Monday, January 19, 2015

weekend fun

This weekend, the weather has been gorgeous!  Better than the warmer temps, though, is the beautiful sunshine I have been waking up to every day.  It's the small things in life that make me happy, and sunshine is one of them.  It almost makes me ready for spring.  Almost.  But I'm not quite done with winter yet, so I won't rush time by saying that.

Needless to say, Friday was a great day to get out of the house.  My dad and I took the boys to the zoo and there was NOBODY there.  Seriously, we had almost the whole place to ourselves.  It was awesome.

I don't know when my boys got so big.  Jonah and Noah are getting so tall, and though it's fun being a mom of older kids, I sometimes miss them being so little.  I saw lots of moms there Friday, pushing strollers around, and I was flooded with memories of them being in our twin stroller.  I love that they still love going to the zoo, though.  I'm not sure who likes it more~the boys or my dad and me.  It was the perfect day.

The zoo is also the perfect place for one to use his selfie stick.

This little guy didn't know what the thing was that Drew was holding, but he wanted it.

Friday night kind of turned into a flop.  Graham and Drew went to a friend's house, and the rest of us were going to grab a bite to eat, but I got sick to my stomach and had to come back home.  I didn't feel good the rest of the night, but woke up feeling fine by Saturday.  Thank goodness, because I really wanted to see my mom.

She picked me up and we started off by eating lunch at one of our favorite spots.

She's been really sick and I haven't seen her in a few weeks.  We ate lunch, we went to my favorite book store (The Book Depot~I traded in some books and got a $41 credit!), we went to Costco (and got into a little fender bender) then headed home.  Seriously~an employee in the car department of Costco backed into Mom's car.

Thankfully it wasn't too bad and will just have to be buffed out.  But still.  What a bummer.  After that Mom brought me home and I made some cookies to take to our friend's house that night.  And Jonah and Noah got a new leopard gecko, that doesn't look so much like a leopard.  His name is Rango.

And he's tiny!  He's also a bit spastic, so he kinda freaks me out.

We had fun with friends Saturday night!  And the kids had a blast being with so many other kids.

And Sunday was church.  We had lunch with some friends afterward, came home for a couple of hours, had to be back at church by 4:30 then finished at community group.  Whew.  Thankfully I was able to have an hour long nap.  :)

I am so glad for another day of sunshine.  And some really fun plans today~but more about that tomorrow.  (And I love that my boy smiled in this picture with his "friend".)

It was an awesome weekend.  I hope yours was too.  Love to all!

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