Wednesday, November 5, 2014

mid-week random

It's been a good week around these parts.  My definition of a "good" week often consists of days when my plans are laid aside.  I am often reminded in our homeschooling journey that flexibility is crucial.  Almost every single day, something happens that I didn't plan for, and I've learned to become okay with it.

I love my husband for many reasons, but one of the main things I most love about him is that he is not particular when it comes to dinner.  I was not feeling great Monday night, so our dinner was mundane.  I redeemed myself last night, though, and we had taco Tuesday.  He never complains about what I make each night.  Never.  And if something isn't that great, when I ask him about it (and only when I ask him!), he might say, "It wasn't my favorite, but it was okay."

God love this man of mine.

He did love taco Tuesday, though.  :)  And speaking of husbands, I saw this image on Facebook this week and loved it.

I have routines for certain days of the week, and this week has been a little off.  For instance, on Monday's, I always straighten up and vacuum the downstairs.  Things get all out of whack over the weekend, and rather than stress about it all weekend, I just let it go and deal with it Monday.  That didn't really happen this week.  Another thing I do is polish my fingernails twice each week~on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday afternoon.  We don't get out all that much until Wednesday night and are busy from then on until Sunday night.  It just works for me.

This young fella has been feeling mighty frisky lately.

Seriously, he's been doing great lately.  He has had tons of energy, he's been more "social" lately and he has been coming up to us, wanting to be loved on.  Tomorrow before we go to our homeschool group, we are dropping him off at the vet's office for some dental work.  Andy the Wonder Dog turns twelve this December.  :)  I love that he and Jonah and Noah have grown up together.

Yesterday, I cried all morning.  Noah is such a precious child, one with the kindest heart.  He gave the very last of his money to Graham and Drew, to put toward their mission trip funds.  Money is hard to come by when you're young, and the fact that he would willingly give what he had away makes my heart swell.  I am ninety five percent sure that one of his top spiritual gifts is the gift of giving.  Nobody gives as much as Noah.

Because of his kindness, Drew asked if I would take them to Chick Fil A so he could buy him lunch.  Then Graham bought Jonah's lunch, too.  And I went out on a lunch date with one of my most favorite people in all of the world.

Abbey.  :)  These were our excited faces, because as we were driving through the town square, we saw a truck with men hanging Christmas lights.  We LOVE Christmas!  Seriously.  And the fact that we would see this together just made it all the more perfect.

This weekend is the girl's retreat for our youth girls at church.  I am so excited about this!  I get to see this lady lots more over the next few days, and I get to love on some teenagers.  And hopefully I'll get at least a little bit of sleep.

Yesterday I had a couple of errands to run, so I had Graham drop me off at the library.  I finally decided that I needed to read the sequel to one of the books I read by Francine Rivers a couple years ago.

It's so good!  I'm already halfway through it.  I stayed up till midnight reading last night.

And then I went to vote.

It is such a privilege to vote!  I am thankful that we have this right, and yesterday morning, I spent some time in prayer over our nation and our city and state.

Today is rainy and chilly.  I let the kids sleep in and I've enjoyed multiple cups of coffee.

A perk of homeschooling is getting to stay inside on days like today.  Trust me when I say that I thank God for the opportunity that I have to be a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom.  My husband works hard to provide for us, and though we give up some comforts that working parents have, we are all thankful that we have this chance.  I do not take it for granted.

Well.  I need to get a move on today, laundry is calling!  I hope your day is great.  Love to all!

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