Tuesday, February 3, 2015

catching up

Wow.  A lot has happened since last Wednesday.  I'll hit the highlights.

Thursday was awesome at Renewed Moms.  I took a picture of my boys being gentlemen on the way in.  I had a ton of stuff that day, and before I knew it, all of them disappeared with all my bags.  :)  Sweet boys that my hubby taught well.

When I got home, I had a new book waiting on me!  Blogging For Books gave me Love Without Limits to read and review on my blog.  So consider yourself warned.

Friday we went to Evergreen Presbyterian Church to hear the Memphis Symphony Orchestra play bits and pieces of Handel's Messiah.  There was even a chamber choir.  It was amazing!  My mom in love went with us and afterward, we ate lunch at my kids' favorite chicken joint~Abner's.

Friday night and all day Saturday was spent at a conference with some youth leaders from our church.  I took one picture.  One.

It was awesome, and all about discipleship.  I've been sharing nuggets of good stuff with my boys each day.

Saturday night we went to my mom's and step dad's for dinner for the first time since Christmas.  No joke.  It was good seeing them again!

Sunday~church!  My favorite day of the week.

We had someone take our picture Sunday morning.  :)  I adore them.  And these four girls are crazy and hilarious and only a small part of who was at our super bowl party Sunday night at community group.  We laughed and laughed and laughed some more.  I know I say it often, but seriously.  I love teenagers!

Yesterday was beautiful and the boys were outside a lot, in between school subjects.  And Todd hung a new tire swing this weekend!  They love it.

I had to take a clean hair selfie, because last night I washed my hair for the first time in five days.  Curly hair problems~I can't wash it that often because of how bad it dries it out, so I use detangler and a little conditioner on the in-between days.  :)  I went to bed with wet hair and it finally dried by this afternoon.  (I try not to use the hairdryer.)

Today's lunch consisted partly of fresh pineapple.  I took this picture and Drew said to title it hashtag Transformation Tuesday.  He's crazy.  But I did.  I also spent thirty five minutes standing at the sink peeling carrots.  That was my lunch~carrots and a banana.  And I made Jonah some more of his favorite no bake cookies.  Because he keeps eating them all.

I scheduled Graham's driving test today and I journaled about a dream I had last night.  It was a sweet and romantic dream about my husband, but the Lord turned it into a metaphor for me this morning and I wrote it down before I forgot.  And I've not journaled in a while, so I'm starting again.  I've been writing lots today, including some verses that jumped out at me.

So that's what we've been up to.  And why I haven't been on the blog for a few days.  I hope your week is going good!  Love to all.

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