Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Everywhere I turn, I am surrounded by thoughts of my family and friends that need prayer.  I thought I would share on here, so you can help me pray.

My oldest sister Teri has been in the hospital since Saturday.  Not just "in the hospital", but in the critical care unit.  She has double pneumonia and even after almost four full days of being in the hospital, there has been minimal improvement in her lungs.  They found out it was viral pneumonia instead of bacterial, and they changed her medication and put her on a liquid diet.

Do you know how serious it is to be in a critical care unit for that long?  It is.  She's also been on oxygen since then.  I cannot even imagine being that sick, and really can't imagine her being so critically ill.  Today, her doctors seem to think there was a very slight improvement in her lungs.  I am so glad to finally hear of some real improvement!  My dad and step-mom left for (near) Asheville, North Carolina almost the minute they found out about her.  I am so glad they've been able to stay nearby for so long, and I know it's a huge relief to my niece Amanda, too.

Another sister, Lisa, is in need of surgery.  Nothing too major, but surgery, all the same.  I'm praying for her to have wisdom and discernment on the when and where of it all.

My friend Andrea's mom-in-law is having brain surgery next week....she has had a couple of aneurysms and is having something done about them next week.  My friend needs strength and energy and her time to be multiplied as she goes through this with her.  Her husband, my friend's father-in-law, passed away last year.  They had three kids~a son here, a daughter here and another daughter who lives out of town.  Most of this is falling on my friend's shoulders.

My neighbors have been so sick!  They have had some sort of a stomach thing going on for almost two weeks now.  One of their nephews had it, then Katie, then Travis, then the nephew again, and now Katie again.  I have no idea what they have, but they need major prayer!

Another friend is going through issues with her heart right now, and is wearing a monitor to try to get to the bottom of it all.

After writing all this, my little problems are nothing.  Please, if you are the praying type, join me in praying for all of them!  There's other things, too, that I didn't mention, but God knows.  I'm thankful for Him to lean on in times like these...He knows all these needs.  Thanks for reading, and for praying.  Love to all!


  1. I am believing God with you! God is able and it is so in Jesus name Amen!


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