Monday, January 20, 2014

writing & picture-ing & telling of the weekend

Good morning!  I hope your weekend was fantabulous!  Ours was, and in the spirit of feeling particularly gracious, I decided to let my kids have this day off from homeschool.  The public school kids are out, so why not?  I was told last night that I'm a nicer mom than my friend was when she homeschooled her kids.  ;)

I thought I would give you a glimpse into our world as we went about another weekend.

Friday night found us eating pizza (which has become our Friday night tradition) and watching Noah play some basketball.  It's so strange to have just one kid playing something, but I really enjoy watching this boy play.  His team and coach are amazing, and yes, I am "that mom" who cheers.  VERY loudly.  ;)

Noah is number twelve and his best buddy, Alex, is number eleven.  Speaking of his buddy, Noah and Jonah are anxiously awaiting his arrival.  They haven't seen him much in the last week, and he's spending the day with us today.  By the way, this game was a nail-biter!  They were ahead, then at the end, the other team started racking up points, but our team pulled it off.  Both teams played really well!

On Saturday morning, after being inspired by my favorite chef on The Food Network (The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond), I made a huge breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, homemade biscuits and blueberry-cheesecake muffins.  We ate at ten-thirty, because Noah had another game at noon.

And this game was even more of a nail-biter than the Friday night game!  They lost for the first time, with the final score of twenty-three to twenty-five.  But again...they played so good!  After the game, all the kids ended up being gone.  I love when that happens!  I took a nap.  ;)  I know~we're such an exciting married couple.

The kids all came back home, Todd left to ride with the sheriff's department that night, and the kids and I headed to Mom's house.  We hadn't been out there since New Year's day, because she has been really sick.  The kids were all thrilled to see her and Big Daddy, and as usual, we had a yummy dinner.  When we were on our way, as I was stopped at a red light, I snapped this picture:

I love this church.  And I love our town.  So small-feeling, and so quaint.  :)

Look at the glorious sunset that God painted for us Saturday night:

Can you even believe this?  Beautiful.

After dinner we came home and loved on Andy the Wonder Dog.  Poor thing had fallen when we first got home and had a hard time getting back up.  Isn't he precious?

God love him.  I talked to an old friend on the phone for an hour and a half (the kids timed me) and then I caught up on The Bachelor.  :)  :)  :)  Happiness in a tv show.

Sunday morning came and we went to church!  I love my church and always look forward to seeing "my" girls.  I was waiting on the kids to come to the car and took a selfie~I know, I know, but seriously, my hair was behaving for once!  I thought I'd snap a quick picture to prove it.

Wide-eyed wonder.

I'm a dork, I know.

How was your weekend?  I pray it was loverly!  Enjoy this day~we sure will be!  I plan on taking my kids to the park sometime soon.

Love to all!

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