city come major cutbacks~in front office personnel, assistant principals, teacher assistants, library, and, I'm sure, in the cafeteria.  {Chances are, my job old job would have bit the dust by this next school year.}  Along with all these changes come larger classes.  Because that makes perfect sense. 

Have I mentioned how thankful I am that my kids are out of all this mess?  I am.  Our only desire, now, is to sell our house and move to the country.  Not that it's going to happen anytime soon, because we would go upside down.  Trust me~we've talked about it and have seriously contemplated it.  Hopefully in the next year or two we'll be able to do this.  I love my house and I love how it's all painted and decorated, but we do not love being inside of Shelby County.  And we want lots of much so that I almost ache.  I miss all those country noises I grew up with~crickets, cicadas, just quiet.  And I miss seeing the stars...actually seeing them, and not city lights. 

But for now, I pray for patience and contentment.  I know that it'll happen someday, but not a minute before God wants it to.  It's all in His perfect timing.  I remind myself of that daily. 

I hope your Wednesday was wonderful.  :)  Love to all. 

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