Monday, February 9, 2015

a little weekend stuff

Friday night found me all alone.  !!!  That rarely happens, when you're a homeschool mom.  :)  Todd, Jonah and Noah went on a one night camping trip, and Graham and Drew were invited to a sweet sixteen birthday party.  (It's weird that all their friends are driving!  And ridiculously scary.)  I seized the opportunity and invited my best friend out to dinner.  We always have so much fun catching up.

After I took her back home, I went to pick up the older boys and stayed and talked to my friend for a bit.  And a few minutes usually turns into an hour.  It's like we never see each other and we always have so much to say that it takes forever.  Ha!  Teenage kid problems.

Saturday was so lazy and amazing.  I did laundry and cleaned a bit, then I just watched television and finished reading a book~Keep It Shut, by Karen Ehman.  I took a few notes.


In taking notes, I found a surprise in my Post It Notes from Drew.

I love that kid.

I started another book right after finishing Keep It Shut.

I'm halfway through this already.  It's that good.

It was the greatest day.  I'm on a nonfiction kick with books right now, so that's all I've been reading.  I forced myself to put the book down, then we went to my mom and step-dad's house for dinner.  Minus Todd and Graham, but plus a friend.

Aren't they cute??  And yes, they are the same age.  This is their friend Cole.

It was a fun night.  Yesterday was church, and while it was amazing, it was also very emotional.  Our youth pastor and his family are moving to Virginia!  While we will miss them so much, I am excited for them and for the person God has in mind to fill the new slot.  I bawled all morning because I am really going to miss the wife in this family and their kids, and her hubby is so good at making sure all his leaders are fed spiritually.  He is a wonderful shepherd of the flock.  I know the Lord already has someone in mind, and that's exciting, but it's definitely bittersweet.  I also cried because everyone else was, and I am an sympathetic crier.  You cry, I cry.  That's all there is to it.

In our Bible fellowship class time, Mrs. Audrey came to see us.  It was one year to the day of when we met her and her sweet husband, Mr. Frank.

That was a day I will never forget.

Special times, indeed.

It was a great weekend with some sad moments, but it was still great.  And God is so good.  I hope you had a great one as well!  Love to all.

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